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D096 T1 Final - Task 1
Course: Education Foundations (D097)
226 Documents
Students shared 226 documents in this course
University: Western Governors University
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Elizabeth Gorman
D096- Task 1
A. Reflect on how each of the following aspects contribute to your personal
culture and influence your effectiveness as an educator in a classroom with a
culturally diverse group of students:
a. importance of and family expectations for education- Growing up there
was a lot of pressure to do well in school. My siblings and I were
rewarded for good grades and punished for bad grades. In my family
education was held to a high standard, there wasn’t a question about if
we were going to college after high school, it was expected. Some may
think this parenting style is harsh and during the time I may have
slightly agreed, especially in my rebellious stage, however looking back
it was this type of strictness that assisted me in succeeding in school. I
had to work hard in school and for the most part I did, which gave me
my love for learning and school. With the high expectation to do well in
school came with a huge amount of support from my parents and
siblings. Their support helped all throughout grade school and even in
college. My parents supported me with whatever academic path I
chose to pursue. This was just my experience. I understand that not all
students have a supportive team at home. With this in mind it is super
important to get to know all of my students, to be able to see which
students need more support from me and which students need a little
push to reach their goals.
b. values pertaining to social or family groups- Growing up I had tons of
support from my family, without which I know I would not have done
well in school. At times their support was too much and a little
suffocating but it was what I feel I needed at that time. My friends were
a different story, they were supportive as well as very distracting. This
mix made it difficult at times to stay on course, which is why I am so
glad that my family was so supportive. I believe that it is extremely
important for students to make friends, not only to build social skills
but to also have extra support in school and out. As a teacher I want to
create a supportive environment for all my students where the support
isn’t just from me but from other students as well. I also want to help
students to build relationships with each other. I want to have assigned
seats that change periodically, which will give students the opportunity
to sit with different students and build that relationship. Another idea I
had was to have students write positive supportive blurbs about
another student’s project presentation. This will allow students to learn
to focus on the positive and how to support and build each other up.
c. experiences with individuals from diverse backgrounds- I have tons of
experience with individuals from diverse background in my adult life. I