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Introduction of microbiology and parasitology

Concepts In Biochemistry And Microbiology (SHGB6115 )

16 Documents
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Academic year: 2023/2024
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[Total No. of Pages : 2 First Basic B. Nursing (Old) Examination, Winter - 2022 MICROBIOLOGY Total Duration: SectionA+ B = 3 Hours Total Marks: SECTION-A&SECTION-B i^ lnstructions : 1) 2) s) 4) 5) 6) Use blue/black ball point pen only. Do not wite anything on the hlank portion of the question paper. lf wiften anything, such type of actwillbe consideredas an attempt to resort to unfair means. All quesfions are compulsory. The number to the right indicates full marks. Draw diagrams wherever necessa4f. Distribution of syllabus rn Question Paper r's only meant to cover entire syllabus within the stipulated frame. The Quesfrbn paper pattern is a mere guideline. Quesfions can be asked from any papefs syllabus into any question paper. Sfudenfs cannot claim that the Question is out of syllabus, As it is only for the placement sake, the distribution has been done. Use a common answerbook for all secfions. SECTION-A(40Marks) 7) 1 Short answer questions (any five out of six) : a) Write note on Gram stain. b) IgMAntibody. c) Write a note on sterilization by filtration method. d) Enlist 4 DNA & 4 RNA Viruses. e) Write a note on bacterial cell wall. D Write a note on Blood culture. [5x5-25] N - 1734 P.T. a


4 62505 2. Long answer questions (any one out of two) : [1x15:15] a) Define sterilization & Disinfgction. Discuss in detail sterilization by moist heat. b) Define agglutination. Write in detail about agglutination reactions. SECTION-B(35Marks) 3. Short answer questions (any four out of five) : [4x5- a) Write life cycle ofMalaria. b) Write a note on Candida. c) Define carriers. Mention different types of carriers with examples. d) Write contributions of Louis Pasteur. e) Write a note on Type I Hypersensitivity reaction. Long answer questions (any one out of two) : [1x15: a) Draw a neat & well labelled diagram of HIV. Write morphology, transmission, Pathogenicity & Laboratory diagnosis of HIV. b) Define Hospital Infection. Write in detail about hospital acquired infection. 3t 3t 8t N - 1734 -2-

62505 b) Definel{icrobiology Explain the Postulates of Robert l(och's Describe Scope and Irnportance of Microbiology SECTION "8" (35 Marks) 3. Short answer question (any four out of five) : [4 x 5 : a) Bacterial Capsule. b) Discuss disk diffusion technique ofAntibiotic sensitivity testing. c) Collection of Sputum sample for bacteria cuiture. d) Name opportunistic fungal infections. e) Define Zoonotic diseases. Write names of any two zoonotic disease. Long answer question (any one out of two) : [1 x 15 : 151 a) Discuss the pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of pulmonary Tuberculosis b) Define sterilization and disinfection Enumerate methods of sterllizationby heat Describe principle,functioning,uses of hot air oven aao 4 , N - 8151 -2-

[Total No. of Pages : 2 First Basic B. Nursing Examination, (Phase - lll) Winter - 2021 MICROBIOLOGY Total Duration : SectionA + B = 3 Hours SECTION&SECTION-B Total Marks : 75 lnstructiorxs: f) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) Use bludblack ball point pen only. Do not write anything on the blank portion of the question Paper. lf witten anything, such Upe of act will be considered as an attempt to resort to unfair means. All quesfrons are compulsory. The number to the right indicates full marks. Draw diagrams wherever necessary. Distibution of syllabus in Quesfion Paper is only meant to cover entire syllabus within the stipulated frame. The Queslion paper pattem is a mere guideline. Questio ns can be asKed from any papels sy//abus into any question paper. Sfudenfs cannot claim that the Question is ouf of syllabus. As it is only for the placement sake, the distibution has been done. Use a common answerbook for aII sections.


