University of Bath
- University
- University of Bath
Modules (525)
- Introduction to Business LawMN10442
- Money and financeES20070
- Introductory economicsES10010
- Introduction to politics: theory and analysisPL10967
- Intermediate microeconomics 2ES20012
- Mind and behaviourPS10086
- Pharmacy PracticePA30427
- Fundamentals of AccountingMN10668
- Intermediate macroeconomics 1ES20013
- Intermediate microeconomics 1ES20011
- Managing Enterprise Information SystemMN20014
- Intermediate macroeconomics 2ES20014
- Company LawMN20010
- Corporate Finance and Investment AppraisalMN10311
- Advanced macroeconomicsES30026
- Social psychology, personality and individual differencesPS20168
- Business EconomicsMN10070
- Supply ManagementMN20050Academic and research skills II: introduction to quantitative methodsSP10159Academic SkillsAccountingN201Accounting and decision making for managersMN20485Advanced AccountingMN30549Advanced algorithms & complexityCM30073Advanced chemical engineeringCE40127Advanced computer graphicsCM30075Advanced Consumer BehaviourMN30105Advanced controlME40051Advanced Corporate FinanceMN20211Advanced developmental geneticsBB40190Advanced economic theoryES50094Advanced international relationsPL20969Advanced macroeconomicsES30026Advanced Management AccountingMN30469Advanced microeconomicsES30025Advanced pharmacy practicePA40041Advanced problem solvingPH40083Advanced real analysisMA30252Advanced seminar in sport, health & the social sciencesHL30433Advertising Theory and PractiseMN30036AerodynamicsME30032Aerospace structures 1ME30045Aircraft stability & controlME30041Algebra 1AMA10209Algebra 1BMA10210Algebra 2AMA20216Algebra 2BMA20217Algebraic topologyMA40040American politicsPL20414Analysing lawLW256070Analysis 1MA10207Analysis 2AMA20218Analysis 2BMA20219Analytical chemistryCH20195Analytical development economicsES30035Applied behavioural financeES50118Applied microeconomicsES50114Applied numerical computationMA50174Applied sport psychologyHL30055Applied stochastic differential equationsMA50251Applying psychologyPS10121Artificial intelligenceCM50263Atomic structure, bonding and the Periodic TableCH10133Atomic structure, bonding and the Periodic Table for Natural SciencesCH10134Autism spectrum disordersPS30113B2B MarketingMN30109Behavioural financeMN30509Being a psychologistPS10154Biochemical problemsBB30050Biochemical problems & bioinformaticsBB20015BiochemistryBB10089Biochemistry 1BB10003Biochemistry for biologistsBB10215Biological ethicsBB30123Biological psychologyPS20106Biomedical sciences dissertationBB30227Brand ManagementMN20034Brand ManagementMN20608Building environment 1AR10003Building environment 2AR20004Business AnalyticsMN10564Business and Finance Industrial PlacementMN20317Business and Marketing in a Digital WorldMN30673Business and SocietyMN10443Business and Strategy in Emerging Marketsmn20599Business and the Natural EnvironmentMN20448Business data analysisMA10213Business EconomicsMN10070Business EconomicsMN10567Business ForecastingMN20023Business processesME30197Business strategyMN30076Cardiovascular, renal and peripheral nervous system pharmacologyPA20016Cell & molecular biologyBB10006Cell biologyBB10005Cell membranesBB30045Central nervous system pharmacologyPA40160Chemical engineering principlesCE10167Chemical Engineering PrinciplesCE10233Chemical Engineering Principles 2CE20237Chemical engineering skills & practice 1CE10185Chemical engineering skills & practice 2CE20186Chemical engineering skills, practice and design 2ce20238Chemistry projectCH30063Chinese/English liaison and public service interpretingPL50807Classical mechanicsPH10004Classical sociological theorySP10044Clinical psychologyPS30122CNS PharmacologyPA30148Coaching & pedagogy 1: advanced coaching conceptsHL30467Cognitive neurosciencePS20167Cognitive psychologyPS20108Commercial LawMN20024Communicating physics projectPH30099Company LawMN20010Comparative employee relationsPL20466Comparative European politicsPL50435CompilersCM30171Complex analysisMA30056Computational physics APH30055Computational physics BPH30056Computer aided design 1AR20009Computer algebraCM30070Computer System ArchitectureCM12002Computer systems architecture 1CM10194Computer systems architecture 2CM10195Condensed matter physics 1PH20063Conflict, security and international developmentSP30210Construction lawAR50123Consumer BehaviourMN50558Consumer PsychologyMN20546Contemporary critical thinkers: theory and praxesPL30902Contemporary educational psychologyPS30115Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance PraticeMN20508Contemporary issues in sport & exercise psychologyHL20452Contemporary physicsPH40024Contemporary research issues in sport and exercise scienceHL30109Contemporary security challenges in AsiaPL30881Contemporary sociological theorySP20112Continuity and change in contemporary French politics and society, 1969 to todayPL20961Control systemsME50029Controversies in Psychology 1PS10105Core skills for