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The Creation
Course: World Lit
33 Documents
Students shared 33 documents in this course
University: Cebu Technological University
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“The Creation”
I. Introduction
Have you ever tried asking yourself if who created the Universe?
Who created those beautiful and creepy creatures? And lastly, who
created us, mankind? Science, explains or give definitions and functions
of everything in this world. Charles Darwin do even have a "Theory of
Evolution", yet, science and neither scientist can't justify who created
everything in this world. Would you believe that God was the reason
behind all of these? Or would you believe to the explanation of science
that we came from apes? If you believe the latter, then who crested the
II. Objectives
a. tell how the world was created on their own;
b. organize how the world was created;
c. reflects their own behaviors from the topic/ lesson; and
d. enlighten their minds and hearts of how great God is.
III. Learning Activities
a. Origin
b. Definition of Terms
1. hovering - to stay very close to a person or place.
And the spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
2. vault - an arched/ dome-shaped anatomical structure.
"Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from
3. teem - to become filled to overflowing.
“Let the water teem with living creatures.”
4. vast- very great in size, amount/ extent.