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Mock exposure event - incident report
University: Carrington College
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MA104 WK2
XII.P.4. Participate in a Mock Exposure Event with Documentation of Specific
MAERB Core Curriculum
III.P.1 Participate in blood-borne pathogen training
XII.P.4 Participate in a mock exposure event with documentation of specific steps
Task: To provide documentation required by OSHA in the event an employee becomes injured or is
exposed to blood or body fluids. A post-exposure plan must be followed, and an incident report
must be filled out.
Supplies & Conditions: OSHA Form 301 (Injury and Illness Incident Report), pen.
Standards: A maximum of three attempts may be used to complete the task. The time limit for each attempt is
15 minutes, with a minimum score of 70 percent. Scoring: Determine student’s score by dividing
points awarded by total points possible and multiplying results by 100.
Forms: Procedure 34–1 Scenario with Procedure 34–1 Form. Procedure forms can be downloaded from the
Student Companion website; procedure scenarios are included in the Instructor’s Manual.
Evaluator Signature: Date:
Evaluator Comments:
Student Signature: Date: