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NSC-150Nutrition Exam Study Guide 2021
Course: Nutrition and wellness (NSC-150)
287 Documents
Students shared 287 documents in this course
University: Grand Canyon University
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UPDATED- NSC-150 Nutrition Exam study guide (50 multiple-choice questions)
Function in body
Glycemic index- what does it mean, what happens in the body
Monosaccharides & disaccharides (names)
What are the polysaccharides
What differentiates starch from fiber
Soluble and insoluble fiber (foods and benefits)
Insulin and glucagon (effects of; when are they secreted)
Type 1 vs type 2 diabetes
What is gluten
What causes Celiac disease
Normal fasting blood glucose levels
Probiotic v prebiotic
Soluble and insoluble fibers
Absorbed where and in what form
What causes lactose intolerance
Saturated fat v. monounsaturated fats (MUFA) v. polyunsaturated fats (PUFA)
oMolecular structure difference, foods in which they are found
Essential fatty acids (names and benefits) why are they named omega 3 & omega 6?
EPA & DHA benefits; foods in which they are found
Triglyceride structure; where are they stored in the body
Short chain, medium chain, long chain fatty acid (# of carbons)
Differentiate factors of fatty acids
Types of foods that contain Cholesterol
Types of foods that contain saturated fats
Benefits of replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats