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Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 12 (1) 2021, 12- jdm.unnes.ac Nationally Accredited based on the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Number 85/M/KPT/
e Moderating Role of Demographic Factors in the Relationship
among Job Satisfaction, Work Environment, Work Motivation to
Employee Performance
Kemal Muhammad Hanafi, Tantri Yanuar Rahmat Syah
Faculty of Economics and Business, Esa Unggul University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Abstract e purpose of this study was to determine the effect of job satisfaction, work environment, and work motivation on employee performance and to determine the role of gender and duration as demographic factors that moderate the relationship between job satisfaction, work environment, work motivation, and employee performance. e object of this study is employees with staff positions working in telecom- munications companies to PT. XL Axiata, PT. Indosat Ooredoo, and PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Tel- komsel) located in Jakarta. is study uses a quantitative approach which will use a questionnaire measur- ing tool. e total sample of this study was 590 respondents using a simple random sampling technique. To analyze the data used univariate cell means test and multiple linear regression test. e results of this study conclude that job satisfaction, work environment, and work motivation have a signicant effect on employee performance. Demographic factors that become moderating have an inuence on employee performance, but the exception for male gender is not beer than women in job satisfaction, work environ- ment, and work motivation on employee performance, while for work duration more than two years it is beer than less than two years in the work environment and work motivation on employee performance, and are inversely related to job satisfaction.
Info Article History Article: Submitted 21 November 2020 Revised 10 January 2021 Accepted 29 January 2021 Keywords: Job Satisfaction; Work Environ- ment; Work Motivation; Employee Performance; Gender; Duration.
Peran Moderasi Faktor Demogra dalam hubungan antara Kepuasan
Kerja, Lingkungan Kerja, Motivasi Kerja pada Kinerja Karyawan
Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepuasan kerja, lingkungan kerja dan motivasi ker- ja terhadap kinerja karyawan serta mengetahui peran jenis kelamin dan durasi sebagai faktor demografi yang memoderasi hubungan antara kepuasan kerja, lingkungan kerja, motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan. Objek pada penelitian ini adalah karyawan dengan jabatan staff yang bekerja dalam perusahaan bidang telekomunikasi pada PT. XL Axiata, PT. Indosat Oredoo, dan PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkomsel) berlokasi di Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dimana akan menggunakan alat ukur kuisioner. Total sampel sebanyak 590 responden dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Untuk menganalisa data digunakan uji rerata-sel univariat dan uji regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kepuasan kerja, lingkungan kerja, dan motivasi kerja berpengaruh signifikan terha - dap kinerja karyawan. Faktor demografi yang menjadi moderasi memiliki pengaruh terhadap kinerja kar - yawan, namun pengecualian untuk jenis kelamin pria tidak lebih baik dari wanita dalam kepuasan kerja, lingkungan kerja, dan motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan, sedangkan untuk durasi kerja lebih dari dua tahun lebih baik dari yang kurang dari dua tahun dalam lingkungan kerja dan motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan, dan berbanding terbalik dengan kepuasan kerja. JEL Classification: C11; G30; G
Correspondence Address Jl. Arjuna Utara No, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta 11510, Indonesia Email: tantri@esaunggul.ac
ISSN 2086-0668 (print) 2337-5434 (online) DOI: 10.15294/jdm.
How to Cite: Hanafi, K & Syah, T.Y. (2021). Moderating Role of Demographic Factors in the Relationship among Job Satisfaction, Work Environment, Work Motivation to Employee Performance. Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen, 12(1), 12-28.
Kemal Muhammad Hanafi & Tantri Yanuar Rahmat Syah/ The Moderating Role of Demographic Factors in....