economics: statistics and data analysisES10004Core skills for economists: introduction to probability and statisticsES10091Core skills for economists: mathematics 1ES10005Core skills for economists: mathematics 2ES10006Corporate Finance and Investment AppraisalMN10311Corporate Finance for ManagersMN10500Corporate Responsibility: Principles and PerspectivesMN20445Crime and the MediaSP30302CryptographyCM50210Culture & national identityPL30107Cyber SecurityDaylight and shadingAR50347Decision MakingMN30226Decision Making and LeadershipMN20433Design 3ME20018Design materials & manufacturing 1ME10006Design materials & manufacturing 2ME10012Design studio 2.1AR20017Design studio 3.1AR30019Detailed design 1AR10014Developing New Products and ServicesMN30265Development economics: macroeconomic perspectiveSP20277Development financeSP30278Development policy and practiceSP20209Developmental psychologyPS20107Developmental psychopathologyPS30126Discrete mathematics for computationCM10196Dissertation in PharmacyPA30035DNABB20023DNA in the modern worldCH40230Drug discoveryPA20343Drug targets in the immune systemPA40162Dynamical systemsMA40045Dynamics and chaosMA30060Econometric methodsES50051Econometrics 1ES30027Econometrics 2ES30028Econometrics for economics & financeES50060Econometrics- Semester 1ES20159Economic policy in the UKES10008Economic thought & policyES20022Economics of bankingES30089Economics of financial marketsES30096Economics of innovation and entrepreneurshipES30098Economics of PoliticsES20023Economics of rivalryMN20027Economics of StrategyMN20012Education in an international contextED50311Education in societyED20003Educational enquiryED50343Educational management, leadership and administrationED60277Electromagnetism 1PH20014Employment LawMN30039Engineering physicsEE10171Entrepreneurial biotechnologyBB40078EntrepreneurshipCM40179Entrepreneurship and InnovationMN50477Environmental & occupational physiologyHL30188Environmental auditCE50195Enzymes in biotechnology & medicineBB40083Erasmus exchange semester 1AR30075Ethics, sport & the bodyHL10190Europe since 1789PL10952European Business Environment: European Integration & Legal Structure MN20082European Political ThoughtPL20385European Union politicsPL20724Field courseBB20041Finance in a Multinational CompanyMN20600Financial derivativesMA50196Financial econometricsES50109Financial economicsES50074Financial investment managementES50106Financial marketsES50122Financial Markets - EquityMN30506Financial Reporting and AccountingMN20018Financial risk managementES50090Financial Statement AnalysisFinite element analysisME40057Fluid dynamics with historical perspectiveME20022Fluid mechanicsME10009Foreign policy-making and its analysisPL20720Forensic psychologyPS30158Foundations of computationCM50260Foundations of Entrepreneurship and InnovationMN20605Foundations of International BusinessMN20208France from the First World War to May 68PL10949French business environment 2: legal environmentPL10120French comparative employee relationsXX20086French written and oral communication in the business contextPL20990French Written and Spoken LanguagePL30991French written and spoken language 2BPL20910Functional anatomyHL10034Functional anatomy and sporting movement analysisHL50140Fundamentals of AccountingMN10668Fundamentals of Accounting and Financial ManagementMN30170Fundamentals of FinanceMN10669Fundamentals of pattern analysisCM20220Fundamentals of pharmacology: from molecules to medicines 1PA10311Fundamentals of pharmacy: from molecules to medicines 2PA10308Fundamentals of pharmacy: the healthy body 1PA10307Fundamentals of physiology and pharmacology for Natural Sciences studentsPA10315Galaxies and introduction to cosmologyPH30111Game theoryES30092Games and experimentsES20097General chemistryCH30189General relativityPH30101Generalised Linear ModelsMATH30084Genomics 1BB20219GeologyAR10033German course in Skills CentreGER101Global healthGlobal MarketingMN50525Global Politics and International RelationsPL10616Graphs and networks: theory and applicationsMA30245Group design project - civil and architecturalAR40307Group theoryMA30237Growth theoryES50053Health psychologyPS20152Heat transferME30060Historical & contemporary issues in sport, physical activity & the bodyHL10358History & theory 1.1: vernacular architectureAR10040History & theory of architecture 3.1: Classicism and the foundation of modern design theoryAR30341History and theoryAR50148History and Theory 3.2: Urban studiesAR30093History and theory of architecture 1.2 twentieth century western architecture & designAR10342History and theory of architecture and urban designAR40105History of psychologyPS30014Human physiologyHL10182Human physiology in health and diseaseBB20221Human Resource ManagementMN20291Ideas about 'terrorism'SP30263Industrial organisationES30044Industry team projectPH30096Infection and immunityPA20345Infection and immunity I: microbiologyBB20202Infection and immunity II: