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N268 Summer 2022 Leadership in Health Care Systems Syllabus 6

268 syllabus

Fundamentals of Nursing (165)

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Academic year: 2021/2022
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University of California, Los Angeles Master’s Entry Clinical Nurse (MECN) Program Summer Quarter 2022

Course Number and Title: N268 Leadership in Health Care Systems

Number of Units: 4 Units One unit represents three hours of work per week per term by the student, including both class attendance and preparation.

Prerequisites: N465A & B, N

Class Location and Time: Fridays starting June 24, 2022 Lecture/Discussion: 0800- Location: A660 Moseley Auditorium

Catalog Description: The purpose of this course is to discuss utilizing systems theory in providing patient-centered value-added care. The health care practitioner learns to utilize critical thinking and decision- making to coordinate and deliver quality, cost effective patient care. Different modes of organizing nursing care within the micro-meso-macro levels of healthcare systems, manage care within a multidisciplinary team framework, and promote effective teamwork that enhances patient outcomes, improves staff efficiency, and reduces costs all discussed. Emphasis on system theory, problem solving and decision-making, nursing care delivery models, delegation, and team strategies in relationship to the clinical nurse leader. Satisfies course requirement for CNL certification. Letter grading.

Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course the student will:

  1. Explain how a systems approach is utilized in providing patient-centered and value-added care. (AACN Essentials: II; QSEN: patient safety, patient-centered care, evidence-based practice, information technology.)
  2. Describe the concept of multidisciplinary team collaboration, exchange of information, and coordination of patient care (AACN Essentials: VII; QSEN: patient safety, patient-centered care, evidence-based practice). 3. Identify various team strategies for problem solving that enhance patient-centeredness and value-added care (AACN Essentials: VII; QSEN: patient safety, patient-centered care, evidence- based practice, collaboration in interdisciplinary teams). 4. Identify the importance of delegation and analyze ways in which the registered nurse can utilize delegation skills to optimize team functioning and patient care (AACN Essentials: VII; III; QSEN: patient safety, patient-centered care, evidence-based practice).

5. Differentiate between decision-making, problem solving and critical thinking; identify how these approaches are utilized by the clinical nurse leader in coordinating quality patient care (AACN Essentials: VIII; QSEN: patient safety, patient-centered care, evidence-based practice, collaboration in interdisciplinary teams).

6. Identify different modes of organizing nursing care and describe the importance implementing a nursing delivery model that meets the goals of the patient, unit, and organization (AACN

Essentials: II; QSEN: patient safety, patient-centered care, evidence- based practice, collaboration in interdisciplinary teams). 7. Describe a patient-centered model that uses clinical pathways, nursing care plans, and multidisciplinary action plans to assist in planning quality-driven and cost-effective care (AACN Essentials: III, VII; QSEN: patient safety, patient-centered care, evidence-based, practice collaboration in interdisciplinary teams). 8. Imagine the future and potential of nursing practice to lead change, to advance the health status of patient/populations, and the implications for a professional nursing career (AACN Essentials: II, IV; QSEN: patient safety, patient-centered care, evidence-based practice, collaboration in interdisciplinary teams). 9. Explore the roles, responsibilities, critical competencies, and the challenges of clinical and administrative leaders in relationship to professional career development plans. (AACN Essentials: II; QSEN: patient safety, patient-centered care, evidence-based practice). 10. Identify the components of successful leadership styles and effective teamwork in learning about the principles and concepts of health care delivery. (AACN Essentials: II, VII; QSEN: patient safety, patient-centered care, evidence-based practice).

Skills / Competencies:

  1. Systems theory application to the nursing environment
  2. Leadership competencies; QSEN competencies
  3. Change theory application to the nursing environment
  4. Different approaches to decision-making, problem solving and critical thinking
  5. Delegation and prioritizing skills in the context of different modes of organizing nursing care based on goals of unit and satisfying patient needs
  6. Teamwork and team collaboration skills

Teaching Methods: This course will use face to face lecture, think-pair share, discussion forum, case studies, student group discussions, role plays, brief reports, simulation, and other audio-visual methods.

