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Representation Theory 2016-2017 Example Sheet 1
Module: Representation Theory
8 Documents
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University: University of Cambridge
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Unless otherwise stated, all groups here are finite, and all vector spaces are finite-dimensional
over a field Fof characteristic zero, usually C.
1Let ρbe a representation of the group G.
(a) Show that δ:g7→ det ρ(g) is a 1-dimensional representation of G.
(b) Prove that G/ ker δis abelian.
(c) Assume that δ(g) = −1 for some g∈G. Show that Ghas a normal subgroup of
index 2.
2Let θ:G→F×be a 1-dimensional representation of the group G, and let ρ:G→
GL(V) be another representation. Show that θ⊗ρ:G→GL(V) given by θ⊗ρ:g7→ θ(g)·ρ(g)
is a representation of G, and that it is irreducible if and only if ρis irreducible.
3Find an example of a representation of some finite group over some field of charac-
teristic p, which is not completely reducible. Find an example of such a representation in
characteristic 0 for an infinite group.
4Let Nbe a normal subgroup of the group G. Given a representation of the quotient
G/N, use it to obtain a representation of G. Which representations of Gdo you get this way?
Recall that the derived subgroup G′of Gis the unique smallest normal subgroup of G
such that G/G′is abelian. Show that the 1-dimensional complex representations of Gare
precisely those obtained from G/G′.
5Describe Weyl’s unitary trick.
Let Gbe a finite group acting on a complex vector space V, and let h,i:V×V→C
be a skew-symmetric form, i.e. hy, x i=−h x, y ifor all x, y in V.
Show that the form (x, y) = 1
|G|Phgx, gyi, where the sum is over all elements g∈G, is
aG-invariant skew-symmetric form.
Does this imply that every finite subgroup of GL2m(C) is conjugate to a subgroup of the
symplectic group1Sp2m(C)?
6Let G=hgibe a cyclic group of order n.
(i) Gacts on R2as symmetries of the regular n-gon. Choose a basis of R2, and write
the matrix R(g) representing the action of a generator gin this basis. Is this an irreducible
(ii) Now regard R(g) above as a complex matrix, so that we get a representation of G
on C2. Decompose C2into its irreducible summands.
7Let Gbe a cyclic group of order n. Explicitly decompose the complex regular represen-
tation of Gas a direct sum of 1-dimensional representations, by giving the matrix of change
of coordinates from the natural basis {eg}g∈Gto a basis where the group action is diagonal.
1the group of all linear transformations of a 2m-dimensional vector space over Cthat preserve a non-
degenerate, skew-symmetric, bilinear form.