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Revision mat Unit 6

revision mat

huashux bnjfef

10 Dokumente
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Managing Change

####### All businesses need to manage change

####### to survive, Taking into account cost,

####### feasibility and impact on employees

####### and customers.

#######  Internal (growth, decline, de-

####### mand for skills, cash flow)/ Ex-

####### ternal factors of change

####### (PESTLE)

#######  Stakeholders who influence

####### change ( owners, managers,

####### customers, regulators,

####### financial institution,

####### employees)

Types of Training
Training can be internal/ external or on/off the job, Mentor-
ing, Coaching. Performance Appraisal, individual and group

Quality Management

Quality control is the process of ensuring that prod-
ucts have standard or uniform quality. It aims to reduce any
problems before a product reaches the end of the produc-
tion cycle. All employees have to be committed to control-
ling the quality for it to be effective
Quality Assurance—This looks at guaranteeing all

####### stages in the production process leading to high quality

####### products

 The emphasis is on preventing mistakes
 Self checking is a key part of quality assurance

####### Self checking is where workers check their own work

Labour turnover is defined as the proportion of a firm's
workforce that leaves during the course of a year. business
can improve its employee retention by offering: Financial
Incentives e. bonus, salary rise) Non-financial incentives (e.
promotion, more decision making power) High Labour turnover
rates can be caused by Low levels of motivation in the work place,
and can in turn increase a businesses
Labour turnover Calculation =
Number of employees left / total
number of employees x 100
Government Regulations (UK)
 The UK government
have a number of regu-
lations and standards
regarding quality
 These include: ISO –ISO
9000 and ISO 14000
are quality standards business
have to adhere to
British Standards Institution (BSI)

Theories of Motivation

Maslow-psychological needs of employees.
Maslow put forward a theory that there are
five levels of human needs.
Herzberg-close links with Maslow and be-
lieved in a two-factor theory of motivation.
Factors that directly motivate employees to
work harder (Motivators) and actors that
would de-motivate an employee if not present but
would not in themselves actually motivate em-
ployees to work harder (Hygiene factors)
FW Taylor-workers are motivated mainly by pay.
close supervision and control .Workers are then
paid according to the number of items they pro-
duce in a set period of time- piece-rate pay. As a
result workers are encouraged to work hard and
maximise their productivity
E. Mayo - workers are not just concerned with
money but could be better motivated by having
their social needs met at work.





The Principles

of Management

The Definitions of Management

Management by Objectives– Agreeing objectives to

achieve consistency

Situational and contingency—situation related to leaders personal-

ity, changing behaviour to match situation

Functional and Action Centred—the roles of a manager are to

achieve task, manage individuals and manage team

Transformational –investing to achieve longer term benefits

Transactional– quick respond, short term goals, following process

Functions of Management

Planning, organising, Co-ordinating, Monitoring,


Functions of Leadership

Inspiring, Energising, Influencing Stakeholders, En-

visioning, Determining best path for success

Business Culture - The attitudes, beliefs, values and norms of the firm Staff

####### who feel valued and want to work for a firm that perhaps promotes excellence or

####### quality in their culture, will boost staff motivation as they will want to be seen as part of

####### a successful or innovative company.

#######  Business culture is determined by its VISION, MISSION, and VALUES.

#######  Business culture influences policies and procedures

#######  Business culture influences and affects management style and structure

Management and Lead-

ership Skills

 Setting Objectives

 Motivating

 Decision Making

 Team building

 Leading by example

 Consulting

 Problem solving

 Valuing and supporting


 Managing conflict

 Building positive rela-


Management and Leadership styles
Autocratic-enforcing authority, strict,
power, control
Democratic-participation from others,
seeking ideas, problem solving.
Paternalistic– large family, manger
acting as paternal/maternal figure
Laissez faire– Hands off, feeling
of freedom, creative, however
slow productivity
Transactional-participative, goal orien-
tated, directive, supportive.
Transformational– developing individu-
als, transform business by investing in
employees, long term.
Charismatic– engages and moti-
vates through personal attitude to
TIP Each Management style has
pros and cons– Research each of

Managing Human Resources

Human Resources– HR department oversees
various aspects of employment; compliance
with labour law ,employment standards, ad-
ministration, recruitment and dismissal. The
staff at a business are considered a resource
as they are a factor of productivity.
Labour Market Analyses - Many factors influ-
ence how many people a business is willing
and able to take on. But we start with the
most obvious – the wage rate or salary. If the
wage rate is high, it is more costly to hire ex-
tra employees
 Business need to forecast

Six Stigma -

####### Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-

####### driven approach and methodology

####### for eliminating defects (driving to-

####### ward six standard deviations be-

####### tween the mean and the nearest

####### specification limit) in any

####### process – from manufacturing

####### to transactional and from product to

####### service. The statistical representa-

####### tion of Six Sigma describes quantita-

####### tively how a process is performing.

####### To achieve Six Sigma, a process must

####### not produce more than 3 defects

####### per million opportunities. A Six Sig-

1. Information /data analysis and interpretation– you need to make sustained references to

the case studies which are entirely relevant in context, your approach should lead to rele-

vant and balanced conclusions

2. Key Principles of Management—There should be comprehensive coverage of relevant ra-

tionalised key management principles In context and linked to business goals

3. Suggested Alternative management approaches—Suggested alternative approaches to

management should be appropriate and applied in context and a balanced justification for

alternative measures made, in context of business goals.

