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Lesson 3 International Management
Course: Management Theory And Leadership Practice (MGT3304)
14 Documents
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Describe globalization and identify good and bad aspects that result from increasing interdependence of world community.
Explain why countries trade and how global international trade works.
Analyze a country's suitability as a target for company global expansion and describe foreign business entry modes.
Give examples of diferences that exist between countries and cultures.
What is globalization?
Managing in today’s global economy
●Our economy is global, customers, competitors, employees, and suppliers could be located anywhere in world
○Makes business environment more complex
International challenges and opportunities
●Increasing prosperity and lower trade barriers helped many nations integrate into a global economy
○As world’s economic output grew, volume of exports grew faster. Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays an ever-increasing role in
global economy as companies invest overseas. Imports penetrate more deeply into world’s largest economies
●Growth of imports is a natural byproduct of growth of world trade and trend toward manufacturing components parts, or entire products,
overseas before shipping them back home for final sale
●growth of world trade, FDI, and imports means that companies around globe are finding their home markets under attack from foreign
●Opportunities are greater because many formerly protected national markets are open for business. Potential for export and making direct
investments overseas is greater today. Environment is more complex due to challenges for working in diferent cultures and coordinating
globally dispersed operations
○Environment is more competitive bc of cost-eficient overseas competitors
●Companies both large and small view world, not just their own country, as their marketplace
●US has no monopoly on international business
●Companies have dispersed their manufacturing, marketing, and research facilities to locations around globe where cose and skills conditions
are most favorable
●Many small companies limit their international involvement to exporting, or sourcing from or setting up production facilities overseas
○Others acquire existing small businesses to gain talent and access to new markets
●Bc trade allows each country to obtain more eficiently what it cannot as easily produce on its own, it lowers prices overall and makes more
goods more widely available
○Raises living standards and may broaden market for managers own product, both locally and abroad
●Trade makes new technologies and ,methods more widely available
●Collaborating with others on trade creates links btw people and cultures that can lead to cooperation in other areas
●Outsourcing: when an organization contracts with an outside provider to produce 1+ goods and services
●Ofshoring: specific type of outsourcing, companies move jobs to providers in another country, typically where wages are lower
●People think that high paying jobs are being lost to low cost countries overseas
●Cause of manufacturing employment in US decline is bc of innovation
●Automation technologies are replacing human beings in some jobs → companies need fewer workers to produce same quality of goods and
●As ofshoring increases eficiency, it frees funds for expansion and additional employment
●Ofshoring is ofset when foreign companies hire workers in US
●Managers have some latitude, multiple options, and a variety of ways to make decisions that have both positive and negative business and
human consequences
●Automation reduces labor costs, making it less necessary to move jobs overseas
●Managers who ofshore to save on wages → increasing wage rates and added costs of travel, training, supply chain disruption, quality control,
language barriers, and resistance of some customers who prefer to deal with local personnel
●Inshoring: moving work back to US
●In deciding whether to ofshore, managers should not start out with assumptions that it will be cheaper for them to do so
●Factors to take into account:
○What competitive advantage do products ofer?