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Assignment 2
Course: Medical Terminology (KINE 2850)
27 Documents
Students shared 27 documents in this course
University: University of Virginia
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McDonald_Madeleine Assignment #2
KINE_2850 Section # 500 Date 8/30/2016
Word Elements
Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the missing word or words.
The four elements that are used to build a medical word are the word root, combining form, prefix
and suffix .
In the word teacher, teaches, and teaching, the word root is teach .
Identify the roots in the following words:
Word Root
Reader read
Spending spend
Playful play
Word roots can also be used alone, please identify the roots in these terms:
Alcoholism Alcohol-
Lumpectomy Lump-
Gastritis Gastro-
Word Breakdown
Instructions: Break down the following words into Combining Form, Word Root and Suffix. After breaking down the word
please define it and name a specialist that deals with that particular pathology or organ.
Medical Term Combining Form Word Root Suffix Specialist
Arthroscopic Arthr/o / Arthro / -scopic | Orthopedist
Erythrocytosis Erythr/o / Erythrocyte / -osis | Hematologist
Appendix Append / Append / -ix |Gastroenterologist
Dermatitis Derm/ato / Dermat / -itis | Dermatologist
Gastroenteritis Gastr/0, Enter / Gastroenter / -itis |Gastroenterologist
Orthopedic Orth/o, Ped / Orthoped/ -ic | Orthopedist
Osteoarthritis Ost/e/o , Arth / Osteoarth / -itis | Rheumatologist
Vaginitis Vagin / Vagin / -itis |Gynecologist