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The Effect of Using Pair Rehearsal Technique Toward Students’ Speaking Participation at

Financial Accounting

Financial Accounting (ACC514)

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Academic year: 2022/2023
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The Effect of Using Pair Rehearsal Technique Toward Students’ Speaking Participation at XI IPA Class of SMA Negeri 06 Kota Bengkulu

Lia Christina Gultom English Education Study Program, Language and Art Department, University of Bengkulu liachristina28@gmail

Hilda Puspita English Education Study Program, Language and Art Department, University of Bengkulu puspitahilda@gmail

Gita Mutiara Hati English Education Study Program, Language and Art Department, University of Bengkulu gitawitanto@gmail


The objective of this research was to investigate whether or not there was an effect of the implementation of Pair Rehearsal Technique toward students’ speaking participation in grade eleventh students of SMA Negeri 06 Kota Bengkulu and to investigate the tendency of the students’ speaking participation. Designed as pre- experimental research as pre-treatment and post-treatment group, and examined a sample of one class of grade eleventh IPA students of SMA Negeri 06 Kota Bengkulu. Simple random sampling was a technique to take the sample by shaking dice randomly. XI IPA C was out of four classes. The data were collected through an observation checklist and video recording. The result of this research showed positive effect on students’ speaking participation in verbal from one student toward five students. There was decrease among the group of low participation students from 97% to 86%. Meanwhile students’ speaking participation in non-verbal from four students toward nine students. There was decrease among the group of low participation students from 89% to 75%.

Key words: Effect, pair rehearsal technique, speaking participation


Many techniques can be applied in teaching speaking to overcome the difficulty and to help increasing the ability of speaking that felt by students. One of them is cooperative learning. Cooperative learning has many techniques that are useful to

increase the development of speaking that do by the students. It can also help passive students to become active students. Richard and Rebecca (2007) explain that, cooperative learning is an approach to group work that minimizes the occurrence of those unpleasant situations and maximizes the learning and satisfaction that result from working on a high-performance team. When the students work individually, they are easier to get confused and give up while; working cooperatively, the students keep going. Students working alone may tend to delay completing assignments, but when they know that others are also working on them, they are motivated to do the work in a timely manner. There are many techniques of cooperative learning, for examples; role play, jigsaw, group investigation, think pair share, number heads together, pair checks, guided note taking, pair rehearsal, and so on. Some of these techniques have ever been researched in the world among them are (Utama, et al, 2013), (Asrobi, et al, 2013), (Sujiyanto, et al, 2012), (Sailun, et al, 2013), (Sidik, 2013). They investigated whether or not cooperative learning techniques give the effect to students’ self- confidence, speaking competency, or ability even improving natural science. All results of the research proved that cooperative learning techniques were good to be applied in teaching speaking especially in improving students’ self-confidence, speaking competency or ability and psychomotor subject such as science. Pair rehearsal has different procedures than other cooperative learning strategies. In applying pair rehearsal technique, there is the most important part to be known. It has two characters when students are doing this technique. If one student becomes a demonstrator and the other should be a corrector. When they have finished the topic that decided before, the pair must be exchanged. Then, the second demonstrator demonstrates what they have discussed. Therefore, each pair feels each character. The advantages from this technique are the students can discuss the material and practice together. The condition will give positive effect to the students in order to make them be courageous and confidence when they are practicing the topic by speaking. The pair pushes the students to work together without standing independently. It also supports the students to discuss about the topic and practice together. Pair rehearsal technique is one of techniques where the students worked with partner and convey the information alternately about the materials that have learned as stated by Suprijono (2009). Unfortunately, the study about pair rehearsal in students’ speaking participation is still not exists. The researcher tries to conduct this research to find out whether this technique will give effect or not to students’ speaking participation. It was found in the researcher’s observation in the process of teaching and learning English in SMA Negeri 06 Kota Bengkulu when the researcher did the third internship, students’ participation in speaking English was low. The researcher observed the learning process that happened in the real situation. Most of them learned English passively. They tend to become silent until there was no respond from students when the teacher asked them about some questions that related to the material. The researcher interviewed them, they said that they were afraid and shy to speak English because they did not know how to begin the conversation and afraid of making mistakes.

