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Standard public accounting
Course: Introductory Management Accounting (BUSI 294)
26 Documents
Students shared 26 documents in this course
University: The University of British Columbia
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Accounting standards are an important issue in the profession and all users
of financial reports. Therefore, the accounting standard setting mechanism
must be regulated in such a way as to provide satisfaction to all interested
parties. Accounting standards will continue to change and develop
according to the developments and demands of society. Accounting
standards are generally accepted as standard rules, which are supported by
sanctions for any non-compliance (Belkaoui, 2006). One of the accounting
standards is the Public Sector Accounting Standards.
The public sector financial accounting standards themselves in Indonesia
are developing rapidly due to the implementation of government policies,
namely regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization which focus on
regional government. In addition, the rise of globalization which demands
competitiveness in every country also demands competitiveness in each
local government. In addition, the preparation of Public Sector Financial
Accounting Standards also certainly has its own objectives to be achieved.
It is from this background that the author wants to make a paper entitled
to discuss in more detail what public sector accounting standards are, their
goals and their development.
1.2 Problem Formulation
Based on the background above, the formulation of the problem in the
discussion of this paper is as follows:
1. What is the basis for the need for public sector financial accounting
standards (SAKSP)?
2. What are the objectives of preparing SAKSP?
3. How is the development of SAKSP?
4. What are government accounting standards?
1.3 Purpose
Based on the formulation of the problem above, the purpose of writing this
paper is as follows:
1. To find out how the basic needs of public sector financial accounting
standards (SAKSP)