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Db englishfor him at home
Course: Modern English Grammar (TSL 680)
University: Campbellsville University
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The Odyssey is the story of Odysseus returning to Ithaca after the war in Trojan while his son Telemachus
and his wife Penelope are waiting for him at home. During this journey Odysseus will face many different
challenges that will make his return home very complicated. Odyssey was not God but, on the story, we
can see how much he thinks he can do everything himself. As long everything was fine, he never thought
or asked for help but after things get harder, he realized that he can’t do it all alone. He realized how his
men are worried about him and can help him so that the whole team get home safely. That is another
reason that makes Odysseus humble himself through his journey and the story. story. Odysseus does
learn different things some of them are self-control, obedience, and trust. He realized his lack of self-
control when Ciccone’s came back and kill 70 of his men. They travel to island of cyclopes where there
was Polyphemus a giant cannibal. This is one of the most interesting lessons in my opinion because it
was a lesson of patience. They were trying to escape for him and the way to do it was getting him drunk
so it could fall asleep and after that that when they left. I love reading those books because Odysseus has
always entertained me as a character since I was kid and nowadays is one of the most interesting stories
after I read it lot of different times. I can personally say I learned a lot by reading these books and
analyzing them trough this forum because they are all life lessons.
In this journey Odysseus learns the lesson of how take enough of the good things and not too much. For
example, in this journey Odysseus and his men go to this land where they eat the lotus plants and crave
for more. Eventually the men want to stay there forever and forget about their journey back home, but
Odysseus somehow manages to get his men out of there and back on their journey. This part of his
journey taught him that wanting more leads to wanting even more.
They then travel to Island of Cyclopes where there is a giant cyclops cannibal named Polyphemus. In this
journey Odysseus learns the lesson of patience while trying to escape from the cave of Polyphemus.
Eventually they end up escaping by getting the cyclops drunk so that it could fall asleep.