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Mentor Mentee Handbook
Computer Applications (IRDA37)
Annamalai University
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####### Vidya Bharati Shaikshanik Mandal, Amravati’s
Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya
C. K. Naidu Road, Camp, Amravati- 444602
Website: vbmv
Vidya Bharati Shaikshanik Mandal Amravati’s
Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya
C. K. Naidu Road, Camp, Amravati- 444602
Internal Quality Assurance Cell
Mentor-Mentee programme
(Formerly Known as Tutor Ward Cell)
We have high aspirations for all of our students and want to help them achieve and
surpass their own expectations and those of the people who teach and care for them. This
policy aims to identify the strategies deployed to ensure outstanding levels of mentoring and
guidance. Student mentoring in Vidya Bharati Mahavdiyalaya, Amravati is defined as a one-to-one relationship between a student and the mentor that occurs over a prolonged period of time. The mentor provides consistent support, guidance and concrete help to a student to provide them with a positive role model. Some students involved in the mentoring program may be going through a difficult and/or
challenging situation, a period of life in which they need extra support, or they may simply
need to have another significant adult present in their life. The goal of student mentoring is to help all students involved in the mentoring program
to gain the skills and confidence to be responsible for their own futures and develop to their
full academic and personal potential. Vidya Bharati will ensure that all learners receive the
care, guidance and support necessary to maintain and extend their personal development and
academic progress.
It is vital that all students receive regular and informed guidance, have a wide range of experiences and understand where to get further information and advice. This will be evident through a number of initiatives, including; Citizenship lessons Individual learning reviews and target setting Career Guidance Guidance for Avenues to Higher Education To tackle various academic and stress related issues Workplace learning experiences offered Regular internal communications with students (e. through personal visits and telephonic talks) ‘Thought of the day’ and ‘soft skill’ reinforcement initiatives Community involvement opportunities In some cases the relationship between the mentor and the mentee may be the only stability student knows, and the only time anyone spends quality time with them. Therefore, the Institute stipulates that a student mentor spend a minimum of one hour every week with their mentees.
and not be judgmental. The mentor needs to provide leadership and guidance and be a positive role model, nurturing a relationship that respects the student’s dignity. The mentor must always show up on time for sessions, be committed and accept their responsibilities. A good mentor will reinforce the student’s successes and challenge them to do better and be willing to give them a fresh start if there are any lapses. They will not break the trust they have established.
Benefits of a Student Mentoring Programme
Students benefit by receiving the support and guidance of a caring adult or supportive peer and also receiving assistance with their academic studies. Students will experience greater self-esteem and be motivated to succeed. They will also receive encouragement to stay in education and progress to further and/or higher education and receive assistance in choosing a career path. The Mentees will be encouraged to avoid the use of drugs and alcohol. Student will also improve interpersonal relationships, such as with Institute, the teaching staff and the student’s family.
Benefits to Peer Mentors
Adults who volunteer to mentor students increase their involvement in the learning community and recognize they can make a difference. They will gain new experience and knowledge about young people and the Institute community and contribute to the wider aims of community cohesion and regeneration
Benefits to the Institute
Having a student mentoring scheme helps to foster good community relations and contributes to the local and area targets for economic growth. Students will be more motivated and aspirational which will improve morale amongst the learning community. Mentoring will maximize the achievements of individual students and groups of students who are at risk of underperforming and remove barriers to achievement for vulnerable groups of students. Mentoring enhances the skills of staff and students, improves student attendance and increases student retention.
Peer Mentoring Coordinator
A member of the Institute staff will act as a coordinator for peer mentors. This person will be someone who wants to take on this role and is approved of by the group, not just be a staff member who is just given the role as part of a job description. The role of the coordinator will be to provide guidance and advice for group members and to look after the emotional welfare of the students involved in the scheme. They will ensure that students involved in the scheme can cope with their academic commitments. They will organise and provide appropriate training in the areas of confidentiality, boundaries, listening skills, issues that can and cannot be dealt with by the students and when to refer on.
The coordinator will help the group maintain a flow of new volunteers and give assistance with general administration and access a budget (for publicity, badges etc.) They will act as a mediator within the group when problems arise and deal with difficult issues within the group e. a member breaching confidentiality.
Benefits of peer mentoring
Peer mentoring is voluntary and therefore the students involved are motivated. It also helps to boost the self-esteem of those involved. Peer mentoring provides realistic role models for other students and enables the volunteers to learn new and transferrable skills. It can form part of community service/citizenship activities and is of benefit to the whole Institute community.
Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya
C. Naidu Road, Camp, Amravati.
Mentor Mentee Cell 20 - 20
1 ) Name of the Student Mr. / Ms.
Date of Birth
Roll No. (College)
Mark of Previous Examination
Name of the Father
Father’s Education Occupation of Father
Name of the Mother
- Mother’s Education
- Occupation of Mother
- Contact Number of Parent
Permanent Address
Pin Code :
- Contact Number Landline Mobile No.
- Parents Monthly Income Father Mother
- Number of Brother Whether studying in the same college Y / N Whether Number of Sister Whether studying in the same college Y / N Personal
i) Mark for Identification ii) Blood Group iii) Height iv) Weight
v) Allergy / Illness if any
Name of the Tutor
Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya
C. Naidu Road, Camp, Amravati.
Mentor Mentee Cell 20 - 20
Name of student :-....................................................................................
Class :-....................................................................................
Mentor :-....................................................................................
Opinion of parents :-....................................................................................
Signature ( Mentor) Signature ( Parents)
Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya
C. Naidu Road, Camp, Amravati.
Mentor Mentee Cell 20 - 20
Name of student :-....................................................................................
Class :-....................................................................................
Mentor :-....................................................................................
Opinion of parents :-....................................................................................
Signature (Mentor) Signature (Parents)
Mentor Mentee Handbook
Course: Computer Applications (IRDA37)
University: Annamalai University
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