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Scientific Measurements Lab
Course: Introductory College Chemistry (CH 209)
7 Documents
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University: Regis University
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Regis Jesuit Chemistry AMDG
Scientific Measurements Lab Activity
Unit 1
Page 1 of 5
Name:_____________________________ Date:________________
Directions: Work with a partner to complete the activities at each of the 6 stations.
Record all your data including appropriate units on this worksheet. For each
measurement record the value at the line plus an estimate of the value between the
lines. For example if the unit between the lines is 1 cm, then divide by two and the
measurement between the lines is 0.5 cm. If the measurement is closest to the line,
then an additional 0 must be recorded.
For Example:
The unit of measure for length using this ruler is cm. The value to the nearest line is 3
cm. The estimated value between the lines is 0.5 cm. So the measured length of this
leaf is 3.5 cm, where 3 cm is certain, and the 0.5 cm is an estimate.
If the point of the leaf was closer to the 3 or exactly on the 3, the recorded measurement
would be 3.0.
Station 1: Measuring Volume using 3 Different Graduated Cylinders
The instructor will discuss how to read the meniscus on a graduated cylinder. Read and
record the volume of the water in each different cylinder. Make sure to estimate to the
appropriate precision.
Volume of water measured with a 100 mL graduated cylinder: ____________________
Each line in a 100 mL graduate represents ____ mL, so between the lines is____
Volume of water measure with a 25 mL graduated cylinder: ______________________
Each line in a 25 mL graduate represents ____ mL, so between the lines is ____
Volume of water measured with a 10 mL graduated cylinder: _____________________
Each line in a 10 mL graduate represents ____mL, so between the lines is _____
Box the digits that are certain. Circle the digits that are estimated.