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Introduction to Psychology Modules
Course: Psychology
999+ Documents
Students shared 2321 documents in this course
University: Far Eastern University
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Summative assessment 1
On chapter 1, the topic is about the Science of Psychology. It’s also consisted of:
Definitions of Psychology (scientific study of behavior and
mental process)
Its 4 goals (description, explanation, prediction and
Its 5 school of Psychology (e.g. Wundt and etc.)
Modern Perspective (e.g. Psychodynamic perspective and
Types of Psychological professionals (e.g. Psychiatrist and
Psychology and scientific methods (e.g. descriptive
methods and etc.)
Nervous System and Neuroscience
Structure of Neurons; parts and function (e.g. dendrites and
Types of Braincells and it’s function (e.g. Glial cells and etc.)
Neurons in the body; parts and it’s functions (e.g. nerves and
Neurons Communication and it’s functions (e.g. Axon
terminals and etc.)
PNS or Peripheral Nervous System and its two parts and
function; which are (SNS-somatic nervous system and ANS-
autonomic nervous system).
Endocrine glands parts and function (e.g. pituitary-which
secretes growth hormones and etc.)
Types of looking inside the human brain (clinical studies and
Mapping structure (e.g. CT and etc.) and function (PET and
The Brain Stem parts and functions (e.g. medulla and etc.)
Structures under the cortex; parts and function (limbic system
and etc.)
Cortex parts and function (e.g. Cortex) and Cerebral
hemisphere (e.g. Corpus callosum and etc.).
Four lobes of brains; parts and functions (e.g. Occipital lobes
and etc.)
Association areas of cortex (Broca’s Aphasia and etc.)
Split brain research and what it’s all about and its conclusion.
On chapter 2, the topic is about the Biological Perspective. It’s also consisted of:
On chapter 3, the topic is about the Sensation and Perception. It’s also consisted of:
Sensation and its parts and definition (stimulus
and etc.)
Color vision
Parts of the eyes (e.g. rods and etc.)
3 coats of eyeballs (e.g. sclerotic coats and etc.)
Different visual defects (e.g. myopia and etc.)
Theories of Vision (e.g. Young Helmholtz
Hearing and auditory phenomena (e.g. pitch
and etc.)
Auditory defects (e.g. nerves deafness and etc.)
Theories of hearing (e.g. The place theory and
Nose and olfaction phenomena (e.g. chemical senses and etc.)
Theories of Olfaction (e.g. Traditional theory)
Taste or Phenomena of Gustation
The 4 kinds of basic flavors (e.g. sweets and etc.)
Touch or tactile (e.g. pain and etc.)
Other senses (e.g. Equilaboratory senses and etc.)
The Perceptual process (e.g. characteristic of perception and etc.)
Errors of Perception (e.g. Illusion and etc.)
ESP or extra sensory perception (e.g. Telepathy and etc.)
On Chapter 8, the topic is about Development across lifespan and its consisted of:
Human development
Longitudinal design
Developmental research designs (e.g. cross-sectional
design and etc.)
Nature vs. Nurture
Genetics and Development (e.g. genetics,
chromosomes and etc.)
Conception and Twins (e.g. monozygotic twins and
Periods of pregnancy (e.g. germinal stage and etc.)
Fetal periods
5 Infant reflexes (e.g. grasping reflex and etc.)
6 motor milestones (e.g. raising heads and etc.)
Physical Development in Infancy and Childhood
(e.g. 4 critical areas of adjustment for newborns and
Cognitive Development
Piaget’s Cognitive stages of theory (e.g. sensorimotor
stage and etc.)
Vygotsky’s Theory (e.g. scaffolding and etc.)
Newer Theory (child-directed speech)
Stages of language development (e.g. cooing and