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NBS8301 SH Forecasting NEW2-2
University: Newcastle University
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Please read in conjunction with Handout1
The basis of time-series forecasting is that by studying past values of a
variable, one can gain an insight into future values in that variable, i.e.
Yt = f (Yt-1,Yt-2,Yt-3,.....)
Or alternatively, it can be assumed that Yt is a deterministic function of time
Yt = f (t)
Linear trend model.
If we believe that a variable will increase in constant absolute amounts each
time period, we can estimate coefficients for,
Yt = b1 + b2.t
You regress current and past values of Y against time t (e.g. t = year or t = time
counter: 1,2,3,….T).
If we obtained,
Yt = 27.5 + 3.2 t
we could predict that the value of Y in the next period (t+1) will be 3.2 units
higher than the value of Y in the current period (t).