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Experts 6-Hendrix
Course: Personality (PY 370)
44 Documents
Students shared 44 documents in this course
University: University of Alabama at Birmingham
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Perspectives on Personality: Career Values
After watching the video, answer these questions:
1. What would you identify as core values or occupational characteristics for each of these
Taylor: smart, tough, create a change
Kendra: hands on, creative, committed to making a difference
Sarah: creativity, exploration, good effects on others
Dennis: logical, helping people, resolving issues
2. If you were to consider Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which needs would you see each
of these individuals as looking to fulfill, and why?
Taylor: self esteem and ego- wants to be important and desires the spotlight
Kendra: self actualization- has the desire for hands on experiences and to make a
difference in others lives
Sarah: self esteem and ego- desires her independence and the ability to make a difference
on others lives
Dennis: self actualization- Denise seeks and desires to assist people
3. Consider three occupations you are (or would be) interested in exploring and indicate
what you would find appealing about them. Then indicate how each of those
characteristics fits with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and what this may say about you.