Along with the development of techno- logy, various kinds of telecommunication pro- ducts and services began to emerge and compe- te with each other to improve performance to be more optimal. Technology that is increasingly developing is something that must be conside- red by every individual (Anindita, 2000). Given the changing changes in telecommunications technology, companies need the right strategy to be able to improve employee performance and increase effective resources, to face the de- mands of telecommunications developments. Telecommunication companies are one of the most advanced companies in the development of technology. Thus, the company must be able to realize reliable human resources, because the role of human resources is very crucial and is the key to the success of a company. Effect of job sa - tisfaction, work environment, work motivation on employee performance as moderated by de- mographic factors. In terms of job satisfaction, you must have a measure of work or employee experien- ce for the enjoyment of doing work (Siengthai & Pila-Ngarm, 2016). Antoncic and Antoncic (2011)growth and development may depend considerably on entrepreneurship in existing organizations (intrapreneurship explain that employee satisfaction has a positive influence on four dimensions of work (general satisfac- tion with work; employee relations; benefits and organizational culture; employee loyalty). High job satisfaction levels have a positive effect on employee performance, organizational citi- zenship behavior, and organizational commit- ment, while low job satisfaction has effects such as absenteeism, intention to leave work, emplo- yee turnover (Kalkavan & Katrinli, 2014). Thus, good employee performance will increase the job satisfaction of internally oriented individu- als (Siahaan, 2017). Describing the work environment in a company is very important for management to consider, even though the work environment does not carry out the production process in the
company, but the work environment has a direct effect on employees who carry out the producti- on process, and a good work environment will ex- perience increased employee performance (Hal- besleben & Wheeler, 2008). According to Ripley et al. (2008) employees’ perceptions of the work environment will influence behavior that leads to performance. The physical work environment has a correlation between fellow employees from the relationship between subordinates and supe- riors which has a big impact on employee perfor- mance. Thus, it can be concluded that the physi- cal work environment also influences employee performance (Anitha, 2014). In carrying out work motivation, it can be from employee behavior which can be seen between the needs, encouragement, goals that are carried out to the organization. Motivation is a basic process that involves needs by regula- ting the movement of employee performance in achieving organizational goals (Molatsana et al., 2014). Motivational factors that influence work - force turnover include job involvement, perfor- mance management, culture, and organizational management. Engagement occurs when emplo- yees are committed to their jobs, and motivated to achieve good levels of performance. The re- sults can only be achieved when employers offer implied contracts with their employees, which elicit positive and specific behavior towards or- ganizational goals (Güngör, 2011; Cherian & Jacob, 2013; Meyer et al., 2004) In several previous studies, it was stated that job satisfaction influences employee perfor- mance (Siengthai & Pila-Ngarm, 2016). While the work environment and work motivation also influence employee performance (Kainkan, 2015). Several previous studies have studied moderation regarding the demographic factors of gender and duration which are the focus of research. For example, a combination of diffe- rent variables of gender and duration as mode- rating the following relationships: work-family conflict with performance indicators such as commitment and attachment withdrawal beha- vior (Byron, 2005)nonwork, and demographic and individual factors on work interference
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needs, encouragement, and goals it does in the organization to achieve good employee perfor- mance (Stoyanov, 2017). Seeing motivation as a process that satisfies those needs reveals that when employees are met by several motiva- tors, employees will make high-level efforts to achieve organizational goals on employee per- formance (Molatsana et al., 2014). Increasing work motivation is important for the success of employee performance, while a high level of motivation leads to increased creativity, work smarter, work harder, increase win solutions, and improve relationships with the organiza- tion (Pullins, 2001; Gerhart & Fang, 2015). Based on the foregoing, the hypotheses that can be proposed are: H3: Work motivation influence employee per- formance.
e Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance as Moderated by Gender Kidder (2002) found that gender or gen- der to be an important element of employee performance. Ali et al. (2011) stated that male and female employees following different socia- lization processes can make them more separa- ted from each other and more homogeneous among themselves. Several studies have studied perceptions of gender on employee performan- ce (Sharma, 2017). Acker (2006) research re- veals that male and female employees perceive several key organizational cultural values diffe- rently such as organizational pride, performan- ce, communication, development, and open- ness. From the above, the following hypothesis can be developed: H4: Gender influence the relationship bet- ween job satisfaction and employee per- formance.
Relationship between Work Environment and Employee Performance as moderated by Gender Gender has long been recognized as im- portant in gender issues are more prominent in the environment through work and subjectivi-
ty performance (Nightingale, 2006). Based on research Westerberg & Armelius (2000) shows that job performance can be performed by both male and female managers in the Volvo study, whereas male managers are more involved in production and construction while female ma- nagers are involved in administration in the work environment. Agapiou (2002), argues that organizations in his research represent the kind of workplace where men and women perform the same thing. From the above discussion, the hypothesis is obtained: H5: Gender influence the relationship between work environment and employee perfor- mance.
e Relationship between Work Motivation and Employee Performance as Moderated by Gender Global competition forces economies and organizations to obtain higher levels of workfor- ce productivity, as well as a better understanding of motivating female employees which can ho- pefully increase effectiveness and performance (Worthley et al., 2009). Several job features are thought to motivate employees towards perfor- mance based on gender (Wu et al., 2005). For example, men place more importance on per- formance, power, work that is responsible for employee job performance, and also promotion opportunities; while women value people who are more pleasant to work with and can arrange a time to meet people (Warr, 2008). Based on the literature above, the hypotheses that can be proposed are: H6: Gender influence the relationship between work motivation and employee perfor- mance.
