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Accountancy (Bsa1)

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Academic year: 2023/2024
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National University (Philippines)


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Think of three servant leaders in Philippines History. Recall their acts of Leadership and the result of these acts. Be guided by the table below. You may refer to other sources to answer this activity

My Servant Leader’s name Field of expertise (politics, religion, business, academics, etc)

Contribution to Society

  1. Ramon Magsaysay Politics, Soldier, At the time, he served as president of the Philippines and was successful in putting down the Huk movement of local communist insurgents. The Ramon Magsaysay Award, which bears his name, recognizes Asian excellence in a variety of fields, such as the media and public servoffic
  2. Miriam Defensor Santiago Politics, Lawyer, Journalist She launched operations against criminal organizations, including the Yakuza, declared the Philippines to be “the world’s capital of counterfeit passports,” overcrowded the CID detention facility with illegal immigrants, and ordered the construction of a new one.
  3. Manuel L. Quezon Politics He created National Council of Education. He initiated women's suffrage in the Philippines during the Commonwealth. He made Tagalog/Filipino as the national language of the Philippines

The statement “Truth matters – persevere – God is unstoppable” is a powerful declaration of faith, resilience, and determination. These words are an important reminder that, despite the challenges we face in life, we must remain steadfast in our pursuit of what is right and true.

The first part of the statement, “Truth matters,” emphasizes the importance of honesty and integrity in all aspects of our lives. In a world where lies and deceit are often the norm, it is crucial to uphold the truth and always strive for accuracy and authenticity. This is particularly important in today’s world of fake news and misinformation, where it can be difficult to discern fact from fiction. However, by holding fast to the truth and seeking out reliable sources of information, we can navigate through these challenging times with greater clarity and purpose.

The second part of the statement, "persevere," highlights the need for resilience and determination In the face of adversity. Life is full of obstacles and setbacks, but we must never give up or lose hope. Instead, we must keep pushing forward, even when the road ahead seems steep and treacherous. This requires a great deal of strength and courage, but it is essential if we want to achieve our goals and fulfill our potential.

The final part of the statement, "God Is unstoppable,” speaks to the power of faith and belief. It reminds us that, no matter what challenges we may face, we are not alone. We can draw strength and inspiration from a higher power, knowing that we are part of a greater plan and purpose. This can bring comfort and reassurance during difficult times, and help us stay focused on what truly matters.

As I reflect on these words, I am struck by their relevance and wisdom. In a world that can often feel chaotic and uncertain, it is reassuring to know that truth, perseverance, and faith can guide us through even the toughest of times. Whether we are dealing with personal struggles or larger societal issues, we can draw strength from these principles and remain steadfast in our pursuit of a better tomorrow.

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Document - Student

Course: Accountancy (Bsa1)

999+ Documents
Students shared 2616 documents in this course
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Think of three servant leaders in Philippines History. Recall their acts of Leadership and the
result of these acts. Be guided by the table below. You may refer to other sources to answer this
My Servant Leader’s name Field of expertise (politics,
religion, business,
academics, etc)
Contribution to Society
1. Ramon Magsaysay Politics, Soldier, At the time, he served as
president of the Philippines
and was successful in putting
down the Huk movement of
local communist insurgents.
The Ramon Magsaysay
Award, which bears his name,
recognizes Asian excellence
in a variety of fields, such as
the media and public
2. Miriam Defensor Santiago Politics, Lawyer, Journalist She launched operations
against criminal
organizations, including the
Yakuza, declared the
Philippines to be “the world’s
capital of counterfeit
passports,” overcrowded the
CID detention facility with
illegal immigrants, and
ordered the construction of a
new one.
3. Manuel L. Quezon Politics He created National Council
of Education. He initiated
women's suffrage in the
Philippines during the
Commonwealth. He made
Tagalog/Filipino as the
national language of the