SECTON-A(40Marks) I. Short answer question (any five out of six) : O a) Write a note on grarn staining. b) Bacterial growth curve. c) Precipitation reaction. d) Biomedical waste management. e) Life cycle of malaria parasite 0 Candidiasis N - 210 P,TO. [5t5:

[Total No. of Pages : 2 First Basic B. Nursing Examination, Summer - 2021 MICROBIOLOGY Total Duration:3Hours Total IVIarks: 75 62505 Use blue/black ball point pen only. Do notwrite anything on the blank portion of the guestion paper. lf written anything, such type of act will be considered as an attempt to resort to unfair means. All questians are compulsory. The number to the right indicates full marks. Draw diagrams wherever necessary. Distributian of syllabus in Quesfio n Paper is only meant to caver entire syllabus within the stipulated frame. The Questian paper pattern is a mere guideline. Quesfions can be asked from any paper's syllabus into any question paper. Sfudenfs cannot claim that the Question is out of syllabus. As it is only for the placement sake, the distribution has been done. Use a common answerbook for all Sections. lnstructions.' 1) 2) s) 4) 5) 6) 7) I SECTION - 65A" (40 Marks) Short answer question (any five out of six) : [ " 5 : 251 a) Write a short note on Sample Collection in Microbiology. b) Enlist clifferent Staining methods and describe the Steps of Gram staining. c.) What is virulence? Explain its determinants. d) I)escribe Hospital lrrf'ection Corrtrol comrnittoe. e) Describe the Role of Nurses in Microbiology. 0 Define Sterilization and Disinfection. Enlist any four chemical disinfectants used in the hospital Long answer question (any one out of two) : [1 x 15 - l5l a) Classify Culture rnedia with suitable examples of each. Describe the method of sterilization oflowenstein Jensen &.D medium. b) Define Enteric Fever. Describe the causative agents of Enteric l-ever. Explain the Laboratory Diagnosis and Prophylaxis of Enteric lbver. 2 N - 8116 P,T'"O,

62505 SECTION - 668" (35 Marks) 3. Short arlswer question (any four out of five): [4"5: a) Enumerate any two organisms causing Diarrhea. I)escribe laboratory diagnosis of cholera. b) c) d) Describe growth curve of bacteria. Write contributions of Robert Koch. Draw a labelled diagram ofHuman Immunodeficiency Virus ([-Iry). Explain the modes of transmission of HIV. e) Define Hospital Acquired Infections and measures to control them. 4. Long answer question (any one out of trvo) : [1 x 15 = 151 a) Define Immunity. Explain Innate andAcquired Immunity in clotail. b) Describe Morphological Classification ofBacteria with suitable exarnples. Write a note on bacterial flagella.


N - 9116 -2-


2, Long answer question (any one out of trro) : [l x 15 = 151

4 Define and classify immunrty. Write a short note on National knmunization


b) Enumerate organisms causing urinary tract infection. Write lab diagnosis

of urinary tract infection. Write on pnevention of Nosocomial urinary

hact infection.

SECTION - "B" (35 lllarks)

3. Short answer question (any four out of five) : [4*5=






Bacterial growth curve.

Standard safety precautions.

Cold chain.

Characteristics of an ideal disinfectant.

Pathogenicity of Staphylococcus aurer.




4. Long answer question (any one out of truo) : [1 x 15 = 151

a) Define Nosocornial infections. Classiff nosocomial infections. Write on

methods to prevent Nosocornial respiratory tract infections and

bacteremias. Write in short Role of a infection control Nurse.

b) Define cultrxe Medias. Classify Culnrre medias with example. IlVrite in

short on rnethods of Culture.


N - 6193 '2'

