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Psychology notes 4-27-18
Course: Psychology (PSYC 101)
109 Documents
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University: Queensborough Community College
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Tommy El Saieh
A person with a Mental Disorder has an impairment.
What is abnormal?
1. Atypical Behavior: behavior that is compared to the general population
2. Faulty perception of an interpolation of reality
3. Personal Distress: When your upset about something or a trauma or basic stress.
4. Self-defeating behavior: Behavior that you are not functioning that is destroying any
potential of future happiness. “Set you back.”
5. Dangerous Behavior: to yourself? To society or others?
6. Socially Unacceptable: Changes with time, sometimes
Theories of mental illness:
1. Demons: This was a believed theory back in the 1800’s. Basically it was when people drilled
holes in peoples scull to remove a mental illness.
2. Medical Illness: Physical or biological cause
a) Diathesis-Stress: underlying condition + stressful event = abdominal following
b) Bio-Psych-Social: adds family and society
3. Diagnosis DSM-5: Diagnostic and Statistical Monel- 5th Edition. They have removed
Homosexuality from the manual and instead they replaced it with
Hoarding (Collecting everything),
Contains 297 diagnoses and it does not prescribe the treatment.
¼ of all people will have a diagnosable mental condition in any given year
½ of people get diagnosed in their lifetime.
Types of disorders:
I. Anxiety Disorders:
Excessive worrying fear of losing control
Nervousness, can’t relax.
Fight or Flight: Always “on”
Phobia Disorder
Fear (rational) V.S Phobia (irrational)?
II. Social Anxiety Disorder
Fear of embarrassment