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DATA Structure AND Algorithm
Course: Data structure and algorithms
3 Documents
Students shared 3 documents in this course
University: Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
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Introduction Background - What is Data Structure and Algorithms?
What is Data Structure? What is Algorithm? Data Structure - Arrays,
Lists, Sets, Maps, Graphs Algorithms - Directed/Undirected Search,
Dynamic Programming, Greedy, Divide and Conquer, Recursion,
Complexity Analysis, Heuristics, Formulation, Backtracking, Branch &
Bound, etc.
Data Structures and Algorithms is a programming course taught at
Codecademy. It teaches students how to write algorithms and data
structures, which are a part of programming that help the computer
perform a task. The Data Structures and Algorithms course is made up
of four sections: Intro to Data Structures, Intro to Algorithms, Data
Structures, and Algorithms. Each section is taught using Codecademy's
unique 'Learn, Code, Repeat' format, in which students build and run
their own code, and then learn from the feedback that their code gives
Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms. Topic: How to store
data and how to process it. Why is it important: Data is the backbone of
the internet. Without data we wouldn't have anything.
Intro – background on data structures and algorithms, what they are,
how they were developed, what they’re used for, strengths and
weaknesses, etc. Body – the evolution of data structures and algorithms
(background, main topics, small sections on each one, etc.) Conclusion
– final thoughts, maybe a little more background on a couple of the
topics and their evolution, etc.