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Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology


BS Nursing (BSN)

462 Documents
Students shared 462 documents in this course
Academic year: 2018/2019


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the structure between the structure of body its function occurring during conception to Embryology EMBRYO from conception to 8th week of development Cytology CELLS of cells Histology TISSUES tissues (cells Gross study of structures without using the microscope System group of structures one or more common functions ex. nervous, systems Region studies the body ex. etc. exterior looks the exterior of the body to the structures deeper inside the body for pictures of structures uses (MRI), etc. differ from the Roentgen first medic4l scientist to use Physiology scientific of the processes or functions of living things to predict the responses to stimuli to how the body equilibrium systems regions : function involve portions of system in more one region Cell Physiology processes occurring in cells Systemic Physiology functions of the systems Neurophysiology nervous system U. Physiology blood vessels with of its development of conditions due to Exercise Physiology in function structure exercise WHAT IS ANATOMY? An4tomy ex4mines the structure 4nd its rel4tionship with its function. WHAT IS PHYSIOLOGY? Physiology 4ims to underst4nd the processes of 4 living thing. Specific4lly, its responses to stimuli 4nd how it homeost4sis. WHAT IS THE IMPORTANCE OF DETERMINING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION? Knowing the structure 4nd its corresponding 4llows the person to determine the his wellbeing. Therefore, he c4n 4d4pt 4nd ch4nge his lifestyle to cope with the needs of his own body. Gener4lly, this is to prolong life. ANATOMY VS PHYSIOLOGY An4tomy de4ls with the structures of the body 4nd their physiology, on the other h4nd, de4ls with how they function. GROSS ANATOMY VS SURFACE ANATOMY Gross An4tomy does not m4ke use of 4 microscope in order to study the structures of the body. Surf4ce An4tomy m4kes use of technologies to look 4t the or exterior of the body to visu4lize its inner p4rts. PHYSIOLOGY: ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Systemic Physiology is employed when studying the endocrine system. WHY ARE ANATOMY PHYSIOLOGY NORMALLY STUDIED TOGETHER? Studying An4tomy m4kes us underst4nd the rel4tionship between 4 p4rticul4r body structure 4nd its function. Physiology complements this giving us the inform4tion

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Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

Course: BS Nursing (BSN)

462 Documents
Students shared 462 documents in this course
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investig-tes the bodyʼs structure
ex-mines rel-tionship between the structure of - body p-rt -nd its function
Development#l An#tomy
structur-l ch-nges occurring during conception to -dulthood
ch-nges from conception to 8th week of development
structur-l fe-tures of cells
ex-mines tissues (cells + m-teri-ls)
Gross An#tomy
study of structures without using the microscope
- group of structures
h-ve one or more common functions
ex. c-rdiov-scul-r, nervous, respir-tory, skelet-l, muscul-r systems
studies the body -re- by -re-
ex. he-d, -bdomen, -rm, etc.
Surf#ce An#tomy
surf-ce” = exterior
looks -t the exterior of the body to visu-lize the structures deeper inside
the body
for -n-tomic-l l-ndm-rks
An#tomic#l Im#ging
cre-tes pictures of intern-l structures
uses r-diogr-phs (x-r-ys), ultr-sound, m-gnetic reson-nce im-ging
(MRI), etc.
An#tomic#l Anom#lies
physic-l ch-r-cteristics th-t differ from the norm-l p-ttern
*Wilhem Roentgen - first medic4l scientist to use x-r4ys
scientific investig-tion of the processes or functions of living things