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History of C Language - it's tutorial notes

it's tutorial notes

Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA2020)

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History of C Language [ A Brief History of C ]

The history of C Programming Language is very interesting, here I am going to tell you the history of C Language, which most of you will not know.

So, friends read this post till the end, so that you will get complete information about the history of C language and you will not have to search about it anywhere else.

History of C Language

What is the History of C Language?

In earlier times, every programming language was created to fulfill some purpose, such as Forton (Formula Translator) was created to make Scientific and Mathematical Applications. Similarly, COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) was created to make business applications.

In a similar way, C Language was also originally created to make the Unix operating system. C Language was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 at Bell Laboratories of AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph).

Dennis Ritchie is said to be the inventor of the C language, but the history of C language is quite interesting.

In 1960 Dennis Ritchie and some other employees working on a project called Multics, at Bell Laboratories of AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph).

The aim of this project was to create an operating system for a large computer on which thousands of people could work simultaneously.

But AT&T Bell Laboratories closed this project after a few years because this project could not make money for them. After the closure of the project, all the employees of this project got involved in the work of another project.

Ken Thompson, who was also working on Project Multics, created a file system. He used the knowledge gained from the Multics project to further improve this file system.

When Ken Thompson completed the work of that system, he named the system Unix, the entire code of this system was written in Assembly Language.

Ken Thompson created Unix with the help of B Language, B Language was created by Ken Thompson in 1969 by improving a little more the language BCPL which was created by Martin Richards, so Ken Thompson named his language in honor of Martin Richards.

BCPL was created in 1966 by Martin Richards to combine the basic features of all other programming languages of the time. Which was further improvised by Ken Thompson for his use and created the B language.

The biggest drawback of B Language was that there was no concept of “Data Types” (everything was expressed in machine language) and B Language did not provide the functionality of “Structure”.

Dennis Ritchie created C Language in 1972, removing all these drawbacks of B Language. Dennis Ritchie has added some more features in C language along with removing the drawback of B Language.

C Language was a powerful mixture of high-level functionality and operating system building features. Therefore, many components of Unix were re-written in the C language.

Kernighan and Ritchie wrote a book called, “The C Programming Language, 1st edition” (Kernighan said that he has no contribution in the design of C language. It has been made entirely by Dennis Ritchie, but he ” Is the author of famous programs like Hello World ”and other Unix programs).

ANSI (American National Standards Institute) published A standard of C language in 1989 that was called ANSI C or “C89” due to this published standard.

This standard was approved by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in 1990, after that, it was called “C90”. In 1999, ISO published another standard of C language for the internationalization of C. after that C was called “C99”.

In 2011, another standard was published for C, after that, it was named “C11” and in 2018, another standard of C was published that is called “C18”. C18 is the latest standard in the C programming language.

Let’s now understand the history of C language in table form.

Language Year Developed By

Algo 1960 International Group

BCPL 1966 Martin Richard

Traditional C 1969 Ken Thompson

K & R C 1972 Dennis Ritchie

ANSI C 1978 Kernighan & Dennis Ritchie

ANSI/ISO C 1989 ANSI Committee

C90 1990 ISO Committee

C99 1999 ISO Committee

C11 2011 Standardization Committee

C18 2018 Standardization Committee

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History of C Language - it's tutorial notes

Course: Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA2020)

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Students shared 2531 documents in this course
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History of C Language [ A Brief History of C ]
The history of C Programming Language is very interesting, here I am going to tell you the
history of C Language, which most of you will not know.
So, friends read this post till the end, so that you will get complete information about the
history of C language and you will not have to search about it anywhere else.
History of C Language
What is the History of C Language?
In earlier times, every programming language was created to fulfill some purpose, such as
Forton (Formula Translator) was created to make Scientific and Mathematical Applications.
Similarly, COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) was created to make business
In a similar way, C Language was also originally created to make the Unix operating system.
C Language was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 at Bell Laboratories of AT&T (American
Telephone & Telegraph).
Dennis Ritchie is said to be the inventor of the C language, but the history of C language is
quite interesting.
In 1960 Dennis Ritchie and some other employees working on a project called Multics, at
Bell Laboratories of AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph).
The aim of this project was to create an operating system for a large computer on which
thousands of people could work simultaneously.
But AT&T Bell Laboratories closed this project after a few years because this project could
not make money for them. After the closure of the project, all the employees of this project
got involved in the work of another project.
Ken Thompson, who was also working on Project Multics, created a file system. He used the
knowledge gained from the Multics project to further improve this file system.
When Ken Thompson completed the work of that system, he named the system Unix, the
entire code of this system was written in Assembly Language.
Ken Thompson created Unix with the help of B Language, B Language was created by Ken
Thompson in 1969 by improving a little more the language BCPL which was created by
Martin Richards, so Ken Thompson named his language in honor of Martin Richards.
BCPL was created in 1966 by Martin Richards to combine the basic features of all other
programming languages of the time. Which was further improvised by Ken Thompson for his
use and created the B language.
The biggest drawback of B Language was that there was no concept of “Data Types”
(everything was expressed in machine language) and B Language did not provide the
functionality of “Structure”.

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