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System development
Course: Komputer Terapan (182361620)
130 Documents
Students shared 130 documents in this course
University: Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
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System Development
The system development process is the process of creating a software system from the
initial concept to deployment and maintenance. There are several stages involved in the system
development process, these stages are:
●Requirements gathering and analysis: In this stage, the system requirements are
gathered from stakeholders and analyzed to ensure that they are clear, complete,
and consistent.
●System design: In this stage, the system is designed, which includes the creation
of a detailed system architecture, the selection of hardware and software
components, and the definition of interfaces and protocols.
●Implementation and unit testing: In this stage, the system is implemented and unit
tested. This includes the coding of the system, the creation of test cases, and the
execution of unit tests to ensure that the system meets the requirements.
●Integration and system testing: In this stage, the system components are integrated
and tested as a whole. This includes the creation of test cases and the execution of
system tests to ensure that the system functions as a whole.
●Deployment: In this stage, the system is deployed to the production environment.
This includes the installation of the system, the configuration of the system, and
the training of users.