,l "v. flTokl N*. f Fagr : f 63SfI First BA$n* f;l,$c. ffixrsilrg $umrNer {?kaee * }tl : AII ather ffi,emaining UGIFG oursesl - g0t$ IUIIfrftHISLOGY Totsl iluratian:SectisnA+ ft * 3 Hcurs TstalMa*$ ; 7$ {xstructins : SHCTIOF -A& $ETIOhI - ffi U Us* blulblaek ba{f paint pen only. 2) frs nat writs anything an the b{ank prtion sf ffip que'stiun pap#r" lf written anythig, sucfi tyfie ofacf wiltbe ron$derds an attmpt t* rssr,rt l* anfir ffians" 3) &lt qustian r €aff pulsary. 4) The nurnbr ts th rigttt indiates full rnarks" 5) Draw diagrams utt**ryr neca,s$'aryI. fi) Distribution CIf syl{abus in Qaestion Paper ls r,fy rn**nt t over en{ire syllabus witfiin th* tipulafed frarn. Th* ftueafian Bap&r pattern is a mrs gaidelin. uestions can &e ssked frarn any papr's syl{abws into any question pepsr. $fudenfs nnot claiffi tlsat ths Questio* is out af yltabus" As it is only far tfie platcemenf sake, tk ditributin fias heen donp. 7) {Jse a cmmorl asnter bok for all sssflcns. SfCTIf,l -A {4$Marks} Sh aft$wer question {uny frvs wt a{ srx.}: {5 x # * 75;} x) Write a nots n canididiasis. t]] h{nagementfBio-xredial wast*. c) fliehl-tr:{ee}seu Siaining and its mr:difications. d) lVrite a rrot* arr baeterial eli wall" e) Write otributions rf Rq:be Kr:h. tS Classify vaccines with xamplx and wrire differnces betwesn them. 2, Lng anslvr questi*n {any ne ut f twc): [I * 15 = ] a) Write nrorphology, pthagenicity and laboratory diagnosis sf My *bate ri rr r: tult*r u I osis" b} l{trite rnr:qphola1},tr"ausmissicn ,pLhgenicity ndlbratcry diagnosis of'I{*patitis B virus. a il) t I LIBRA H - 3S,I p"T"{}

[Total No. of Pages : 2 First BASIC B. Nursing Examination, Winter (Phase-lll A LL other remaining UG/PG Course) - 2019 MICROBIOLOGY SECTION -A& SECTION - B lnstructions: 1) 2) s) 4) 5) 6) b) c) d) e) 0 Use blue/black ball point pen only. Do notwite anything on the blank portion of the question paper. lf witten anything, such type of act will be considered as an attempt to resort to unfair means. All questions are compulsory. The number to the right indicates futt marks. Draw diagrams wherever necessa4f. Distribution of syllabus rn Question Paperis only meant to cover entire syllabus within the stipulated frame. The Quesfio n paper pattem is a mere guideline. Quesfions can be asked frorn any papels syllabus into any question paper. Sfudenfs cannot claim that the Question is out of syllabus. As it is only for the placement sake, the distribution has been done. Use a common answerbook for atlsecfions SECTION" (40 Marks) 7) I Short answer questions (any five out of six): a) Write a short note on Morphology of Bacteria [5*5:25] Write a short note on chemical methods of sterilization Write a short note on bacterial growth curve. Write a short note on sample collection for urine routine and culture. Differentiate between Active and Passive immunity. Write a short note on ELISA. 2 Long answer questions (any one out of two): [1 x 15 - 15] a) Write a note on Bio-medical Waste Management. b) Write a note on Hospital Infection Control Programme. Mention the role ofNurse in Hospital Infection Control. N - 2656 P.T

62505 (35 Marks) Short answer questions (any {our out of five): 14 * 5 : 20I a) Write a short note on source of hospital acquired infection. b) Describe Laboratory diagnosis of Tuberculosis. c) Write a note on culture media. d) Write a note on Immunity. e) Describe Koch's Postulates. Long answer questions (any one out of two): [1 x 15 : lsJ a) Write a note on Growth requirements of bacteria. Describe the effect of Temperature and Moisture on gowth of bacteria. b) Describe the steps of Laboratory diagnosis of salmonella Uphi.


: . .. l/.' SECTION "8" 3 4 \r/ / N - 2656 -2' 6 I I

N - 616 -2-

1' ."'


a lllillllililllililillllfillillllr 62505 I F- Total Marks : 75 ,^, First Basic B. Nursing Examination, Winter 2018 MICROBIOLOGY Total Duration : Section A+B = 3 Hours 1) 2) s) 4) 5) 6) 7) lnstructions : SECTION-A(40Marks)