This research was pre – experimental quantitative research design with one group pre- treatment and post-treatment design. The students as the sample of the research got the treatment of implementing pair rehearsal technique. Pre – experimental research was the simplest form of experimental research design. In a pre – experiment design, Sugiyono (2016) states that either a single group or multiple groups are observed subsequent to some treatment presumed to cause change. The population of this research was XI IPA class of SMA Negeri 06 Kota Bengkulu, in the academic year of 2016/ 2017. SMA Negeri 06 Kota Bengkulu was one of favorite Senior High Schools in Bengkulu city. Simple random sampling was a technique to take the sample by shaking dice randomly. The sample of this research was one class selected; XI IPA C out of four classes. In this research, the researcher used observation checklist as the primary instrument to collect the data and find out students’ speaking participation. The researcher asked two co – researchers to help collecting the data, they were English teacher, and an English student. Technique how to analyze the data was quantitative data by using discussion about the effect of using pair rehearsal toward speaking participation


The Analysis of the Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment The researcher analyzed the observation checklist and watched video recording results to see whether the treatment gave any effect or not. The effect of the number of students’ speaking participation can be seen in the following table:

Table 4. The Comparison of the Number of Students in Speaking Participation Pre- Treatment and Post-Treatment in Verbal Participation

VERBAL PARTICIPATION Pre-Treatment Post-Treatment Classifi cation of Speaking Participation

Th e Number of Students


Classifi cation of Speaking Participation


he Number of Students


Very High 1



Very High 3



High 0 0 High 2



Low 4


1 Low 8



Very Low





Very Low















Table 5. The Comparison of the Number of Students in Speaking Participation Pre- Treatment and Post-Treatment in Non-Verbal Participation

NON – VERBAL PARTICIPATION Pre-Treatment Post-Treatment Classifi cation of Speaking Participation


he Number of Students


Classifi cation of Speaking Participation


he Number of Students


Very High 1



Very High 5



High 3


.33 High 4



Low 2


.55 Low





Very Low





Very Low















Based on data analysis, the followings are the findings of the research. The analysis of hypothesis according to the table above showed that the null hypothesis (H 0 ) was rejected and (H 1 ) was accepted. It means that there is an effect of the implementation of pair rehearsal technique toward students’ speaking participation. The effect will be explained in verbal and non-verbal participation of score in total frequency and percentage in speaking participation classification. In pre- treatment the frequency of gestures was 25, facial expression was 11, commenting was 8, of answering question was 15, and asking question was 0. After comparing the frequency in pre-treatment and post-treatment, it was found that there were a small improvement which was showed by the frequency of gestures which was 31 times and a significant improvement which was showed by the frequency of facial expression which was 60 times, frequency of commenting which was 12 times, a big improvement of asking question frequency which was 13 times, and a small improvement of answering question frequency which was 20 times. Two tables above showed that 36 students of pre-treatment in which 1 student (2%) classified as very high, no students (0%) classified as high, 4 students (11%) classified as low, and 31 students (86%) classified as very low in verbal participation. In non-verbal participation, there was 1 student (2%) which classified as very high, 3 students (8%) classified as high, 2 students (5%) classified as low and 30 students (83%) classified as very low. Meanwhile, post-treatment was increasing the percentage verbal and non- verbal participation compared to pre-treatment. In post-treatment, there were 3 students (8%) classified as very high, 2 students (5%) classified as high, 8 students (22%) classified as low and 23 students (63%) classified as very low in verbal participation. In non-verbal participation, there were 5 students (13%) classified as

Verbal and Non-verbal Participation The effect of students’ speaking participation in verbal and non-verbal participation in the classroom is the acts of involvement in the speaking activities. The acts of speaking participation in speaking activities were operationally defined as verbal participation and non-verbal participation. The act of verbal participation includes giving comment, asking questions, and answering question about the related topic that discussed. Non-verbal participation refers to the acts of gestures such as hand rising, head shaking, head nodding, and facial expression such as smile and puzzled. The findings from the observation revealed some interesting results. The effect of Pair Rehearsal technique toward students’ speaking participation was a little bit increasing in verbal participation and big increasing in non-verbal participation from pre-treatment to the post-treatment. As the result, on group of high participation in verbal participation from one toward five students. In percentage means from 2 % toward 14%. Meanwhile, on the group of low in verbal participation from 35 students to 31 students. It showed decrease from 97% toward 86%. On the other hand, on group oh high non-verbal participation from four students toward nine students. Meanwhile, on the group of low in non-verbal participation from 32 students to 27 students. It showed decrease from 89% toward 75%. Then, if we could compare those groups of findings, we can see that there was a slight increase in the number of students as the effect on students’ participation in verbal and non-verbal in speaking. It does also happen to the other around on the low group of students there was a decrease although not much. It can be said that, if students in XI IPA C regarded as passive students because the whole students tend to become non-verbal participant. Nevertheless, the most striking effect occurred in non-verbal participation. XI IPA C revealed that the students are not verbal participant. The result of the observation checklist showed that the students in pre-treatment were involved in various acts of non-verbal participation. They were quite high in non-verbal participation such as giving smile, showing puzzled expression, and head nodding. They more often to show smiling, puzzled expression, head nodding and head shaking than hand rising to give comment, asked question, or answered the question in process learning. Meanwhile in the post-treatment, even though the percentage of totally frequency in non-verbal participation was increased, students more often to smile and raised hand to give comment, asked question, or answered the question rather than showed their puzzled expression, and head shaking. It supported by Abdullah (2011) stated that, the forms of participation, the students could be categories as either participation in active and passive participant. When students were in the classroom, they were more into listening and note taking. Only some of the students in each classroom were involved in the active participation category such as asking questions, giving opinions, or discussing the topics of the lecture. Simply defined also, we can know what is the tendency of students’ speaking participation is in the classroom. The understanding on the tendency of students’ speaking participation in the classroom will help teachers to plan and create a fun learning environment. Teachers must be encouraged to use various techniques to stimulate verbal participation. Let students to discuss more with another student than just memorize. The fun activities will be more interactive, creative and must give