Faculty: Emma Cuenca, DNP, RN, CCRN-K, CNS Assistant Adjunct Professor UCLA School of Nursing Factor 5- ecuenca@sonnet.ucla Office hours: 1230-1430 by appointment

Teaching Assistants Abigail Lina, BSN, RN, 1st year APRN student UCLA School of Nursing Email: abigaillina16@g.ucla Office hours: by appointment

Michelle Kim, BSN, RN, 1st year APRN student UCLA School of Nursing Email: michkim@sonnet.ucla Office hours: by appointment

Required Textbook: Marquis, B. & Huston, C. (2021). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott & Wilkins. 10th edition.

Supplemental Textbook Finkelman, A. (2020). Leadership and management for nurses: Core competencies for quality care. 4th ed. Pearson Education Inc.

  • Encourage students to express themselves freely. This includes providing an open, comfortable, and stimulating learning environment where diversity is welcome and respected, and our common humanity is deeply appreciated.
  • Facilitate student achievement by offering clear guidelines and timely feedback.
  • Create a disciplined intellectual classroom that fosters a spirit of inquiry and ensures application of equitable and predictable policies and standards.
  • Model an inquisitive nature and respectful attitude.
  • Listen to understand and speak without needing to be right.
  • Be available to help students achieve the course objectives.

Students with Disabilities: If you are a student with a disability who may require special accommodations or additional services for the successful performance in this course, please register with the UCLA Center for Accessible Education (cae.ucla /) at your earliest convenience so that we can fully assist you in meeting your educational challenges. Please notify the faculty at the first course meeting so appropriate accommodations can be carried out.

Course Learning Assessment:

  1. Attendance/Classroom Participation /Discussion Forums/Learning Exercises Due dates are posted on weekly modules for above learning activities 16%

  2. Professional Portfolio (due at 0800 7/22/22) 20%

  3. Think-Pair Share – Written paper: Case Study on Communication and Teamwork (due at 0800 8/5/22) 20%

  4. Group Paper on Leadership <Hot= Topic (due at 0800 8/26/22) 20%

  5. Group Video Presentation on Leadership <Hot= Topic (due at 0800 8/26/22) 5% All groups

  6. Peer Feedback Forum on Group Presentation, ( due at 0800 8/27/22) 5%

7. KAPLAN Focused Test Remediation: Management of Care A NGN Due 0800 8/6/22 1% each remediation KAPLAN Focused Test Remediation: Management of Care B NGN 3% Due 0800 8/13/ KAPLAN Focused Test Remediation: Management of Care C NGN Due 0800 8/20/

  1. KAPLAN IT Exam: Management/Professional Issues A ( 8/19/22) 0800-1000 3%

  2. KAPLAN IT Remediation using the Reflection Tool ( due at 0800 9/2/22) 4%

  3. Simulation Session A (8/12/22 1300-1700) ; Session B (8/19/22 1300-1700) 3%

  4. Course Evaluation (due at 2300 8/26/22) 1% Total 100%

Grading Criteria

Each student’s grade will be determined as follows:

Percentage Letter Grade 97-100 A+ 94-96 A 90-93 A- 87-89 B+ 84-86 B 80-83 B- 77-79 C+ 74-76 C Minimum passing grade 70-73 C- 60-69 D <60 F

*Grades are firm. There is no <rounding up=.

Evaluation methods: ALL Assignments must be uploaded to canvas on the due date by 0800 unless specified.

1. Class participation: Attendance/Classroom discussion/Discussion Forums/Learning exercises) 16%

Attendance is strongly recommended at all classes in this leadership course. Your attendance and participation in classroom activities will be monitored by the TAs for credit. If you missed a class, you will be required to complete a supplemental assignment for the lecture content or class activity that was missed. Make-up assignment for absences must be uploaded onto the Supplemental Assignment Folder in canvas by 0800, Friday the following week. Consistent tardiness or absences in classes may also result in forfeiting 0% of the final participation grade.

Learning exercises will foster critical thinking skills and promote interactive discussions. Learning exercises will be both home assignments and in-class. They will be posted in canvas a week before class. Completed home assignments and learning exercises will be uploaded in canvas by the due date/time stated in the weekly class schedule. Answers to learning exercises will be in your own words and based upon your own understanding and application of concept. Copying verbatim from a source and pasting in your document without attribution and quotation marks is considered academic dishonesty and plagiarism.

