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OLAP Server Architectures – Rolap versus Molap versus Holap
Course: Principles Of Data Mining. (CSIT 440)
19 Documents
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University: Montclair State University
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OLAP Server Architectures – ROLAP versus MOLAP versus HOLAP
Logically, OLAP servers deliver multidimensional data from data marts or warehouses to
business customers without worrying about how or where the data are stored. However, OLAP
servers' physical architecture and implementation must take data storage concerns into account.
The following are some examples of OLAP processing implementations using a warehouse
server: Relational OLAP (ROLAP) servers are the intermediary servers that sit between client
front-end tools and a relational back-end server. They manage and store warehouse data using a
relational or extended-relational DBMS, and they use OLAP middleware to support any gaps.
ROLAP servers have aggregate navigation logic implementation, optimization for each DBMS
back end, and extra tools and services. In general, ROLAP technology is more scalable than
MOLAP technology. For instance, Microstrategy's DSS server uses the ROLAP methodology.
Servers that offer multidimensional data views through array-based multidimensional storage
engines are known as multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) servers.
They directly correspond multidimensional perspectives to the array architecture of data cubes.
Utilizing a data cube has the benefit of enabling quick indexing of precomputed summary data.
Be aware that if the data set is sparse, storage utilization for multidimensional data stores may be
low. Techniques for sparse matrix compression should be investigated in such circumstances. To
manage dense and sparse data sets, many MOLAP servers use a two-level storage representation:
Sparse subcubes use compression technologies for effective storage consumption, whereas
denser subcubes are detected and stored as array structures. Servers for hybrid OLAP (HOLAP):
The hybrid OLAP approach combines MOLAP and ROLAP technology, taking advantage of
MOLAP's quicker processing speed and ROLAP's larger scalability. For instance, a HOLAP
server might enable the storage of substantial amounts of specific data in relational databases
while keeping aggregations in a separate MOLAP store.
A hybrid OLAP server is supported by Microsoft SQL Server 2000. SQL servers that specialize:
Some database system suppliers develop dedicated SQL servers that offer advanced query
language and query processing capabilities for SQL queries over star and snowflake schemas in a
read-only environment to fulfill the growing demand for OLAP processing in relational
databases. What kind of data storage does ROLAP and MOLAP designs use in practice? First,
let's examine ROLAP. ROLAP, as the name suggests, stores data in relational tables for online
analytical processing. Remember that a base fact table is the fact table associated with a base
cuboid. Data is stored in the basic fact table at the level of abstraction denoted by the join keys in
the specified data cube's schema. Fact tables, sometimes known as summary fact tables, can be
used to hold aggregated data. A few summary fact tables keep both the data from the basic fact
tables and the aggregate data (see Example 3.10).
To keep just aggregated data, distinct summary fact tables can be utilized for each abstraction
level. The data cube can be thought of conceptually as a form of multidimensional data
generalization. In general, data generalization reduces the number of dimensions to summarize
data in concept space with fewer dimensions, or it replaces relatively low-level values (such as
numerical values for an attribute age) with higher-level concepts (such as young, middle-aged,
and senior) (e.g., removing birth date and telephone number when summarizing the behavior of a