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ACCA-F1:BT Chapter 18-24 #own-made note

remember to study before sitting the exam. useful for last minute revi...

ACCA accounting (SBR P3)

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Academic year: 2021/2022
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Chapter 18 Leadership, management and supervision

Taylor – Scientific Management (classical model) -to find the one best way to perform a task

Elton Mayo - The human relations school -working attitudes, group relationships, 2-way communication and leadership style were the key factors that determined productivity

Mintzberg – The manager skills

Interpersonal Informational Decisional

  1. Figurehead 1) Monitor 1) Entrepreneur
  2. Leader 2) Disseminator 2) Disturbance handler
  3. Liaison 3) Spokesperson 3) Resource allocator
  4. Negotiator

French and Raven

  1. Reward power
  2. Coercive power
  3. Expert power
  4. Referent power
  5. Legitimate power
  6. Resource power
  7. Negative power

Management theory Fayol – The five functions of management

  1. Planning
  2. Organizing
  3. Commanding
  4. Co-ordinating
  5. Controlling

Modern theory Drucker – Five basic operations

  1. Setting objectives
  2. Organizing
  3. Motivating and communicating
  4. Establishing yardsticks
  5. Developing people

Leadership - Trait theory and Style theory

Style theory Blake and Mouton – The managerial grid -Concern for people and production 1)Management impoverished (1) 2)‘Country Club’ management (1) 3)Task management (9) 4)'Middle of the road management' (5) 5)Team management (9)

Contingency theory

Adair – Action-centred leadership

  1. task needs
  2. group needs
  3. individual needs

Fiedler – Contingency theory

  1. Psychologically distant managers (PDMs) 1)In the circumstances are favourable for the leader (well defined task, strong relationship with the group, high power)

2)In the unfavourable circumstances the leader needs a task-oriented approach (poorly defined task, poor working relationship, low power) 2) Psychologically close managers (PCMs) 1) In the situation that is only moderately favourable for the leader

Bennis – Transformational leadership

  1. Transactional leaders (the manager sees her relationship with her team as a simple transaction. She offers benefits in return for their obedience and compliance)
  2. Transformational leaders generic skills of strong leaders: the management of attention, meaning, trust and self-awareness

Kotter – Managing change

  1. Participation and involvement
  2. Education and communication
  3. Facilitation and support
  4. Manipulation and co-optation

Ashridge Management College

  1. Tells (autocratic)
  2. Sells (persuasive)
  3. Consults (participative)
  4. Joins (democratic)

Peters and Waterman - key aspects of successful team -team effectiveness

  1. relatively small
  2. have a limited duration
  3. voluntary members
  4. informal and unstructured communication
  5. action-oriented

*team are formal group; group can be divided into informal group and formal group.

Chapter 21 Motivating individual and group

Content theory Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

  1. Basic/ physiological needs
  2. Safety/ security needs
  3. Social needs
  4. Esteem needs
  5. Self-fulfilment

Herzberg’s two-factor theory

Hygiene factor Motivator

  1. company policies and procedures 1) sense of achievement
  2. pay levels and working conditions 2) recognition by management
  3. close supervision 3) increasing levels of responsibility
  4. teamwork and interpersonal relationships at work 4) career progression and high status
  5. physical working environment 5) enjoying the job itself

McGregor’s Theory X and Y

- the attitudes of management to workers

Theory X Theory Y

  1. disliking work 1) derive enjoyment from work
  2. close supervision and control 2) creative
  3. no delegation of authority 3) active participation in contributing ideas and solutions
  4. unprepared to accept responsibility 4) prepared to accept responsibility

Process theory

Vroom’s expectancy theory

-Force = valence × expectancy

Chapter 22 Learning and training at work

The learning process

Kolb: experiential learning cycle

  1. Concrete experience (feeling)
  2. Reflective observation (watching)
  3. Abstract conceptualization (thinking)
  4. Active experimentation (doing)

Honey and Mumford: learning styles

  1. Reflector (Divergent) -feeling and watching -imaginative learner (why)

  2. Theorist (Assimilative) -watching and thinking -analytic learner (what)

  3. Pragmatist (Convergent) -thinking and doing -commonsense learner

  4. Activist (Accommodative) -doing and feeling -dynamic learner (what if) *(doing and feeling= hands-on approach)

  5. Reflector = prefer to step back to ponder and observe others before taking action.

  6. Theorist = adapt and integrate information in a step-by-step logical way. They prefer to maximize certainty and feel uncomfortable with subjective judgements, lateral thinking and anything flippant.

  7. Pragmatist = are keen to try out new ideas, theories and techniques to see if they work in practice. The pragmatist prefers learning activities that are as close as possible to direct work experience

  8. Activist = they are open-minded, enthusiastic, constantly searching for new challenges but are bored with implementation and long-term consolidation. They enjoy learning through games, competitive teamwork task and role-plays.

Chapter 23 Review and appraisal of individual performance

Maier - approach to appraisal interview

  1. Tell and sell
  2. Tell and listen
  3. Joint problem solving

The stages of Kolb's experiential learning cycle

  1. have an experience -act
  2. reflect on the experience -analyze action
  3. draw conclusions from the experience -suggest principles
  4. plan the next steps -apply principles
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ACCA-F1:BT Chapter 18-24 #own-made note

Course: ACCA accounting (SBR P3)

104 Documents
Students shared 104 documents in this course

University: Sunway University

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Chapter 18 Leadership, management and supervision
Taylor Scientific Management (classical model)
-to find the one best way to perform a task
Elton Mayo - The human relations school
-working attitudes, group relationships, 2-way communication and leadership style were the key factors
that determined productivity
Mintzberg The manager skills
1) Figurehead
1) Monitor
1) Entrepreneur
2) Leader
2) Disseminator
2) Disturbance handler
3) Liaison
3) Spokesperson
3) Resource allocator
4) Negotiator
French and Raven
1) Reward power
2) Coercive power
3) Expert power
4) Referent power
5) Legitimate power
6) Resource power
7) Negative power
Management theory
Fayol The five functions of management
1) Planning
2) Organizing
3) Commanding
4) Co-ordinating
5) Controlling
Modern theory
Drucker Five basic operations
1) Setting objectives
2) Organizing
3) Motivating and communicating
4) Establishing yardsticks
5) Developing people