2. New Graduate RN Portfolio: Due 7/22/22 at 0800 20%

Portfolios are considered an essential tool for demonstrating professional accomplishments and documenting professional growth. The nursing professional portfolio can be a valuable device for organizing and evaluating professional competence. These portfolios can also provide a format for self-reflection and for goal planning.

This assignment is to prepare a professional portfolio that could be submitted as part of your RN

The first paragraph must include a brief introduction, your assets as student and your developing talents in nursing. One paragraph should cite a specific situation in which you adopted a leadership role or acted as a patient advocate. The final summary should include five attributes/adjectives that best describe your character. Think of this letter as the template that will be used by faculty who will write a reference letter about you for your first nursing position.

g. THANK YOU LETTER – A thank you letter that you could send to the person who interviewed you for a position in nursing. Two short paragraphs – one paragraph that starts with <Thank you....= and to mention your interest in the position; second paragraph should start with, <It was a pleasure meeting you......= Use a personal letterhead. Include the date, name of the addressee, title, position with proper professional salutation, and in the valediction, include your full name, credential, and your signature.

h. TWO SAMPLES of a value-added activity or project you have done in the SON. It could be something you completed in a course or SON program activity that shows you bring value added knowledge about health, nursing, or care delivery. This could be: 1) a paper – if the paper is more than 2 pages, include only the abstract of the paper rather than the whole paper. An abstract is a 150–250-word paragraph that describes the purpose of the paper, key points/findings, and implications to nursing. It could be 2) a PowerPoint presentation or poster presentation about a health care issue or topic. It could be 3) a reflective writing on a nursing topic or activity that you did. Each sample should not be more than 2 pages. This document should show that you are the author or one of the authors of the paper or project.

i. SKILLS CHECKLIST - This summary checklist should include all pertinent skills that you have accumulated during clinical rotations. You may list the skills that you have been checked off or validated throughout the program in one document.

j. CERTIFICATES AND AWARDS - Create a section in the portfolio for Certificates and Awards by listing them in one page with expiration date and if it is an award, write the date when it was received. In the subsequent pages include a copy of those certificates such as BLS, ACLS, OR PALS, Daisy Award, etc. Also include record or certificate of attendance at any relevant nursing conference you may have attended as an attendee, poster presenter or podium speaker.

Put your GPA in your resume if you want to feature it. You may customize your portfolio and add additional elements that contribute to making this portfolio stand out or represent your strengths or uniqueness

Refer to the grading rubric in the Rubric folder. Helpful References: a. Norris, T. et al (2012). Using portfolios to introduce the clinical nurse leader to the job market. Journal of Nursing Administration , 42 (1), 47-52. b. Oermann, M. (2002). Developing a professional portfolio in nursing. Orthopedic Nursing. 21 (2), 73-77. c. Williams, M. & Jordan, K. (2007). The nursing professional portfolio: A pathway to career development. Journal of Staff Development, 23 (3), 125-131.

3. Think-Pair Share Written Paper: Case Study on Communication and Teamwork due 0800 8/5/22 20%

Directions: This is a think-pair share activity where you will write a paper with a peer applying learned concepts from the course to a case study. The paper will be no less or no more than 6 pages (Times New Roman, 12 font, double-space) excluding the title page and reference list. Utilize course content, your textbooks, professional journal articles and professional websites as references for your work. A minimum of 10 references which includes at least 5 references from peer-reviewed nursing journal in the last 5 years supporting the intervention/s are required.

You will write about structuring a task force to deal with the issue presented in the case study provided. The task force will need to identify the contributing factors/underlying causes (root) causes of several main issues affecting the delivery of safe patient care: 1 ) no formal hand-off of information during shift change/ineffective communication, 2 ) lack of t e a m w or k , 3 ) unsafe practices and unhealthy working environment and 4) lack of interdisciplinary collaboration between the unit and another department.

You will also write about how to implement interventions or strategies to address the root causes impacting the unit to improve communication among staff and healthcare providers, improve teamwork, eliminate unsafe practices, and promote healthy work environment and improve interdisciplinary collaboration between the unit and other departments.

You will choose a partner work on this case study during the first day of class. The cases will be randomly assigned. As this assignment will be completed in partnership with another peer, partnership means an equal investment and engagement in accomplishing the work required by the assignment. Please develop an accountability work plan and stick to it.