e relationship between Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance as moderated by Duration The results of the length of work are increasingly being used as a measure of per- formance in job satisfaction in organizations (Krause et al., 2001)return-to-work (RTW). Based on research Veerasamy et al. (2013)
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the effects of employer encouragement to the volunteers, demographic characteristics of vo- lunteers, and self-esteem of volunteers on job performance and life satisfaction have been studied. The data were collected through a questionnaire distributed to 1000 volunteers of St. John Ambulance in Malaysia. Three hundred and sixty six volunteers responded by giving their feedback. The model was tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM that the search for innovative work time ar- rangements and flexible work systems is not only the demands of employee performance but also the needs of each individual that have a positive effect on worker satisfaction. Fle- xible working hours can cause employees to be satisfied at work because they can cope with working time without worsening their health, losing their jobs, and decreasing performance (Costa, 2003). From the description referred to, the hypothesis developed is: H7: Duration influence the relationship bet- ween job satisfaction and employee per- formance.
Relationship between the Work Environ- ment and Employee Performance as Mode- rated by Duration In large and complex projects, the dura- tion of the project will generally be longer than the small ones, whereas longer durations will easily be susceptible to performance degrada- tion from the external environment (Pheng & Chuan, 2006). Based on research Arlinghaus et al. (2012) in the workplace from examining the effect of rest time on work risk suggests that the accumulation of a longer duration of rest is allowed for a much longer time than the time before injury compared to workers with no rest or shorter duration of rest before a fall which would affect performance emplo- yees. Similarly, research conducted by O’Neal and Bishop (2010) states that the work envi- ronment on performance outcomes has been practiced for decades and has led to the de- velopment of safety parameters, duration, and work intensity levels. From the literature
mentioned above, the hypotheses that can be put forward are: H8: Duration influence the relationship bet- ween work environment and employee performance.
e Relationship between Work Motivation and Employee Performance is Moderated by Duration It is important from the task of leadership in motivating employees when employees gain knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees that can produce a performance for the durati- on of work in the organization (Marques, 2018) but is highly identifiable for people of any age group and in any stage of life. It discusses five interrelated qualities in finding our purpose: 1. The absence of duration can reflect the proacti - ve aspects of employee absence which can redu- ce performance results (Trefalt, 2013). Even though motivation and goal setting has been carried out by the organization, it is very diffi- cult to increase employee factors where each work duration will also affect employee perfor- mance results (Drews et al., 2007). Based on the literature above, the hypothesis that can be proposed are: H9: Duration influence the relationship bet- ween work motivation and employee per- formance.
Based on the above hypothesis frame- work, the research model can be described in Figure 1 below:
Figure 1. The Relationship of Model Frame- work
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questions consisting of 3 dimensions, namely; Task Performance by its operational definition is an employee who maintains high work stan- dards; Adaptive Performance with its operatio- nal definition is updating skills and knowledge that can adapt to job changes; Contextual Per- formance by its operational definition is helping new colleagues to do outside work. Before being used for actual research, the research questionnaire instrument will be tested first. The trial was carried out to determine whet- her the instrument compiled was a good result because good or bad an instrument would affect whether the data was correct or not. The value of validity and reliability will show good or bad on the instrument (Hair et al., 2014). So that it can be seen whether or not the instrument is suitable for research on employees who work at telecommuni- cations companies in Jakarta. This instrument was tested on 30 respondents outside the population from the actual research sample. The results of the validity and reliability test on 100 questions, which were declared valid and reliable were 87 questions with Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) > 0 and Cronbach’s Alpha value > 0.
Table 1. Median Split Amount
Variable Code Table Value N Job Satisfaction 0 Low 295 1 High 295 Work Environtment
0 Low 295 1 High 295 Work Motivation 0 Low 295 1 High 295
Based on the results of Table 1, it can be seen according to Agung (2006) that the sample size used is the total number of cells on average multiplied by 30 (minimum). Where the num- ber of cells is five so that 10 x 30 = 300 respon- dents, with 5 variables, namely variables divided into high and low job satisfaction. Work motiva- tion variables are divided into high work moti- vation and low work motivation. Work environ-
ment variables are divided into the high work environment and low work environment. Gen- der variables are divided into women and men. The variable duration of work is divided into less than two years and more than two years. In this study, a classification was carried out by fac- toring and the median split for each variable, the split median score above the factoring was high and the split median score below that of the fac- toring was low. Researchers will use a sample of 590 respondents, most of the respondents said they are comfortable doing work in telecommu- nications companies. The testing phase carried out from this study is divided into two methods, namely; the Univariate mean-cell test against the moderating variable group (Agung, 2006); and multiple linear regression tests involving more than one variable are assisted by the SPSS program (Grégoire, 2015).
