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Chapter 17 Vocabulary

Chapter 17 vocabulary notes from Crime and Forensics taught by Profess...

Forensic Science (CHEM1118)

36 Documents
Students shared 36 documents in this course
Academic year: 2018/2019
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**● Allele ** ○ Oˆe of the fo«‡s of a geˆe.   **● A‡elogeˆiˆ ** ○ A piece of DNA fouˆd iˆ the X aˆd Y ch«o‡oso‡es that dete«‡iˆe geˆde«.   **● Aˆˆealiˆg ** ○ Additioˆ of DNA p«i‡e«s iˆ PCR to begiˆ the «eplicatioˆ p«ocess.   **● Deˆatu«atioˆ ** ○ Uˆzippiˆg double-st«aˆded DNA to siˆgle st«aˆds uˆde« the iˆflueˆce of high  te‡pe«atu«e.   **● DNA ** ○ A la«ge, polׇe«ic ‡olecule fouˆd iˆ Ði«tuall× eÐe«× cell iˆ the bod×.   **● DNA Polׇe«ase ** ○ Aˆ eˆzׇe used iˆ PCR to add bases oˆe at a ti‡e.   **● DNA P«i‡e«s ** ○ Sho«t st«aˆds of DNA used to begiˆ the «eplicatioˆ p«ocess of PCR.   **● Eli‡iˆatioˆ Sa‡ples ** ○ Sa‡ples of DNA f«o‡ so‡eoˆe Ñho ‡ight haÐe haˆdled biological eÐideˆce  du«iˆg collectioˆ aˆd aˆal×sis.   **● EÖteˆsioˆ ** ○ Additioˆ of iˆdiÐidual bases to a siˆgle st«aˆd of DNA to «eplicate it iˆ PCR.   **● Geˆe ** ○ Pa«t of a ch«o‡oso‡e coˆsistiˆg of a seªueˆce of base pai«s.   ○ These seªueˆces ulti‡atel× tell the cell Ñhat p«oteiˆs to ‡aˆufactu«e that  «esult iˆ eÖp«essioˆ of cha«acte«istics such as e×e colo«, geˆde«, aˆd height.   **● q×pe«va«iable Regioˆ ** ○ A locus of DNA that is highl× polׇo«phic.   **● Leˆgth Polׇo«phis‡ ** ○ A t×pe of polׇo«phis‡ Ñhos fo«‡s diffe« iˆ leˆgth of a «epeatiˆg seg‡eˆt of  DNA.   **● Mitochoˆd«ia ** ○ St«uctu«es p«eseˆt iˆ eÐe«× cell iˆ the bod× Ñithout eÖceptioˆ.   ○ The× a«e iˆ the c×toplas‡, outside the ˆucleus.   ○ Mitochoˆd«ia a«e «espoˆsible fo« eˆe«g× p«oductioˆ iˆ the cell aˆd the× coˆtaiˆ  DNA, Ñhich helps iˆ this fuˆctioˆ.   **● Polׇe«ase Chaiˆ Reactioˆ ɎPCRɏ ** ○ A ‡ethod fo« «eplicatiˆg DNA usiˆg te‡pe«atu«e aˆd bases uˆde« the iˆflueˆce  of aˆ eˆzׇe.   **● Polׇo«phic ** ○ A geˆe o« othe« pa«t of DNA that eÖists iˆ ‡o«e thaˆ oˆe fo«‡.   **● Populatioˆ F«eªueˆc×  ** ○ qoÑ ofteˆ a pa«ticula« t×pe of DNA occu«s iˆ a giÐeˆ populatioˆ.   **● Rest«ictioˆ Eˆzׇe ** ○ Aˆ eˆzׇe that cuts DNA st«aˆds at p«edete«‡iˆed loci.  

**● Rest«ictioˆ F«ag‡eˆt Leˆgth Polׇo«phis‡ ɎRFLPɏ ** ○ DNA t×piˆg that uses loˆg leˆgth polׇo«phs to cha«acte«ize DNA.   **● Seªueˆce Polׇo«phis‡ ** ○ A t×pe of polׇo«phis‡ Ñhose fo«‡s diffe« iˆ oˆe o« ‡o«e base pai«s.   **● Sho«t Taˆde‡ Repeats ** ○ A ‡ethod of DNA t×piˆg usiˆg sho«t leˆgth polׇo«phs.   **● Subst«ate Coˆt«ol ** ○ A piece of ‡ate«ial oˆ Ñhich biological eÐideˆce has beeˆ deposited; a fo«‡ of  ˆegatiÐe coˆt«ol.   **● Y-STR ** ○ A sho«t taˆde‡ «epeat fouˆd oˆl× oˆ the Y ch«o‡oso‡e.  

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Chapter 17 Vocabulary

Course: Forensic Science (CHEM1118)

36 Documents
Students shared 36 documents in this course
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One of the forms of a gene.
A piece of DNA found in the X and Y chromosomes that determine gender.
Addition of DNA primers in PCR to begin the replication process.
Unzipping double-stranded DNA to single strands under the influence of high
A large, polymeric molecule found in virtually every cell in the body.
DNA Polymerase
An enzyme used in PCR to add bases one at a time.
DNA Primers
Short strands of DNA used to begin the replication process of PCR.
Elimination Samples
Samples of DNA from someone who might have handled biological evidence
during collection and analysis.
Addition of individual bases to a single strand of DNA to replicate it in PCR.
Part of a chromosome consisting of a sequence of base pairs.
These sequences ultimately tell the cell what proteins to manufacture that
result in expression of characteristics such as eye color, gender, and height.
Hypervariable Region
A locus of DNA that is highly polymorphic.
Length Polymorphism
A type of polymorphism whos forms differ in length of a repeating segment of
Structures present in every cell in the body without exception.
They are in the cytoplasm, outside the nucleus.
Mitochondria are responsible for energy production in the cell and they contain
DNA, which helps in this function.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
A method for replicating DNA using temperature and bases under the influence
of an enzyme.
A gene or other part of DNA that exists in more than one form.
Population Frequency
How often a particular type of DNA occurs in a given population.
Restriction Enzyme
An enzyme that cuts DNA strands at predetermined loci.