Upload papers onto the course website in Turn-it-in. The similarity index must be = or < 15%. You need to rework the assignment and resubmit ensuring that you meet the benchmark for similarity index. See course website for grading rubric.

Construction of a Task Force:  Who are the stakeholders will you invite to join the task force? Ideally, it is limited to 7 members.  How often will the task force meet?  Explain how teams develop by discussing all the stages of teams. Describe one activity that you will do during the first and second stages of your task force’s development as a team: What is the focus of first stage? Given that focus, what could you as the leader do to facilitate your task force’s development into a team in this stage? What is the focus of second stage? Given that focus, what could you as the leader do to facilitate your task force’s development into a team in this stage?

Contributing Factors/Underlying Causes Pick two main issues out of the 4 presented and identify the root causes of those main issues affecting the delivery of quality and safe patient care in the unit?

To describe the root causes, identify the factors that can contribute to these issues. What are the barriers to effective communication? What are the barriers to teamwork? How should delegation be carried out or what can interfere with effective delegation? What contributes to an unsafe working environment or unsafe practices? What are some common barriers to

Disaster Planning – Pandemic – Discuss the issues associated with the corona virus pandemic. What are the strategies to address the issue on the local, state, and national level? ❑ Clinical Alarms – Discuss the practice issues regarding alarm management. What are the strategies to address nuisance alarms, alarm fatigue/alarm desensitization? ❑ Failure to rescue – Discuss the systemic factors that contribute to failure to rescue. What are the patient safety practices (PSPs) that have been implemented to address failure to rescue? ❑ Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs) – What are hospital acquired infections that are monitored by regulatory bodies? How do these infections affect reimbursement? What are the strategies or best practices implemented to decrease incidence of HAIs? ❑ Opioid addiction – What is the latest evidence regarding opioid addiction in the United States? Describe the statistics, healthcare costs and disparities in this health care issue. What are the best strategies in the literature addressing this healthcare issue? ❑ Nurse Burnout - High turnover rates of multigenerational nurses have occurred during the pandemic. Keeping experienced qualified nursing staff are constant challenges to maintain quality patient care and appropriate staffing. Examine and analyze the factors affecting this issue.’ ❑ Nursing Shortage – burnout and moral distress have caused nurses to leave and consider leaving nursing profession during covid pandemic. Examine and analyze other factors causing this problem.

  • Utilize the following bolded topics (required) to guide the flow of discussion in your paper.
  • Introduce the topic. Define and describe the issue. Explain why this is a leadership issue.
  • Describe the background and history of the issue. Describe the current state.
  • Discuss best practice solutions integrating information from the review of literature.
  • Conclusion
  • Utilize course content, your textbooks, professional journal articles and professional websites as references for your work. A minimum of 10 references which includes at least 5 peer- reviewed nursing journal articles in the last 5 years supporting the intervention/s are required.
  • This should be no less or no more than 7 pages excluding your cover page, appendices if applicable and reference list. It must be written in 12 font Times New Roman, double space with no running head. Strictly follow the APA guidelines i., proper use of references throughout the paper and citations are accurate.
  • Submit your assignment electronically in TurnItIn by 0800 on 8/26/2022. The similarity index must be = or <15%. The grading rubric is posted on the class website.

Group WorkTips: When submitting a paper written by multiple people, keep the following items in mind: - Keep format and font the same throughout the presentation. - Make sure content flows between sections and avoid duplication of information. - Each team member should be responsible for reading the completed paper making sure format, grammar, APA format, and content flow seamlessly.

In other words, a group paper should read as though one person was responsible for the writing. It should not be obvious to the reader that more than one person was involved in the assignment.

5. Leadership Issue Video Presentation due @ 0800 8/26/22 5%

a) Your presentation should: - Consist of no more than 10 slides excluding the title, reference & group members slides. - The video presentation should be no less than 15, no more than 18 minutes long.

b) This is the order of your slides - Introduce the topic: why this is an issue. Support with statistics from the literature (1- slides) - Review of the literature. Summarize what is known about the issue. (2-3 slides) - Discuss best practice solutions to the issue from the review of the literature. Use appropriate APA referencing of information in the slides. (3-4 slides) - Conclusion: Implication for nursing practice and future research. (1 slide) - Reference list in APA format (1 slide) - Last slide is the list of group members and participation of each

c) All team members must participate in the video presentation. Absence during group presentation will forfeit the full 5% of the group presentation grade for that student. The grading rubric is posted on the class website.

