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THE Global North and THE Global South
Course: Education
999+ Documents
Students shared 9665 documents in this course
University: Bohol Island State University
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I. Introduction
“An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all
- Plutarch -
The World has seen great strides in the advancement of technology and comes with it the
efficient production of goods and services. Accumulation of wealth has been the order of the day
but the ever elusive equal distribution of such is far too distant. The classless society as envisioned by
Karl Marx is illusory, there will be always distinction among them. The same holds true with nations,
there will always be a great divide. However, the widening of the gap between “the haves and have
not” will only benefit groups with twisted concept, taking advantage of social unrest it breeds. It is
imperative that inclusive growth is to be attained, everyone must be benefitted, no nation should be
left behind.
II. Objectives
1. Explain the origin of the term Global North/South
2. Analyse how a new conception of global relations emerged from the experiences of
Latin American countries
III. Preliminary Activities
1. TBA