stimulant students to participate. Teachers must be encouraged to use various techniques to stimulate verbal participation. In the fact, non-verbal participation more usual showed by many students than verbal participation. In Indonesia, the tendency of speaking participation was passive in verbal participation. It could not be denied, if there were still many students who participate actively in speaking non-verbally because English was not the mother tongue of Indonesia. English was a foreign language that becomes an additional lesson for students. Thus, many students cannot master English like native speakers and still look stiff in speaking English. Cultures differences in Educational system could influence students’ learning styles especially in speaking ability and participation. As we knew, Asian students and Western students had different systems in learning. As a habit, Asian students would seldom to disagree with what teachers say. They readily followed their teachers’ orders and never brave to correct their teachers’ errors. As stated by Joyce Lin (2008), teaching and learning in Asian also focus on exam oriented. Teachers have to rush through the textbooks prepare students to sit for the test. Students tend to memorize than understanding deeper. It created students only accepted the knowledge of teachers and less to express their opinions verbally. Consequently, students in Indonesia were more passive in verbal participation and tend to be active in non-verbal participation. In contrast, as Kruger et al (1990) stated, Western students were not afraid to express their thoughts and opinion. They were full with criticisms, if a teacher comes to school unprepared and will not able to hold students’ attention and respect. Asian students made to memorize the lessons. Focus on definitions, rules, procedures, concepts, reading selections. Students would seldom to let free in choosing and learning anything. As the result, students who failed to memorize could say as a failed student in learning process. Test was measurement the ability of students. Meanwhile, Western students were not given much opportunity to memorize. They trained to develop deeper understanding and apply what they have learned to real life situations. Because of these habits, Asian students especially in Indonesia could be regard as a passive student or active in non-verbal participation. Comparing to the previous study, the similarity between Sailun et al (2013), students' speaking ability in MTs LKMD Klasikan was lower before giving treatment. Students were passive rather than active. Students were afraid of making mistakes to speak. However, after being given treatment pair rehearsal, it made students’ speaking ability was more enhance. Because, pair rehearsal would help students to practice before they shared their understanding. Nevertheless, the variable that observed was different. The previous researchers focused to know speaking ability, while this research just focused to know speaking participation of the students. Therefore, the result has different explanation.


This research was conducted for 36 students of grade XI IPA C at SMA Negeri 06 Kota Bengkulu who were identified as low participation in speaking. The main purpose of this research was to know the effect of Pair Rehearsal Technique toward students’ speaking participation in verbal and non-verbal participation. Concerning to the research, students’ speaking participation at XI IPA C class at SMA Negeri 06 Kota Bengkulu known that the effect of this technique made verbal participation and non-

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The Effect of Using Pair Rehearsal Technique Toward Students’ Speaking Participation at

Course: Financial Accounting (ACC514)

73 Documents
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The Effect of Using Pair Rehearsal Technique Toward Students’ Speaking Participation at
XI IPA Class of SMA Negeri 06 Kota Bengkulu
Lia Christina Gultom
English Education Study Program, Language and Art Department,
University of Bengkulu
Hilda Puspita
English Education Study Program, Language and Art Department,
University of Bengkulu
Gita Mutiara Hati
English Education Study Program, Language and Art Department,
University of Bengkulu
The objective of this research was to investigate whether or not there was an effect of
the implementation of Pair Rehearsal Technique toward students’ speaking
participation in grade eleventh students of SMA Negeri 06 Kota Bengkulu and to
investigate the tendency of the students’ speaking participation. Designed as pre-
experimental research as pre-treatment and post-treatment group, and examined a
sample of one class of grade eleventh IPA students of SMA Negeri 06 Kota Bengkulu.
Simple random sampling was a technique to take the sample by shaking dice
randomly. XI IPA C was out of four classes. The data were collected through an
observation checklist and video recording. The result of this research showed positive
effect on students’ speaking participation in verbal from one student toward five
students. There was decrease among the group of low participation students from 97%
to 86%. Meanwhile students’ speaking participation in non-verbal from four students
toward nine students. There was decrease among the group of low participation
students from 89% to 75%.
Key words: Effect, pair rehearsal technique, speaking participation
Many techniques can be applied in teaching speaking to overcome the difficulty
and to help increasing the ability of speaking that felt by students. One of them is
cooperative learning. Cooperative learning has many techniques that are useful to