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Sociology - Lecture 12
Course: Introduction to Sociology (SS 2700)
4 Documents
Students shared 4 documents in this course
University: University of Michigan
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Marx vs. Durkehim & Cooley/Mead and Successors
Both are structuralists
oSociety should be characterized more by the influences from outside rather than
How would you characterize Marx’s view of society?
Institutions: serve the bourgeoisie
Individuals: either bourgeoisie or proletariat
How would you characterize Durkheim’s view of society?
Social facts
Collective Conscience – all the cultural stuff put together in a given society
Each institution has a function to help society
Individuals: we all play functions/roles that serve
oHeld together by “organic solidarity”
oBound together my our mutual need (differences)
oUsed to be held together by our mechanical solidarity (similarities)
William James: your identity/self is made up of anything you can call yours; your stuff is all
part of your identity
American Micro-Sociology: Self in Social Context
Cooley, Mead, and Their Successors
Charles Horton Cooley (1864-1929)
you are not even a human being until you have been socialized (nurture)
When you put people in solitary confinement – lose your ability to socialize and get very
Ideas in the Reading (Human Nature and the Social Order)
1. Our consciousness is social, our language is social – even “I” and “mine” are social
a. When we think of self, we are automatically thinking about us in the context of
2. Therefore, “I” is not all of self. It is like a nucleus in the larger cell of self. The other
part of self is social.
a. There is some piece of us at our core that isn’t shaped by our society
3. Sometimes we equate “I” with our body. Even then there is a social dimension to
a. We exist in space and the ideas we have about this come from the social world so
even that unique piece of us can only be thought about in social context