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De Sica's Bicycle Thieves and Italian Humanism
Course: Italian Cinema (ITA1113)
50 Documents
Students shared 50 documents in this course
University: University of Ottawa
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HERBERT L. JACOBSON, formerly active in American radio and television production,
stayed on in Europe after the end of the war as Director of the Trieste Radio Network
and other theatrical enterprises, including opera and the distribution of films. He con-
tributes articles on the theater arts to leading Italian and American journals.
postwar period the preeminence in serious films seems to
have passed to the Italians. In fact it has become fashionable to
observe that the mantle of realism has fallen on them from the
French, as if the two schools were identical except for the differ-
ence in language. As a result the very special nature of modern
Italian movie realism-which is that it is Italian first and realistic
afterward-has been overlooked. In fact, a case could be made that
it is not fundamentally realistic at all, that the naturalistic back-
grounds against which the Italians photograph their stories are
only a means to an end and quite possibly a means imposed by
lack of capital for elaborate studio sets.
What, then, is the underlying philosophy or aesthetic theory
that distinguishes their recent productions from those of other
nations? It is not really hard to discover. Russian films, too, are
usually set in the lower depths, and French films are frequently
concerned with the passions of fairly primitive people. But you
would not expect to find in a Russian, French, or German realistic
film that broad humanitarian sympathy combined with gentle
cynicism which Italians alone bear as their trademark. It is an old
Italian recipe for living, buried under the garbage of Fascism for
a quarter century but never really lost; the war, which scraped
over the country like a rake, served to turn it up again. In a world
still spinning from the blows of war there are few formulae more
practical for day-to-day living, or for making films that a confused
humanity will recognize as true.
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