6. Leadership Topic Presentation Peer Feedback due @ 0800 8/27/22 5% During class hours, you will view 5 recorded video presentations of your choice and will provide feedback in the discussion forum by answering the questions posted. You need to complete 5 feedbacks posting to get full credit. Follow the instructions in the discussion board under Week 10.

7. Kaplan Focused Review Tests with Remediation 3%

N268 students will take the 3 management of care-oriented Kaplan Focused Review Tests via the Kaplan Website. Exams are self-scheduled at your own pace. The focused review tests, Management of Care NGN A is due 0800 8/6/22 ; Management of Care NGN B is due @0800 on 8/13/22 and Management of Care NGN C is due 0800 8/20/22. It is strongly advised that you DO NOT wait until the last week of class to complete the focused review tests and remediation. We will verify that all focused exams are done to get the full 3% credit.

REMEDIATION is REQUIRED for the full 3% credit a. Access the Kaplan student homepage nursing.kaplan/s_login.aspx. b. Enter your username and password c. Go to Focused Review Tests and click <Take Available Tests= d. Take the three Focused Review Tests, Management of Care NGN A, B, & C in completion - all 30 questions per test. e. After you complete a focused review test, there is an area that states "Review". Click <Review= f. You must remediate all 30 questions whether you answered them correctly or not. For each question, click on <view explanation.= Doing this will begin your remediation time. Your remediation time spent per question can be viewed in the upper right corner. You can see the seconds running. Your total remediation time for reviewing all questions must be minimum of 30 minutes FOR EACH FOCUSED REVIEW TEST. The total minutes spent remediating are viewable so confirm you spent 30 minutes per each focused review test. The remediation minutes are logged into Kaplan websites where faculty can visualize the time a student has spent remediating.

Recorded Content: The faculty does not give permission for recording and/or public sharing of any content from canvas or class, including but not limited to photos, YouTube, class websites or Facebook pages, internet, or sharing with other students outside of the course.

In class group work: Reports or observations of students not actively participating in group discussion and conclusions will forfeit the equivalent prorated attendance point that day.

Missed classes and Supplemental assignments/Missed exams Attendance will be monitored by the TA during the duration of the quarter. Students who have unexcused absence will be given supplemental assignment to cover the lectures/class activities missed during the class. This could include but not limited to a 3-page reflective paper on topics or concepts presented in class. Completed supplemental assignments will be uploaded by 0800, Friday the week following the absence day onto canvas supplemental upload folder. Failure to submit supplemental assignment will incur an INC (incomplete) in this course until learning objectives of the course have been met.

Note: Students who miss class for reason covered in the university covid-policy will be able to access to recorded lectures of the class.

Unexcused absences from an examination i., Kaplan exam for this course will result in an automatic forfeiture of the total exam points.

<Acceptable absence excuses for missing a quiz or examination for a theory course include one’s own illness, serious illness in one’s immediate family or death of a family member, or other exceptional circumstances. Ideally, the instructor or school must be notified at least two (2) hours prior to the start of class or scheduled examination. A student who misses an examination must take it within 48 hours of the scheduled examination at the discretion of the faculty member. There is no reduction applied to the grade on the quiz or examination for an excused absence. If a student is absent on the day of a quiz or examination without explanation, that absence is considered unexcused. In general, failure to notify the instructor or school prior to the exam time will render the absence unexcused, even if the absence was due to one’s own illness, serious illness in one’s immediate family or death of a family member.= For an absence in class or exam due to illness, other than covid, an MD certificate must be presented to the faculty within 24 hours to consider the absence excused.

Pre-Licensure Chain of Communication

Students are expected to follow the chain of communication as needed to resolve any concerns or questions. For any questions related to assignments and planned absences, contact the TAs first via email. If questions are not resolved by the TAs, proper escalation according to chain of communication will be followed. For any urgent/emergent issues, contact the faculty directly via email.

