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Hormone Regulation Case Studies
Course: Human Pathophysiology (NUR 252)
132 Documents
Students shared 132 documents in this course
University: Creighton University
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Case Study 1:
Case Presentation
Fred R. Bird is a 57-year-old man who is overweight. His children and wife are growing increasingly
concerned about his eating habits as he tends to over-indulge in soda and his favorite foods including
pizza, double cheeseburgers and donuts from the shop down the street. Fred will often boast that he
exercises daily, however, this entails walking the 2 blocks to the donut shop for the special consisting of 2
donuts and coffee. At his last physical exam at age 50, he was found to be “borderline” hypertensive and
was instructed to increase his physical activity and improve his eating habits. Fred has not followed this
advice and would tell others he “felt great” and didn’t need to change anything.
1. Which Hormone Regulation exemplar is Fred at greatest risk for developing?
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
2. In addition to diet, what are some additional risk factors that apply to Fred’s case for this
Age, weight (obesity), sedentary lifestyle
Genetics/family history, race (AA, Hispanic, American Indian), elevated lipid levels, fat distribution
3. Explain the pathophysiology of this exemplar.
Type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance, impairment of hepatic glucose production and eventually beta
cell decline.
Susan, his oldest daughter just entered her 3rd year of college and is in nursing school. She really wants to
do well in her clinicals and has been performing physical exams on her parents and siblings. She
performed a physical exam on her father and documented her findings.
Temp: 37.5 degrees C, HR: 75, RR: 12, weight: 125 kg, height: 5’10”, pain: 0/10, BP: 145/92. Physical
Exam: Fred is sitting in his recliner, no acute distress. HEENT: normocephalic, PERRL, nares patent, mucus
membranes pink and moist. Neck: supple. CV: regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs/rubs/gallop/thrill.
CRT upper extremities < 3 sec, ~ 4 seconds in feet bilaterally. Resp: LCTA bilaterally, good aeration, no inc
WOB. FEN/GI: abd rounded, panus noted, BS normoactive x4, no HSM, no tenderness. Skin: grossly
intact, dark and leathery skin in the folds of the neck and in the axilla noted, striae across abdomen, light
reddish-brown spots across both shins. Extremities: no deformity. Neuro: A&O x3, no focal deficits, some
impairment of touch noted in both feet bilaterally on filament exam.
4. What are the pertinent positives in the exam above?