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View SPTrigger My SQL - Notes with simple explanations and examples.
Introduction to Databases and Databases Management Systems:Part 1 (CSIQ2634)
University of the Free State
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Views, Stored Procedures, Functions, and
A view is a “virtual” table that is derived from other tables
Allows for limited update operations
- Since the table may not physically be stored
Allows full query operations
There are two ways to implement a view:
Approach 1: Query modification
- Modify the view query into a query on the underlying base tables
- Example: SELECT * FROM Manager WHERE Salary > 100000 becomes SELECT Fname, Lname, Dname, Dnumber, Salary FROM EMPLOYEE, DEPARTMENT WHERE SSN=MgrSSN AND Salary > 100000
- Disadvantage: Inefficient for views defined via complex queries
Approach 2: View materialization
- Involves physically creating and keeping a temporary table
- Concerns: Maintaining correspondence between the base table and the view when the base table is updated
A stored procedure contains a sequence of SQL commands stored in the database catalog so that it can be invoked later by a program
Stored procedures are declared using the following syntax: Create Procedure<proc-name> (param_spec 1 , param_spec 2 , ..., param_specn) begin -- execution code end;
where each param_spec is of the form: [in | out | inout] <param_name> <param_type>
- in mode: allows you to pass values into the procedure,
- out mode: allows you to pass value back from procedure to the calling program
Suppose we want to keep track of the total salaries of employees working for each department
We need to write a procedure to update the salaries in the deptsal table
Step 2:
Define a procedure called updateSalary which takes as input a department number.
The body of the procedure is an SQL command to update the totalsalary column of the deptsal table.
Terminate the procedure definition using the delimiter you had defined in step 1 (//)
Step 3: Change the delimiter back to semicolon (;)
Step 5: Show the updated total salary in the deptsal table
Use show procedure status to display the list of stored
procedures you have created
Use drop procedure to remove a stored procedure
" $"
The previous procedure updates one row in deptsal table
based on input parameter
Suppose we want to update all the rows in deptsal
- First, let’s reset the totalsalary in deptsal to zero
" $"
Drop the old procedure
Use cursor to iterate the rows
Create a procedure to give a raise to all employees
View SPTrigger My SQL - Notes with simple explanations and examples.
Course: Introduction to Databases and Databases Management Systems:Part 1 (CSIQ2634)
University: University of the Free State
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