Section 102 of the UCLA Student Conduct Code prohibits all forms of academic misconduct or research misconduct, including, but not limited to, cheating, fabrication or falsification, plagiarism, multiple submissions, facilitating academic dishonesty, coercion regarding grading or evaluation of coursework, or unauthorized collaboration. By submitting your individual assignment or quiz/exam for grading, you affirm that your work is solely your own and that you have not communicated with anyone other than the instructor and proctors in any way during the completion of the assignment or exam.

Behaviors in violation of Academic Dishonesty Policy will be immediately reported and include, but are not limited to: - Signing of attendance roster for another student - No other computer applications should be opened during exams

  • Anyone found to be looking at a non-test computer page during an exam or quiz will be reported immediately for Academic Dishonesty
    • Wearing a watch, air pods or other wearable device that communicates with a computer or a cell phone (i., Apple or Google watches) during an exam or quiz
    • Anyone found or suspected of sharing a quiz or exam question/s or computer code to a person not present for the test
    • Recording or taking pictures/screen shots of exams/quizzes

Additional behaviors to avoid during class: - Phones must be silenced during class time. - Refrain from sleeping in class. If fatigued, please excuse yourself and notify the TA. - Refrain from private conversations, or text messaging with others while class is in session.

Professional Dress Code: Refer to the Student Handbook for more details on the Dress Code.

Emergency and Evacuation Plan

Important information regarding the School of Nursing/Factor Building emergency and evacuation plan, standards for student conduct, university policy on Academic Integrity, resources for students with disabilities, and Kaplan Exam preparation are available on the CCLE course website (ccle.ucla). Students are required to familiarize themselves with this information. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your course instructors or teaching assistant.


Developing your Portfolio

Preparing for a nursing job interview

Mock Interview

Employee recruitment, selection, placement, and indoctrination

Professional Development in Nursing

  • Professional Associations
  • Career Stages

Interviewing: M&H Chapter 15 pp 384-393. 1. Pagana, K. (2012). Ten tips for handling job interviews by phone. American Nurse Today, 7 (1), 40-41. 2. Pagana, K. (2012). Presenting yourself professionally. American Nurse Today, 7 (7), 16-17. 3. Leis, S. (2016). Resumes the recruiters’ perspective. NURSE 4. Strout, K., Nevers, J., Bachard, D., & Varney, S. (2016). Evidence-based interview strategy for new nurses. American Nurse Today, 11(9), 45-

Read: Marquis & Huston, Chapters 15 pages 376-

  1. Moore, K. (2014). How DNP and PhD nurses can collaborate to maximize patient care. American Nurse Today, 9(1), 48-49.

During the last half hour of class, each student will work with work with the partner to prepare for the mock interview. Work on the given interview questions.

Learning Exercise: Mock Interview due on 7/15/ @0800 (3 points)

Week 3 7/08/ 0800-

Health care delivery systems

Organizational Structure

Shared Governance Model

Organizing Patient Care

Fiscal Planning

ANA Issue Brief: New Care Delivery Models in Health System Reform: Opportunities for Nurses & their Patients

  1. Marquis and Huston (M&H) Read Chapter 12: Organizational Structure pp 296-
  2. Marquis and Huston Chapter 12: Shared Governance: Organizational Design for the 21st century? pp 312- pp308-
  3. Kroning, M. & Hopkins, K. (2019). Healthcare organizations thrive with shared governance. Nursing Management , 50 (5), 13-15.
  4. Marquis and Huston (M&H) Read Chapter 14: Organizing Patient Care Chapter 14 pp 352-
  5. Marquis and Huston (M&H) Read Chapter 10: Fiscal Planning and Health Care Reimbursement pp 237-

Discussion Forum: Participation Point (0 pt.) Shared Governance

NCH//PPD Calculation

Week 4 7/15/ 0800-

Nurse-led Interdisciplinary Teams/ Team Building/Teamwork

  • Teamwork
  • Collaboration
  • Team building
  1. O’Daniel and Rosenstein. Professional communication and team collaboration. (2008). In R. Hughes (ed.). Patient safety and quality: An evidence-based handbook for nurses. Chapter 33_._ (2-271) AHRQ publication No. 08-0043j. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research. Available at ncbi.nlm.nih/books/NBK2651/

Learning Exercise: Am I ready for Interview is due at 0800 today



Time Management

  1. Friesen, White & Byers. (2008). Handoffs: Implications for nurses. In R. Hughes (ed.). Patient safety and quality: An evidence-based handbook for nurses. Vol 2, Section V. Chapter 34_._ (2-285) AHRQ publication No. 08-0043. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research. Available at ncbi.nlm.nih/books/NBK2651/

M&H - Chapter 20 Delegation pp 527-545. pp 523-

  1. National Council of State Boards of Nursing (2016). National Guidelines for Nursing Delegation, Journal of Nursing Regulation, 7 (1), 5-14.
  2. Anthony, M., & Vidal, K. (2010). Mindful communication: A novel approach to improving delegation and increasing patient safety. ANA OJIN, 11 5(2).

