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Capstone Proposal-OEE
Introduction to business (MBA1)
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Capstone Project Proposal
Submitted by:
BE Third Year- COEM
CPG No. 5
Under the Mentorship of
Dr Gurpal Singh Chhabra Ms Anupam Garg
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
Computer Science and Engineering Department Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala October, 2020
- • Mentor Consent Form
- • Problem Statement
- • Project Overview
- • Need Analysis
- • Literature Survey
- • Objectives
- • Methodology
- • Project Outcomes & Individual Roles
- • Work Plan
- • Course Subjects
- • References
Problem Statement
Education is one of the most important pillar of growth. As the use of digital technology and automation have increased rapidly this sector is left behind. For teachers and students, one of the most valuable resource is time, but a huge amount of their time is wasted in compiling resources, getting doubts cleared, grading assignments and evaluations.
It has been found that students tend to turn away from the study even before stating if they find the user experience to be bad. Hence a platform with all the functionality for education like video lectures, auto-graded quizzes and labs is required, as it will improve both the teaching and the learning experience resulting in better learning.
Project Overview
The education sector is getting digitalized rapidly, but many institutes/colleges still don’t have a complete solution for this. As almost all the institutes are operating in online mode the need for such a platform becomes more important.
So, we propose a solution named Online Education and Evaluation (OEE) platform to eradicate this problem. Our project is a mobile-friendly web app i. it will work equally good on pc as well as on mobile platforms. It will have two types of users namely teachers and students. Teachers will be able to schedule classes, share study materials, conduct quizzes, conduct lab evaluations. All of these evaluations will be automatically graded. Plagiarism checking will be present to make sure that students don’t copy the code from others. Students will be able to join the classes at the scheduled time. They will get the study material neatly organized in one place. The results of the evaluations will be declared fast. Students can get their doubts cleared by fellow students or teachers on the discussion forum. This will also bridge the communication gap that occurs due to remote learning.
The project will focus on making the process of remote/hybrid learning streamlined. Most of the colleges are using multiple third-party solutions to accomplish these tasks. We aim at providing all the required services in one place. So that the students and teachers can spend their valuable time in being more productive.
Need Analysis
The E-learning culture is growing rapidly but most of the Institutes/Colleges don’t have a proper platform to manage and conduct online studies. Our project aims to improve this by eradicating these problems:
- No proper medium for lab evaluations : Currently, there exist some platforms which can be used for lab evaluation but there is a lack of a complete solution that gives all the required functionality at one place.
- Difficulty in keeping track of student performance in each lab session: Teachers often find it difficult to keep track of the individual performance in each lab session due to amount of time taken to check each code manually.
- A lot of time wasted in gathering/compiling study material: Currently, students waste a lot of time in gathering and compiling the study material. This time can make a huge impact on their academic performance. Sometimes this leads to students not studying due to frustration.
- Lack of Interaction with fellow students and faculty: Interaction between the students and teacher helps in getting doubts clear and also speeds up the process of learning. But this interaction ceases in remote learning
- Difficulty in managing attendance: As the institutes are using multiple services for teaching and evaluation, the attendance tracking becomes a tedious task for the teachers.
- Unreliable evaluation services: Most of the services that the institutes use today for conducting quizzes, lab evaluations and exams are unreliable and fail at the crucial moment when the load on the system increases.
According to a Study about using E-learning Platform in University teaching Process[6] 88% of students with they could use the platform more often. This percentage indicates the fact that this platform has the potential of being used in the university, as long as the students are informed on the practical applications it provides them with.
In the research paper <Online Judge= [7] by Andy Kurnia, Andrew Lim and Brenda Cheang, they compared the manual grading system with the automatic grading system. It states that the manual grading takes lots of efforts to have each script graded once. As such, grading is necessarily subjective. Graders would award grades based on their different preferred styles. Furthermore, sometimes they are affected by their moods, which may change drastically at any time. Some of the flaws of manual grading are instructor is sometimes biased toward a standard solution, Emphasis on the aesthetical aspect while awarding marks, problem in measuring the running time of the program, inconsistency in marks allocation, difficult to regrade, less programming assignments due to huge amount of time taken for evaluating assignments. On the other hand, they also highlight the advantages of incorporating automatic grading in the lab assignments/evaluations. Some of the advantages are no biasedness towards a standard solution, no aesthetic aspects, easy to implement running time limit, defence against malicious programs, consistency, rejudge ability, less manpower required, more programming assignments per semester.