The results of the research of 590 employee respondents who work in telecommunications companies from PT. XL Axiata, PT. Indosat Ore- doo, PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkomsel) in Jakarta show that the majority of respondents are male at 51 %, aged between 21-25 years of 39 %, latest education Bachelor degree (S1) is 54 %, Customer service position is 34 %, length of work from less than two years is 41. %, Company PT. XL Axiata at 36 %. This shows that employees who work in telecommu- nications companies are from a young age with a fairly high education degree (S1) with a customer service position who started their job less than one year at PT. XL Axiata. The first analysis uses multiple linear reg- ression tests, the results of hypothesis testing can meet the requirements with a significant value of less than 0 (Grégoire, 2015). In this study, all influencing variables consisting of job satisfac - tion, work motivation, and work environment had a significant value less than 0. Thus, the results of the analysis can be concluded that job satisfaction, work environment, and work moti- vation influence employee performance.
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The value of the multiple correlation coef- ficient of the multiple regression equation is 57 %, which means that there is a strong in - fluence of the variables of job satisfaction, work environment, work motivation on employee performance variables; The R Square value of the multiple regression equation is 33%, mea- ning that the performance equation is influen- ced by motivation, job satisfaction, and work environment as much as 33%, while the re- maining 66% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. The second analysis uses the cell mean test, hypothesis testing can meet the requirements with a significant value is less than 0(Agung, 2006). In this study, from hypothesis 4, to see the difference in the average performance of emplo- yees formed includes high job satisfaction (JS =
- and low job satisfaction (JS = 0), the gender of women (Gender = 0) and men (Gender = 1). The analysis results support hypothesis 4a, spe- cifically for the male respondent group and the respondent group with high job satisfaction will produce better employee performance than the respondent group with low job satisfaction. with a significant value (β2) 0 (< 0). Likewise, the results of the analysis do not support hypot- hesis 4b, especially for the group of respondents who have high job satisfaction, then the female respondent group will have better employee per- formance than the male gender respondent group with a significant value (β3) 0,154 (> 0) be - cause female employees working at telecommu- nications companies will be more able to improve employee performance than male employees and this research will be a new thing to research. Hypothesis 5 is to see the difference in average employee performance which is formed from a high work environment (WE = 1) and a low work environment (WE = 0), the gender of women (JK = 0), and men (JK = 1). The results of the analysis support hypothesis 5a, specifical - ly for the male gender respondent group, and the group of respondents who have a high work environment will produce better employee per- formance than the respondent group with a low work environment with a significant value (β2)
0 (< 0). While the results of the analysis do not support hypothesis 5b (H5b) specifically for groups of respondents who have a high work environment, so the female gender respondent group has more employee performance than the male gender respondent group with a signi- ficant value (β3) 0 (> 0). Thus, hypothesis 6 of the values to be tested is also to see differences in the average employee performance formed from high work motivation (WM = 1) and low work motivati- on (WM = 0), female gender (JK = 0) and male gender (JK = 1). The results of the analysis sup- port hypothesis 6a, specifically for male gender respondents, and groups of respondents who have high work motivation will produce bet- ter employee performance than the group of respondents with low work motivation with a significant value (β2) 0 (< 0). While the results of the analysis do not support hypothesis 6b, especially for the group of respondents who have high work motivation, the female gender respondent group has better employee perfor- mance than the male gender respondent group with a significant value (β3) 0 (> 0). In this study, from hypothesis 7 the value to be tested is to see the difference in the avera- ge employee performance which is formed from high job satisfaction (JS = 1) and low job satis - faction (JS = 0), duration of work less than two years (Duration = 0) and duration of work more than two years (Duration = 1). The results of the analysis support hypothesis 7a, especial - ly for the respondent group with the duration of work more than two years and the group of respondents who have high job satisfaction will produce better employee performance than the respondent group with low job satisfaction of a significant value (β2) 0 (< 0). The re- sults of the analysis do not support hypothesis 7b, especially for the group of respondents who have high job satisfaction, then the group of res- pondents who work with a duration of work less than two years had better performance than res- pondents who worked with a duration of work more than two years with a significant value (β3) 0 (> 0).
