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Clinical Psychology –Diagnosing Personality Disorders
Subject: Psychology
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Clinical Psychology –Diagnosing Personality Disorders
For each of the following scenarios; list several (2-3) irregular behaviors and then diagnosis the patient.
Disorders to choose from:
- Paranoid
- Narcissistic
- Dependent
- Borderline
- Anti-Social
- Histrionic
- Obsessive
- Avoidant
- Schizoid
- Schizotypal
Case 1:
Severus Snape shows little concern or interest in romantic or personal relationships. He is always seen
reading when not teaching instead of talking with others. He does not express interest in anything that
doesn’t have anything to do with his interests, studying, or whatever his mind is on or what he perceives
as important. In the words of Alan Rickman, “He is very concentrated on a solitary life. Does not have
much of a social life. He has a massive intellect and and most likely views others as beneath him or just
of little to no interest.
Symptoms Diagnosis
Case 2:
Elmo loves praise. Before he came to Sesame Street, Big Bird, Oscar, Cookie Monster, and Grover
seemed to share screen time. However, now that Elmo moved to the block, the entire show revolves
around him. He is highly sensitive to criticism and tends to make a big deal out of anything that he does
as being the best.
Symptoms Diagnosis
Case 3:
Lieutenant Barclay from Star Trek describes himself this way. “I’m the guy who writes down things to
remember to say when there is a party because I just want to be able to connect to people. But then when I
finally gets there I wind up alone in the corner trying to look comfortable examining a potted plant, so
that people don’t notice how uncomfortable I am actually talking to people.”
Symptoms Diagnosis