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Art appreciation - This is for college students only. Only for bs Pharmacy students
Course: BS Secondary Education (DRRR 01)
999+ Documents
Students shared 3575 documents in this course
University: Cotabato State University
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Art History is essentially a conglomeration of cross-currents, influences, and the aforementioned
individuals and their work.
Art History is evolutionary, innovative and contextual at the very least.
Art history is the set in stone involvement in the past of different eras and centuries of known and
unknown artist or pioneering architect.
Art history involves the layout and build that explains the origin of the art or where the art originated
from by certain creator.
Art history is the study of the evolution of artistic forms and ideas in different cultures across time.
Art history is about the history of the artwork.
Art appreciation is what it actually means. An individual who appreciates the art that was created by
someone that person really respects and admire by creating a poem for it. Or making it into a song or
Art appreciation considers the way that people look at art or listen to music and looks for ways to put
people in a more critical relationship to their own responses.
Art appreciation is an exploration of the nature of art, the different techniques, materials and ideas that
go into making art, and the development of comfort in approaching art that is unfamiliar.