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H6a Particularly for male respondents and groups of respon- dents who have a high work environment will produce better employee performance than those with a low work environment.
.018 The data support the hypothesis
H6b Especially for the group of respondents who have high work motivation, the female respondent group has better employee performance than the male respondent group.
.145 The data do not support the hypothesis
H7a Especially for the group of respondents with a duration of work > 2 years and the group of respondents who have high job satisfaction will produce better employee perfor- mance than the group of respondents with low job satis- faction.
.000 The data support the hypothesis
H7b Especially for the group of respondents who have high job satisfaction, the group of respondents who work with a duration of work < 2 years have a better performance than respondents who work with a duration of work > 2 years.
.88 The data do not support the hypothesis
H8a Especially for the group of respondents with a working duration of work > 2 years and the group of respondents who have a high work environment will produce better employee performance than the group of respondents with a low work environment.
.02 The data support the hypothesis
H8b Especially for the high work environment respondent group and the respondent group with a duration of work > 2 years, it will result in better employee performance than the respondent group with a duration of work < 2 years.
.279 The data do not support the hypothesis
H9a Particularly for the respondent group duration of work > 2 years and the respondent group who has high work mo- tivation will produce better employee performance than the respondent group with low work motivation.
.05 The data support the hypothesis
H9b Especially for the high work motivation respondent group and the respondent group with a duration of work > 2 years, it will result in better employee performance than the respondent group with a duration of work < 2 years.
.232 The data do not support the hypothesis
This study intends to exploit the influen- ce of job satisfaction, work environment, and work motivation on employee performance which is moderated by demographic factors in- cluding gender and work duration. In this test, it has been stated that job satisfaction has a positi- ve effect on employee performance. This states that employees will be more satisfied with the work they are doing, it will improve employee performance results in telecommunications companies. The results of this study are in line with Siengthai and Pila-Ngarm (2016) which
states that job redesign was found to harm emp- loyee performance, while job satisfaction was found to always have a positive influence on employee performance. This study has proven that there is a po- sitive effect of the work environment on emp- loyee performance. An employee who works at a telecommunications company can impro- ve employee performance results from a good and comfortable work environment. Patil and Kulkarni (2017) also found that the work envi- ronment has a positive influence on employee
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performance with parameters from physical and non-physical environments. The physical envi- ronment includes several work facilities availab- le in the company, while the non-physical envi- ronment is in the form of colleagues and leaders in the company. Thus work motivation will also influen- ce employee performance in doing work at the company. The third thing that has been proven from this research is that work motivation has a positive effect on employee performance. If an employee has high motivation for the work he is doing, it will improve employee performan- ce results at telecommunications companies. In line with the previous statement of researcher Van Knippenberg (2000) also found that ha- ving a positive influence on work motivation, task performance, and contextual performance of salient social identity and high performance is considered crucial for the organization. Gender as a demographic factor has been shown to have a moderating role in the relation- ship of job satisfaction, work environment, work motivation to employee performance. Gender will strengthen the relationship between job satisfaction and employee performance. Especi- ally for employees with male gender and emplo- yees who have high job satisfaction will produce better employee performance than employees with low job satisfaction in telecommunica- tions companies. Male and female employees view different from several main organizational cultural values such as organizational pride, per- formance, communication, development, and openness (Ali et al., 2011). The exclusion of male gender employees is no better for women than job satisfaction with employee performance. Especially for emplo- yees who have high job satisfaction, the female gender employee group will have better emplo- yee performance than the male gender respon- dents group in telecommunications companies H4b. Male and female employees who follow different socialization processes can make them more separate from each individual and more homogeneous among themselves with the work they are going to do (Sharma, 2017). Lack of
work skills for women is widely considered that they cannot complete the job, therefore women can increase a better sense of independence and self-satisfaction to improve performance results, but can be done in their healthy health conditi- on and exploit their labor (Kabeer, 2005). Gender can strengthen the relationship between work environment and employee per- formance. Especially for groups of employees with male gender and groups of employees who have a high work environment will produce better employee performance than groups of employees with a low work environment in a te- lecommunications company. The results of this study can strengthen with previous research by Westerberg and Armelius (2000) which states that the job performance of male managers is more involved in production and construction, while female managers are involved in admi- nistration in their work environment. In the work environment of employees male gender is not better than women in emp- loyee performance. Especially for groups of res- pondents who have a high work environment, female employees will have better employee performance in a telecommunications compa- ny. This research is inversely proportional to that of researchers Agapiou (2002) suggesting being able to use the more profitable potential of role variables such as tenure with the organization, gender, education level, ethnicity, wealth, social skills, performance competence, family mem- bership, and marriage. Thus gender will also strengthen the re- lationship between work motivation and emp- loyee performance. Especially for groups of employees with male gender and groups of emp- loyees who have high work motivation will pro- duce better employee performance than groups of employees with low work motivation in tele- communications companies. Basically from se- veral types of work are considered to be able to motivate employees for employee performance which can be determined based on the gender of the company (Wu et al., 2005). The work motivation of male employees is not better than female employees in improving