immunologyBB20027Instrumentation, electronics & electrical drivesME10285Intelligent agentsCM50206Intelligent control and cognitive systemsCM50230Intermediate accountingMN20501Intermediate Corporate Finance for ManagersMN20503Intermediate macroeconomics 1ES20013Intermediate macroeconomics 2ES20014Intermediate microeconomics 1ES20011Intermediate microeconomics 2ES20012Internal combustion engine technologyME30037International Business EnvironmentMN10569International comparative politicsPL20968International economicsES20020International education: philosophy and practiceED60278International Market Development and TradeMN20603International Marketing ManagementMN30441International organisationPL20721International politics of developmentSP20208International tradeES30033Introduction to 20th and 21st century Latin AmericaPL20958Introduction to AccountancyMN10566Introduction to accountingMN10248Introduction to British politicsPL10417Introduction to Business LawMN10442Introduction to clinical and community pharmacy PA20025Introduction to comparative politicsPL10712Introduction to econometricsES20069Introduction to environmental and sustainable chemistryCH10226Introduction to FinanceMn10570Introduction to international developmentSP10204Introduction to international political economyPL10877Introduction to international relationsPL10966Introduction to LawMN10354Introduction to Managing PeopleMN10570Introduction to MicroeconomicsES10001Introduction to politics of developmentSP10205Introduction to politics: theory and analysisPL10967Introduction to receptor biologyPA20317Introduction to sport and exercise psychologyHL10360Introduction to sport policy, management & developmentHL10148Introduction to sports pedagogyHL10191Introduction to topologyMA30055Introductory economicsES10010Introductory macroeconomicsES10002Introductory microeconomicsES10001Investment and TradingMN30470Investment BankingMN50412Investment BankingMN30209Italian national option IT9: organised crime & democracy in ItalyPL30548La France postcolonialePL30901Les banlieues de la RépubliquePL30900Linear control theoryMA50046Machine learning 1CM50264Macroeconomic Environment of the UKMN10079Macroeconomic theoryES50101MacroeconomicsES50104Management 1CE20094Management 2CE40128Management Consulting - Theory and PracticeMN30474Managing Across Cultures and ContextsMN20598Managing Enterprise Information SystemMN20014Managing human resourcesMN20072Managing OperationMA50344Managing the Multinational EnterpriseMN20604Managing the performance athlete 1HL30466Manufacturing operations and technologyME20026MarketingMN20073MarketingMN20016Marketing and SocietyMN30372Mathematical biology 1MA30047Mathematical methods 1MA50181Mathematics 1MA10192Mathematics 1ES10005Mathematics 2ME10305Mathematics 2EE10214Mathematics for ComputationCM10312Measure theory & integrationMA40042Mechanical vibrations & noiseME30033Mechatronic design project IEE30220Medical statisticsMA30086Meltdowns, conflicts and resistance: capitalism in flux and shifts in economic governancePL30895Memory culture - memory politicsPL50785MEng Mechanical Engineering DissertM0017Methods and applications 1AMA10230Metric spacesMA30041Microbial evolution - from the laboratory to natureBB40117MicroeconomicsES50105Mind and behaviourPS10086Modelling and dynamical systemsMA20221Modelling techniques 1ME20014Molecular & medical neuroscienceBB30044Molecular and cellular biochemical engineeringCE40169Molecular and cellular neuroscienceBB20028Molecular genetics of vertebrate developmentBB20149Molecular medicineBB20222Monetary economicsES30099Money and financeES20070National business environment of UK - legal aspectsMN10078NetworkingCM50123NeuroeconomicsPS30170Numerical analysisMA20222Numerical solution of elliptic PDEsMA50170Nutrition & metabolismHL30054One year professional placementHL20047One year study abroadHL20046Operations ManagementMN10572Optimal controlMA50061Optimisation methods of operational researchMA50087Ordinary differential equations and controlMA20220Organic synthesis, reaction mechanisms and spectroscopyCH20150Organisational behaviourMN10071Organisational BehaviourMN10568Overseas placement in PharmacyPA40180Parallel computingCM30225Particle technologyCE20093Pathogenesis and immune evasion by microbesBB40139PathologyBB20223People and InnovationMN20624People and OrganisationsMN20080People and Organisations 1MN10001PharmacokineticsPA20294Pharmacology of regenerative medicinePA40252Pharmacology of the central nervous systemPA20023Pharmacy PracticePA30427Philosophy of the social sciencesSP20069PhotonicsPH40086Physical education, policy and practiceHL10359Physiology of exercise and healthHL30044Physiology of exercise, health and nutritionHL20538Planets and exoplanetsPH20104Policy specialism: international developmentSP60292Political economyES30093Political economy of globalisationSP50225Political sociologySP20244Political theoryPL20970Practical Pharmaceutical MicrobiologyPA30265Practice, management