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Body,Diagnosis,Equipment, Instruments, and Treatments Pt. 2
Course: Medical Terminology (KINE 2850)
27 Documents
Students shared 27 documents in this course
University: University of Virginia
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Diagnosis, Examination, and Testing
- any objective evidence or manifestation of an illness
- signs are usually definitive and obvious which are contrast with symptoms which are subjective
- sign examples : rash, bruise, bleeding, melanoma
- Something described to you or any change in the body that indicates a disease process
- Usually subjective and include things such as pain,numbness, sounds, nauseous, vomit
General Aspects include:
Onset - date, manner
Characteristics - location, severity, timing, relieving factors
Course - therapy progress and effects
- a running together of signs and symptoms
- a group of signs and symptoms that together indicate a particular disease or condition
- examples include fever, rash, sounds, redness, and itching
- the act or process of inspecting the body and its systems to determine disease
- the term denotes the type of exam such as oral, physical, rectal, x-ray, or cardiovascular
Stetho/scop/e - chest/examine/instrument
The instrument is used to examine, amplify, and clarify sounds produced in the body (respiratory
and cardiovascular)
Stethos - chest
Skopein - scope or examine or view
Pectoralis - chest or breast
Thorakos - thorax or chest
-e - means instrument or device
- process of listening for sounds in the chest or abdominal areas to detect abnormal conditions
- the stethoscope is placed against the skin to examine specific areas in the body according to
their anatomical position
- usually the heart or lungs are primary sites of examination
Sphygmo/mano/meter - pulse/hand/measure
- Used to determine the arterial blood pressure above atmospheric pressure
- Two types : mercury or aneroid