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velopment of safety parameters, duration, and work intensity levels (O’Neal & Bishop, 2010). The longer employees who work in the work environment will be able to improve emp- loyee performance results in the company. Espe- cially for the high work environment respondent group and the respondent group with a duration of work more than two years, it will produce bet- ter employee performance than the respondent group with a work duration of fewer than two years in a telecommunications company. Based on research Warltier et al. (2002), the results obtained to complement the available evidence from the health care workers, performance on the job requires vigilance or attention to detail or with a long duration of work. Each individual can maintain performance during the discom- fort of a short time, but after a certain period, their ability to compensate for the added stress decreases, as a result of which it causes a dec- rease in performance (Matsangas et al., 2014). However, an employee who has a moti- vation and a longer working duration can also improve employee performance. Especially for the group of respondents with a working durati- on of more than two years and the group of res- pondents who have high work motivation will produce better employee performance than the group of respondents with low work motivation in telecommunications companies. The impor- tant thing that a manager must have in motiva- ting employees when employees can gain kno- wledge, skills, and abilities of employees in the effort and performance to increase the duration of work in the organization (Marques, 2018) but is highly identifi able for people of any age group and in any stage of life. Employees who have high work motivati- on with a longer work duration do not guaran- tee that they can improve performance in the organization. Especially for groups of respon- dents with high work motivation and groups of respondents with a duration of work more than two years, this will result in better employee performance than the respondent group with a duration of work less than two years in a tele- communications company. Due to the lack of
long working duration for employees, it can ref- lect the proactive aspects of employee absence which will reduce performance results (Trefalt, 2013). Although motivation and goal setting have been set by the organization, it is very dif- ficult to improve employee factors where each work duration will also affect employee perfor- mance results (Drews et al., 2007). Therefore, organizations and general management should consider implementing policies and practices that positively affect employee motivation to- wards a performance for the long term, along with the goals and objectives of the organization for the short term (Singhvi et al., 2018).
Based on the results of this study it is con- cluded that job satisfaction, work motivation, and work environment have an influence on employee performance which means they have a very crucial role in improving employee per- formance in the company. Demographic factors which in moderation consist of gender and du- ration of work, are things that can affect emplo- yee performance. However, the exceptions for the male gender are not better than women in job satisfaction, work environment, and work motivation on employee performance. In this case, it states that women can be better than men at increasing company performance in the company. Meanwhile, employees who work with a duration of work more than two years are bet- ter than employees who work with less than two years in the work environment and work moti- vation on employee performance, and inverse- ly proportional to job satisfaction which states that employees who work with a duration of work less than two years are better than emplo- yees who work with more than two years. The duration of work is crucial for an employee to increase his loyalty to a company. The implication of this research is ex- pected to be useful for telecommunication com- panies in Jakarta, which can be used as an illustra- tion of the human resources that are owned by
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each employee who works with job satisfaction, work motivation, and work environment that will affect employee performance. Employees with male and female gender and their working dura- tion of work more than two years and less than two years can be a reference for increasing work effectiveness in telecommunications companies. The implication of this research for researchers is that it can add training variables by being given training, seminars, and workshops, or other acti- vities to find out the work process from the start of the work that he will do next. The limitations of this study can be con- sidered for further research. This study uses a questionnaire as a measuring tool to save time and effort. However, this questionnaire has li- mitations in filling out questions. There is a possibility that the respondent did not answer the questionnaire in real terms or just answered filling out the questionnaire answers based on the ideal conditions expected and not the actual conditions that occurred. Also, the limitations in distributing questionnaires were only con- ducted in the city of Jakarta. Further research can be carried out for all lines that exist in one country at a certain time by involving employee employees in companies to improve the accura- cy of data analysis and can add research variables such as training, organizational commitment, psychological well-being to obtain more varied data and variable results for research
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