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Security breach - BIT-200 assignment
Course: Introduction to Computer Technology (BIT-200)
394 Documents
Students shared 394 documents in this course
University: Grand Canyon University
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1. Security:
i. At Macy’s, employees look forward of looking after our customers and other
ii. Macy’s enforces a great practice and safety standards to assure a save
environment place.
2. Confidential data:
i. There is no allowance to access confidential data or information without
permission unless for any reason it is required.
ii. Users might have any access to private information, and it is classified in the
Macy’s Data classification policy.
3. E-mail and communication:
i. Use of email is not recommended and other messaging sources and it should never
be transmitted in an unencrypted format.
iii. Personal and users should pay attention to any suspicious email and its content
and must not open any unknown attached information
4. Passwords:
i. Customers when they have access to the Macy’s WIFI, you have to make sure to not
share your passwords with anyone
iv. All passwords have to be a length of at least 10 characters with lower and upper
cases, numbers, characters and
5. Bring your own device (BYOD):
i. Must check if the device has a software and hardware allowed to use the network.
v. Make sure that your device is free of flash drivers or any malware and viruses
before accessing the network.
6. Guest access.
i. All users must understand and follow our policy.
vi. Suspicious report of any activity or violation of our policy would be reported
through our managers team.
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