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01 01 exploring life - Life Explored is an informal Christian evangelistic teaching course developed
Course: Basic Biology (BIOL 111)
158 Documents
Students shared 158 documents in this course
University: Campbell University
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1.1 Biology Notebook: Exploring Life
Note: Do not submit the guided notes as your assignment.
Page 1: Biology and a World of Science?
What are the different fields of the study of living things? Zoology is the study of animals., Botany is the study
of plants., Ecology is the study of living things in their environment., Microbiology is the study of microscopic
organisms., Biochemistry is the study of the chemical reactions in living things, Anatomy and Physiology is the
study of the human body.
Define phenomena. The interactions between living things are observable events,
Key Terms: Jot down terms and definitions that are new to you. You will see them used in the lesson.
Page 2: What is Science?
Describe each fundamental characteristic of science in your own words.
●observable: Science attempts to explain natural phenomena by analyzing and observing the world and
testing ideas about it.
●Testable: Science must be able to answer a testable question, using observation and experimentation.
Investigations must produce empirical evidence that can be observed or measured to be considered
●Replicable: Empirical evidence can be replicated, or reproduced, and verified by other scientists if they
conduct the same tests.
●Reliable: The more an experiment is repeated, with the same outcomes, the more reliable the evidence
becomes. Evidence without bias also increases reliability.
●Flexible: Science is an ever-changing body of knowledge as new observations are made through
experimentation. As new information is discovered, new evidence can add to current evidence,
allowing scientists to improve their theories.
What questions can be answered by science?
●If the question is asking about an __opinion_or a ___moral value__, it cannot be measured using a
scientific process.