and law 1AR10362Preparing for professional practiceSL12103Preparing for professional practice 1PA10310Preparing for professional practice 3PA30328Principles of construction project managementAR50471Principles of Finance for ManagersMN20502Principles of MarketingMN20081Principles of MarketingMN10573Principles of programming 1CM10227Principles of programming 2CM10228Probability & statistics 1AMA10211Probability 2AMA20224Probability 2BMA20225Problem-solving skillsPH30072Process dynamics, modelling and controlXX20196Professional identity & practiceHL20449Programming and discrete mathematicsXX10190Programming for Data ScienceMA50291Project ManagementMN20275Projective geometryMA30231Protein structureBB20020Protein synthesis, folding and turnoverBB30162Psychology of addictive behavioursPS30198Psychology of painPS30101Psychology of WellbeingPS10186PsychopathologyPS20150Public finance - economics of taxationES20019Qualitative social research methodsSP20062Quantitative methodsPS20093Quantitative methodsMA10214Quantitative methods 2XX50135Quantitative research methodsPS10087Quantitative research methodsPL20899Reaction engineeringCE20091Regulations codes and certificationAR50437Research design and methodsPL20878Research design for the social sciencesHL10355Research for policy: concepts, methods and valuesSP50144Research methods and design 1PS10166Research methods and design 2PS20124Research methods for sports performanceHL10456Research project in PharmacologyPA40130Researching social changeSP20207Robotics & mechatronic systemsEE10170Russian national option R5: Politics in post-communist RussiaPL30102Science education in practiceED30005Science for chemical engineeringCE10224sdmg AES500146Short research apprenticeship projectXX50133Small scale preparation and supply of individualised medicinesPA30304Social Entrepreneurship Action ProjectMN20021Social protection and welfare reformSP30013Social psychology, personality and individual differencesPS20168Social responsibility: business and societyAR50410Social work with children and families 1SP20246Sociology of criminal justice policySP20050Sociology of deathSP30161Sociology of sport, health & the bodyHL20416Solid mechanics 1ME10004Solid mechanics 2ME10010Solid mechanics 3ME20016Solid mechanics 4ME20023Spacecraft engineeringME40346Spain from 1898 to the presentPL10956Spain from 1975 to the presentPL10951Spanish business environment 1: economic and industrial environmentPL10453Spanish business environment 2: legal environmentPL10454Spanish to English translation IIPL50835Spanish written and spoken language 1APL10939Spanish written and spoken language 3BPL30944Spanish written and spoken language in the international business context 3BPL30948Specialised integrated unit 2: immunity, inflammation & infectionPA20319Specialised integrated unit 7: oncology & palliative carePA30326Specialist reading courseMA50215Sport & promotional cultureHL20491Sport & the social sciences: a critical introductionHL10447Sport and social theoryHL10489Sports developmentHL10461Statistics 2AMA20226Statistics for business IMA20228Stem cell biology and regenerative medicineBB30232Stochastic processes & financeMA50089Strategic Financial DecisionsMN20547Strategic Marketing CommunicationsMN20607Strategic PartnershipStructural Design and ConstructionStructural mechanicsME50030Structures 1AAR10369Structures 4AR40413SuperconductivityPH30079Supply ManagementMN20050Surveying and geology field courseAR20390Sustainable Operations ManagementMN30475System modelling & simulationME40064Systems & controlME20013Tax and Tax Planning MN30444Teaching and assessing English as an international languageED50480The business environment in FrancePL11036The dynamic cell 1BB20024The German business environment 2: legal environmentPL10123The internationalisation of businessMN30085The legislative frameworkAR50149The modern world economyES10007The molecular biology and treatment of cancerPA40157The politics of Latin AmericaPL30756The politics of sportHL10448The psychology of musicPS30171The sports environmentHL50138Thermal physicsPH20029Thermal power and heat transferME20015ThermodynamicsME10003Thinking and working cross-culturally: Introduction to social analysis of developmentSP10206Topics in Bayesian statisticsMA40189Topics in organic chemistry ICH30128Transitions to democracyPL30468Trends in molecular signallingPA40163Turbocharging and engine boostingME40345UK Business LawMN20609Understanding childhood: sociological perspectives & policy issuesSP20099Understanding learners and learningED50333Understanding religion in the contemporary worldSP30264US global politicsPL30741Vaccines and other health interventionsBB40189Vector calculus and partial differential equationsMA20223Vehicle dynamicsME30067Vehicle engineeringME30217Viscous fluid mechanicsMA40065Working for EU institutions and UNPL50352Year 3 required assessmentPA30329
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