In the paper <Comparison of the Learning Management System=[8] the different learning management system currently available are compared against each other. The platforms that are compared are ATutor 2, Blackboard 9 and Moodle 2. These are currently used by many institutes but these lack some of the essential functionalities. Some of the shortcomings in theses platforms pointed out by this study are lack of polished looks, wastage of space, lack of sophisticated assessments and grading capabilities.
Most of the solutions available in this field are incomplete. They all lack one or other essential features. These features include Community hub, video services, file sharing, discussion forums, automatic evaluation and grading, lack of intuitive UI. These are the essential functionality and lack of any one of these have a huge impact on the effectiveness of the platform in providing a smooth online learning experience. For example, the institutes using the platforms without the video services have to rely on another platform
such as Zoom, Cisco Webex, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet for their video lecture needs. This makes the process of learning cumbersome for the students, as well as teachers and the learning, take a huge step back. Some of the leading solutions in this field are Moodle, Blackboard, ATutor, WizIQ, Joomla LMS.
This section briefly discusses the Design and Methodology for various modules of the project.
- Backend: As a large number of simultaneous users are expected on the platform so Node will be used for backed as it is fast, scalable and suited for real-time applications. The backend of the project can be divided into 3 major parts o Database: NoSQL database will be used for storing data. The database will be created to store the user data like profile, password, courses enrolled, grades, discussion forum data etc. To make the system secure the passwords will be hashed and salted before storing in database. Bcrypt will be used for hashing and salting o OJ code runner: The first step in this will be to configure the backend to check and compile the code. Then the code will be executed with the predefined test cases, output that we get will be compared against the expected output and evaluation will be done on this basis. Initially, a single programming language will be implemented and then it will be scaled to other languages. Moss (Measure of Software Similarity) will be used to check for plagiarism in the code submitted by the students. o API: To integrate all these services we will create REST API. The express framework will be used to create API.
- Frontend: To provide a good user experience, React will be used for the frontend development as it allows us to update a page without reloading. Also, it allows us to reuse the components thus resulting in faster development.
- Video Conferencing: For video conferencing, WebRTC will be used. If required the STURN/TURN server will be used to manage the media streams.
Project Outcomes & Individual Roles
A mobile-friendly web app for teachers and students.
Teachers will be able to schedule the class and students can join the video conference at that particular time (with automatic attendance tracking).
Teachers can share the study material with the students.
Study material will be organized and it can be searched through.
Students will be able to get their doubts solved via discussion forum.
Teachers can conduct quiz/tests that can be evaluated automatically (with some constraints).
Teachers can conduct lab evaluations. The student code will be automatically compiled and tested against predefined test cases and graded accordingly (if test cases pass).
Also, the plagiarism test will be implemented to check if the students have copied code from each other.
Abhijeet Singh: Building API, data modelling, implementing video conference, Building Online Judge, UI design, front-end development, system testing.
Priyanshu Singh: Frontend Development, Implementing video conference.
Ravinder Singh: Backend Development, System testing, UI Design
Utkarsh Yadav: Building API, data modelling, UI Design
[1] How lockdown reveals the actual state of e-education in India. Available at government.economictimes.indiatimes/news/education/how-lockdown-reveals-actual-state-of-e- education-in-india/ [2] National Mission in Education through ICT. Available at mhrd.gov/technology-enabled- learning- [3] C. Beer, Ken Clark, D. (2010). Jones <Indicators of engagement=. ASCILITE 2010 Sydney. [4] Zhonggen Yu. (2015). <Blended Learning Over Two Decades=. International journal of information and communication technology education: an official publication of the Information Resources Management Association, 11(3):1-19. DOI: 10/IJICTE. [5] R. Kavitha, W. Jaisingh. (2018). <A Study on the Student Experiences in Blended Learning Environments=. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Volume-7 Issue-4S [6] Gabriela Carmen Oproiu. (2015). <A Study about using E-Learning Platform in University Teaching Process=. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences Journal, 180:426-432. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015. [7] Andy Kurnia, Andrew Lim, Brenda Cheang. (2002). <Online Judge=. Computers & Education, 36(4):299- 315. DOI: 10/S0360-1315(01)00018- [8] Erdenebaatar Altangerel and Zolboo Damiran. (2011). <Comparison of the Learning Management Systems=. International Conference EICHTE-2011 Mongolia.
Capstone Proposal-OEE
Course: Introduction to business (MBA1)
University: Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology
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