4. Structure/Presentation The response should be well written and have a logical structure

applying a variety of relevant management principles and concepts.



Revision Strategy

War dieses Dokument hilfreich?

Revision mat Unit 6

Fach: huashux bnjfef

10 Dokumente
Studierenden haben 10 Dokumente in diesem Kurs geteilt
War dieses Dokument hilfreich?
Managing Change
All businesses need to manage change
to survive, Taking into account cost,
feasibility and impact on employees
and customers.
Internal (growth, decline, de-
mand for skills, cash flow)/ Ex-
ternal factors of change
Stakeholders who influence
change ( owners, managers,
customers, regulators,
financial institution,
Types of Training
Training can be internal/ external or on/off the job, Mentor-
ing, Coaching. Performance Appraisal, individual and group
Quality Management
Quality control is the process of ensuring that prod-
ucts have standard or uniform quality. It aims to reduce any
problems before a product reaches the end of the produc-
tion cycle. All employees have to be committed to control-
ling the quality for it to be effective
Quality AssuranceThis looks at guaranteeing all
stages in the production process leading to high quality
The emphasis is on preventing mistakes
Self checking is a key part of quality assurance
Self checking is where workers check their own work
Labour turnover is defined as the proportion of a firm's
workforce that leaves during the course of a year. business
can improve its employee retention by offering: Financial
Incentives e.g. bonus, salary rise) Non-financial incentives (e.g.
promotion, more decision making power) High Labour turnover
rates can be caused by Low levels of motivation in the work place,
and can in turn increase a businesses
costs .
Labour turnover Calculation =
Number of employees left / total
number of employees x 100
Government Regulations (UK)
The UK government
have a number of regu-
lations and standards
regarding quality
These include: ISO –ISO
9000 and ISO 14000.These
are quality standards business
have to adhere to
British Standards Institution (BSI)
Theories of Motivation
Maslow-psychological needs of employees.
Maslow put forward a theory that there are
five levels of human needs .
Herzberg-close links with Maslow and be-
lieved in a two-factor theory of motivation.
Factors that directly motivate employees to
work harder (Motivators) and actors that
would de-motivate an employee if not present but
would not in themselves actually motivate em-
ployees to work harder (Hygiene factors)
FW Taylor-workers are motivated mainly by pay.
close supervision and control .Workers are then
paid according to the number of items they pro-
duce in a set period of time- piece-rate pay. As a
result workers are encouraged to work hard and
maximise their productivity
E. Mayo -workers are not just concerned with
money but could be better motivated by having
their social needs met at work .
The Principles
of Management
The Definitions of Management
Management by Objectives Agreeing objectives to
achieve consistency
Situational and contingency—situation related to leaders personal-
ity, changing behaviour to match situation
Functional and Action Centred—the roles of a manager are to
achieve task, manage individuals and manage team
Transformational –investing to achieve longer term benefits
Transactional quick respond, short term goals, following process
Functions of Management
Planning, organising, Co-ordinating, Monitoring,
Functions of Leadership
Inspiring, Energising, Influencing Stakeholders, En-
visioning, Determining best path for success
Business Culture - The attitudes, beliefs, values and norms of the firm Staff
who feel valued and want to work for a firm that perhaps promotes excellence or
quality in their culture, will boost staff motivation as they will want to be seen as part of
a successful or innovative company.
Business culture is determined by its VISION, MISSION, and VALUES.
Business culture influences policies and procedures
Business culture influences and affects management style and structure
Management and Lead-
ership Skills
Setting Objectives
Decision Making
Team building
Leading by example
Problem solving
Valuing and supporting
Managing conflict
Building positive rela-
Management and Leadership styles
Autocratic-enforcing authority, strict,
power, control
Democratic-participation from others,
seeking ideas, problem solving.
Paternalistic large family, manger
acting as paternal/maternal figure
Laissez faire Hands off, feeling
of freedom, creative, however
slow productivity
Transactional-participative, goal orien-
tated, directive, supportive.
Transformational developing individu-
als, transform business by investing in
employees, long term.
Charismatic engages and moti-
vates through personal attitude to
TIP Each Management style has
pros and cons Research each of
Managing Human Resources
Human Resources HR department oversees
various aspects of employment; compliance
with labour law ,employment standards, ad-
ministration, recruitment and dismissal. The
staff at a business are considered a resource
as they are a factor of productivity.
Labour Market Analyses -Many factors influ-
ence how many people a business is willing
and able to take on. But we start with the
most obvious – the wage rate or salary. If the
wage rate is high, it is more costly to hire ex-
tra employees
Business need to forecast
Six Stigma -
Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-
driven approach and methodology
for eliminating defects (driving to-
ward six standard deviations be-
tween the mean and the nearest
specification limit) in any
process – from manufacturing
to transactional and from product to
service. The statistical representa-
tion of Six Sigma describes quantita-
tively how a process is performing.
To achieve Six Sigma, a process must
not produce more than 3.4 defects
per million opportunities. A Six Sig-