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BAE 5 OLS CW2 2324 - This is a brief assignment
Course: Introduction to business (MBA1)
90 Documents
Students shared 90 documents in this course
University: Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology
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Assignment Brief
BAE_5_OLS Operations Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Module Title:
Operations Logistics and Supply Chain
Module Code: BAE_5_OLS
Assignment No/Title:
BAE_5_OLS CWK 2 Individual
Assignment Assessment Weighting:
40% of the total
Module Mark
Submission Date:
Wednesday 03/01/24 by 4:00pm
Feedback Target Date: 24/01/2024
Module Co-ordinator/
Sultana Ashiq Word count
1500-word PDF
report (±10%)
Submission Instructions:
This assignment is to be submitted electronically
1. This assignment must be submitted electronically by 4:00 pm on the
Wednesday 03/01/24
2. To submit electronically you must upload your work to the e-submission area within the respective
module on Moodle.
3. Multiple drafts can be submitted up to the submission date.
4. Please remember you must leave at least 24 hours between submissions if you make changes to your
work. Each submission will overwrite the previous one until the due date and time has passed.
5. You are reminded of the University’s regulations on cheating and plagiarism. In submitting your
assignment, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations.
6. You are reminded that it is your responsibility to keep an electronic copy of your assignment for future
7. Your citation needs to follow the Harvard style referencing.
The Assignment Task(s)
The brief for this assessment is as follows:
The recent pandemic has affected every part of the value chain, from raw material sourcing to end
CEOs are looking to get on the front foot when it comes to disruption and innovation, with 67%
saying they will increase investment in disruption detection and innovation processes. Businesses seek to
enhance critical supply chain planning capabilities by adopting more advanced digital enablers, such as
cognitive planning and AI-driven predictive analyticsm as well as adding greater integrity and visibility into
secure supply chains with advanced track-and-trace and blockchain technologies.
Your task
as the Operations consultant for the ThermoTech is to conduct a research report.
You have been asked to produce a detailed report which must be structured in the
following way:
Examine the roles of
Enterprise Recourse Planning (ERP)
Radio Frequency Identification
(RFID) and Blockchain
technologies in SCM system.
How can
these technologies
increase visibility, efficiency, and operating cost
reduction for
A self-summarised well-structured 1500-word report. Your
report must be properly
cited and referenced, using the Harvard referencing style.