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EBD and ASD - EBD breakdown (Characteristics and Classification)
Course: Students With Emotional/behavioral And Autism Spectrum Disorders (SPED 3020)
8 Documents
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University: Fitchburg State University
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Class Notes
September 19, 2022
DSM5 is a resource with all the mental illness and diagnostic criteria listed (look on
Powerpoint Notes:
1. EBD is an emotional disorder characterized by excesses, deficits or disturbances of
behavior. The child's difficulty is emotionally based and cannot be adequately explained
by intellectual, cultural, sensory general health factors, or other additional exclusionary
factors Eligibility and Placement.
2. Inappropriate behaviors are behaviors that are interfering with what is supposed to be
happening at that time. (i.e. screaming/shouting during quiet work time/learning time is
inappropriate, but screaming/shouting at a baseball game is appropriate) Behaviors can be
appropriate in a different setting (are these students aware that this behavior is
inappropriate in this setting/environment)
a. Ex. Student learns from his Dad how to ‘pee’ outside at home. The student then
displays this behavior at school on the playground.
3. Always ask yourself what the student’s culture is. Some behaviors are culture specific
and for them are normal and appropriate.
a. Ex. Eye contact (in some countries and cultures eye contact is considered very
rude, whereas in other cultures it is important to be able to have and hold good
eye contact)
4. Characteristics of EBD
a. Learning
i. Range of intellectual abilities, chronic school failure, absenteeism, grade
retention, school dropout
b. Social
i. Difficulty building and, maintaining relationships
ii. Aggressive behaviors, experience rejection, externalizing and internalizing
c. Language/Communication
i. Deficits in the areas of pragmatics, receptive and expressive language and
limited or inappropriate language use
5. Classification systems include Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
5th edition (DSM-5) used in partnership with observation of behavior over time and on
multiple settings to become secure in possible clinical classification/diagnosis.