  1. Short answer question (any five out of six) : a) Life cycle of malaria parasite. b) Write a short answer on modes of transmission of lnfection. c) Oral polio vaccine. d) Laboratory diagnosis of Syphilis. e) Write slrort answer on Candidiasis. f) Describe Gram's Staining procedure. (5x5=25)
  2. Long answer question (any one out of twor) : (1x1,5=15) a) Write morphology, cultural characteristics, pathogenicity and laboratory diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. b) Define Sterilization. Enlist different methods of sterilization. Write in detail about autoclave. P.T. SECTION&SECTION-B ; L lJse btuelbtacl batt poinit pm onty. Do not write anything on the blank portian of the question papen lf written anything, such type of act will be considered as an attempt to resort to unfair means. Alt questions are camputsary, The number to the right indicates full marks, ''' Draw diagrams wherever necessary. Distribution of syllabus in Question Pap'er is only meant to cover entire syllabus within the stipulated frame. The Question paper pattern is a mere guideline. Ouestio ns can be asked from any paper's syllabus into any question paper. Students cannot ctaim that the Question is out of syllabus, As it is only for the placement sake, the distributian has been done. Use a comman answerbook for all Sections. 1

-a I lllril ilil| illll illll lllll illl llil First Basic B. Nursing Examination, Summer 2018 MICROBIOLOGY Total Duration : Section A+B = 3 Hours lnstructions : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 62505 Total Marks : 75 SECTION-A&SECTION-B Use blue/black ball point pen only. Do not write anything on the blank portion of the question paper. lf written anything, such type of act will be considered as an attempt to resort to unfair means. All questions are compulsory. The number to the right indicates tull marks. Draw diagrams wherever necessary. Distribution of syllabus in Question Paper is only meant to cover entire syllabus within the stipulated frame. The Question paper pattern is a mere guideline. Questions can be asked from any paper's syllabus into any question paper. Students cannot claim that the Question is out of syllabus. As it is only for the placement sake, the distribution has been done. Use a common answerbook for all Sections. ( SECTION-A(40Marks)

  1. Short answer question (any five out of six) : a) Write differences between Active and Passive lmmunity. b) Write a note on Candidiasis. c) Write a note on Grams staining. d) Classify immunoglobulins and write in short about lgG. e) Contribution of Louis Pasteur. 0 Define carrier and describe various types of carrier with example. ii (5x5=25) t'
  2. Long answer question (any one out of two) : (1;15=15) a) Enlist organisms causing diarrhea. Write in detail about pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of cholera. b) Define Sterilization and Disinfection. Enumerate methods of sterilization. Write the principles and functioning of Autoclave. P.T.

a 62505 Ilililtllil |ilil ililrililililllil SECTION-B(35Marks) 3. Short answer question (any four out of five) : (4x5=20) Bacterial groMh curve. Pathogenicity of Staphylococcus aureus. Oral Polio Vaccine. Biomedical waste management. Classify culture media with example, 4. Long answer question (any one out of two) : (1 x15=15) Define Nosocomi esc ribe modes of transmission of Nosocomial Control Nurse (HICN). Enumerate pa in blood smear. Describe Life cycle of Malaria parasite. Write in short about Lab diagnosis of Malaria. a) b) c) d) e) ,y \

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Course: Concepts In Biochemistry And Microbiology (SHGB6115 )

16 Documents
Students shared 16 documents in this course

University: Universiti Malaya

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[Total No. of Pages : 262505
First Basic B.Sc. Nursing (Old) Examination, Winter - 2022
Total Duration: SectionA+ B = 3 Hours Total Marks:75
lnstructions : 1)
Use blue/black ball point pen only.
Do not wite anything on the hlank portion of the question paper.
lf wiften anything, such type of actwillbe consideredas an attempt
to resort to unfair means.
All quesfions are compulsory.
The number to the right indicates full marks.
Draw diagrams wherever necessa4f.
Distribution of syllabus rn Question Paper r's only meant to cover
entire syllabus within the stipulated frame. The Quesfrbn paper
pattern is a mere guideline. Quesfions can be asked from any
papefs syllabus into any question paper. Sfudenfs cannot claim
that the Question is out of syllabus, As it is only for the placement
sake, the distribution has been done.
Use a common answerbook for all secfions.
1Short answer questions (any five out of six) :
a) Write note on Gram stain.
b) IgMAntibody.
c) Write a note on sterilization by filtration method.
d) Enlist 4 DNA & 4 RNA Viruses.
e) Write a note on bacterial cell wall.
D Write a note on Blood culture.
N - 1734 P.T.O.

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