M&H - Chapter 9 Time Management pp 211-

Participation Point (1 pt.) Role Play and Case Study: Prioritization/Communication

Learning Exercise: Time Management due next week 7/22/22 (4 pts)

Week 5 7/22/ 0800-

Understanding Power Authority power gap Personal power base

Communication Skills/ Critical Language

Communication Strategies

  • Experience with ISBAR
  • Conflict Management (use of CUS, Casperson, DESC, head-heart-head strategies)
  • Crucial Conversations

Organizational, Political, and Personal Power: M&H Chapter 13 pp 325-

Organizational, Interpersonal and Group Communication: M&H - Chapter 19 pp 493-

  1. Dayton, E. & Henriksen, K. (2007). Teamwork and communication – communication failure: Basic components, contributing factors, and the call for structure_._ The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 33 (1), 34-47.
  2. Major, K. (2013). Crucial conversations in the workplace. American Journal of Nursing , 113, 66-70.
  3. Sherman, R. (2015). The importance of explaining why. American Nurse Today, 10 (11), 12-13.
  4. Steinbinder, A. (2016). Safeguarding patients: The courageous communication solution. American Nurse Today , 11 (5), 33-35.
  5. Sherman, R. (2016). Building your energy bus. Retrieved from, emergingrnleader/building-your-

Professional Portfolio due today at 0800

Time Management assignment due today at 0800

Participation Point (1 pt.) Conflict Management – Vignettes through role play

concerns, and challenges. In Dearholt and Dang (ed.). Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Base Practice: Model and Guidelines, 2nd Ed. Chapter 1, pp. 1-14. Sigma Theta Tau: Indianapolis, IN. 2. CNL Certification Review – Chapter 13 pp-138.

Week 7 8/05/ 0800-

Scope of Practice: Nurse Practice Act

Professional Practice Model

Magnet Designation

Healthy Work Environment

Professional Role: Scope of Practice CA BRN

  1. California Board of Registered Nurses. An explanation of the Scope of RN Practice. Retrieved from:
  2. Brewer, K. (2014). Scope and standards of practice documents: Guiding you to leadership success. American Nurse Today , 9, 50-51.

Required readings:

  1. Mensik, J., Maust Martin, D., Johnson, K., Clark, C., &. Trifanoff, C. (2017). Embedding a professional practice m o del across a system. Journal of Nursing Administration, 47 (9), 421-425.

M&H - Chapter 12 pp 314-

  1. Ducharme, M., Bernhardt, J., Padula, C. & Adams, J. (2017). Leader influence, the professional practice environment, and nurse engagement in essential nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Administration, 47 (7), 367-375.
  2. Lundmark, V. Ch 46 Magnet environments for professional nursing practice. In R. Hughes (ed.). Patient safety and quality: An evidence-based handbook for nurses. AHRQ publication No. 08-0043. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research. Available at ncbi.nlm.nih/books/NBK2651/
  3. Hacker M. (2014). How magnet® standards improve pediatric care. Journal of Nursing Administration, 44 (2),70-
  4. Kramer, M. & Schmalenberg, C. (2005). Best quality patient care: A historical perspective on magnet hospitals. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 29 (3), 275-287.

Teamwork and communication paper due today at 0800 via TurnItIn

Kaplan remediation FT Management of Care NGN A due at 0800 8/6/

Learning Exercise (Think- pair-share- Healthy Work Environment Case Studies due next week 0800 8/12/ (1 pt.)

