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Sport Coaching Notes
Keywords/ Topics Explanation/ Examples
Social media
Web space
Web Address
Real- Time
Tools and
Video Sharing
- Can be defined as a way to interact with others through
internet-based applications. Social media is used to connect
with new and existing clients and customers and advise them
of special promotions,sales and other important information.
- Simply this means that the applications must provide users
with storage space for data on the internet.
- The applicants should provide users with a unique web
address that forms part of their identity.
- Social media applicants should enable users to create a
unique profile. Through this they can upload photos, video, or
live. But also share their personal informations such as name,
date of birth, where they went to school, where they work etc.
- Social media platforms allow users to connect and interact
with one another.
- Users should be able to upload content in real- time,
Including text, Images, videos and audio files.
- social media should allow people to socialise through
interacting and conversation.
- Posts and uploads should be time-stamped with the date and
the time they were uploaded or recorded.
- Is where a short concise message is shared with an online
audience. Through short sentences like images, video links
and audio.
- sites that allow users to share video content. This is mostly
widely used video sharing sites such as youtube, Vimeo, Tik
Tok, instagram stories and facebook lives.
- Messaging sites and applicants allow users to instantly
message individuals or groups of people through the internet.
- Is where users connect and stay connected with friends,