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Seven Concepts - read
Course: Crit Readings Sp Am Lit (SPAN 6303 )
3 Documents
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University: Houston Community College
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Iris Cannon
ID: W216134838
Understanding The Seven Concepts
That Distinguish Social Media From Face-To-Face Communication
Concept #1: Interactivity - Refers to the ability of a communication tool to facilitate social
interaction between groups or individuals. This concept points out the capability of the
actual tool being used for people to engage with others, for example a tv commercial
versus an Instagram live.
Concept #2: Temporal Structure – Refers to the time it takes to send and receive
messages. To explain this concept, you can think of contacting a business about an issue
with your order via email versus going into the business while they are open and expressing
your concerns.
Concept #3: Social Cues - the verbal and non-verbal features of a message that offer more
information about the context, the meaning, and the identities of the parties involved. The
concept of social cues allows communication to become clearer and more personal. For
example, a face-to-face conversation vs a telephone conversation.
Concept #4: Replicability – means that communication can occur in an environment that
makes it easy to record and redistribute past messages. Let's use a twitter post options for
example “like, retweet, and or reply” these options allow us to record and or share a
Concept #5: Storage – allows messages and media to be digitally saved and made
accessible to other people. In a face-to-face conversation once it occurs it is gone forever
but an email will remain in storage until needed.