Week 8 Collective Bargaining in Collective bargaining, Unionization & Employment Laws: HWE Assignment due today

8 /12/


Nursing, Unionization

Legal Aspects in Nursing

Patient Safety: Investigating Sentinel Events

Just Culture

Simulation Session 1 1300-

M&H – Chapter 22 pp 586-

Legal and legislative issues M&H – Chapter 5 109-

  1. Pohlman, K. (2015). Why you need your own malpractice insurance. American Nurse Today, 10(11), 28-30.
  2. Reising, D. (2012). Make your nursing care malpractice- proof. American Nurse Today, 7(1), 24-

National Patient Safety Goals Joint Commission 2020 National Patient Safety Goals (On course website)

Paradiso, L. & Sweeney, N. (2019). Just Culture: It is more than policy. Nursing Management, 50 (6) 38-45. Doi: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000558482.07815

at 0800 Kaplan remediation FT Management of Care NGN B due at 0800 8/13/

Breakout Session: Think- Pair-share Strike or not?

Breakout Session: Group Participation point (0 pt.) Legal Issues Case Studies due today at 1700

Week 9 8/19/ 1030-

Kaplan IT: Management and Professional Issues A Test 0800-

1030- Ethical Issues

Simulation Session 2 1300-

Access the Kaplan portal for the Kaplan IT Exam: Management and Professional Issues A This will be in person proctored exam using respondus lockdown browser

M&H – Chapter 4 pp 84-

Kaplan remediation FT Management of Care C NGN due at 0800 8/20/

Breakout Session: Participation Point (0 pt.) Ethics Case Studies

Week 10 8/26/ 0800-

0800-0930 Summative Activity Poster Video Presentations ( All groups)

All students are expected to participate in this summative activity by groups.

Each student will view five (5) 15 to18-min peer recorded video presentations during class hours. No same topics will be viewed. After completion, you will complete 5 peer

Participation Point (1 point)

Leadership Topic Group Paper due by 0800 am today in TurnItIn

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N268 Summer 2022 Leadership in Health Care Systems Syllabus 6

Course: Fundamentals of Nursing (165)

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University of California, Los Angeles
Master’s Entry Clinical Nurse (MECN) Program
Summer Quarter 2022
Course Number and Title:
N268 Leadership in Health Care Systems
Number of Units: 4 Units
One unit represents three hours of work per week per term by the student, including both
class attendance and preparation.
Prerequisites: N465A & B, N250
Class Location and Time:
Fridays starting June 24, 2022
Lecture/Discussion: 0800-1150
Location: A660 Moseley Auditorium
Catalog Description:
The purpose of this course is to discuss utilizing systems theory in providing patient-centered
value-added care. The health care practitioner learns to utilize critical thinking and decision-
making to coordinate and deliver quality, cost effective patient care. Different modes of organizing
nursing care within the micro-meso-macro levels of healthcare systems, manage care within a
multidisciplinary team framework, and promote effective teamwork that enhances patient
outcomes, improves staff efficiency, and reduces costs all discussed. Emphasis on system theory,
problem solving and decision-making, nursing care delivery models, delegation, and team
strategies in relationship to the clinical nurse leader. Satisfies course requirement for CNL
certification. Letter grading.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of the course the student will:
1. Explain how a systems approach is utilized in providing patient-centered and value-added care.
(AACN Essentials: II; QSEN: patient safety, patient-centered care, evidence-based practice,
information technology.)
2. Describe the concept of multidisciplinary team collaboration, exchange of information, and
coordination of patient care (AACN Essentials: VII; QSEN: patient safety, patient-centered care,
evidence-based practice).
3. Identify various team strategies for problem solving that enhance patient-centeredness and
value-added care (AACN Essentials: VII; QSEN: patient safety, patient-centered care, evidence-
based practice, collaboration in interdisciplinary teams).
4. Identify the importance of delegation and analyze ways in which the registered nurse can
utilize delegation skills to optimize team functioning and patient care (AACN Essentials: VII; III;
QSEN: patient safety, patient-centered care, evidence-based practice).
5. Differentiate between decision-making, problem solving and critical thinking; identify how
these approaches are utilized by the clinical nurse leader in coordinating quality patient care
(AACN Essentials: VIII; QSEN: patient safety, patient-centered care, evidence-based practice,
collaboration in interdisciplinary teams).
6. Identify different modes of organizing nursing care and describe the importance implementing
a nursing delivery model that meets the goals of the patient, unit, and organization (AACN