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DLP-Final-Demo - Lesson plan
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English (BSED ENGLISH 3)
Southern Masbate Roosevelt College
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School Osmeña Colleges Grade Level
Teacher Albao, Salvacio n C. Learning Area
Teachin g Dates and Time Quarter 1 st I. OBJECTIVES A. C o nt e nt St a n d ar d Demonstrates understanding of comparing and ordering whole numbers. B. P er fo r m a n ce St a n d ar d Is able to recognize and represent whole numbers in various forms and contexts. C. Le ar ni n g C o m p et e n ci es / O bj ec ti v es At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
- Arrange the whole numbers in ascending and descending order.
- Comparing numbers to increasing or decreasing order. M4NS-Ib-12. II. CONTEN T Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. REFERENCES T e ac h er ’s G ui d e
Le ar n er ’s M at er ial s
ex tb o o k P a g es by Ricardo M. Crisostomo and Alicia L. Padua page 11-17 Our World Of Math (vibal) A d di ti o n al M at er ial s fr o m Le Power point presentation, Manila paper, White Board, Sticker/Printed pictures, Projector, White board marker ar ni n g R es o ur ce s (L R) p or ta l B. OTHER LEARNIN G RESOURC ES IV. PROCED URES
A. R
e vi e wi n g pr e vi o us The teacher will: Good morning/afternoon, class. Let us pray first, who wants to lead the prayer? You may now take The student will: Goo d afte rnoo n/m orni
our lesson. Let’s try this activity. Activity: Sequence or Not Direction: Determine whether the following given is a sequence or not.
- 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
- AA, CC, EE, GG
- 20, 50, 55, 30, 105
- 123, 566, 365, 957, 487
- a, e, i, o, u
- 101, 201, 304, 501
- cba, fed, ihg
- 78, 80, 82, 84, ds) Teac her! Abo ut plac e valu e and valu e up to one hun dred thou san d Yes,
Good job class! It seems that you have really mastered our previous lesson. teac her we’r e read y. It has a limit ed num ber of ter ms. An endl ess prog ressi on of
discr ete obje cts, espe ciall y num bers . Sequence Sequence Not Sequence Not Sequence Not Not Sequence Sequence B. Es ta bl is hi n g p ur p os e of th e le ss o n Since you’ve been doing great in all the activities in our previous lesson, I think it would be better to introduce our new lesson with a new activity that I’m sure you would enjoy. Is everyone excited? Activity: Complete the Incomplete Direction: Look, investigate and find the missing term of each sequence. 1. 2. 3. 4. Yes, ma’ am. Exp ecte d ans wer s:
that represents an arithmetic sequence is item no. 4. a r i t h m e t i c s e q u e n c e. Yes, ma’ am. A sequ ence refe rs to a set of obje cts that are arra nge d toge ther to for m a patt ern. (So me says yes, and som e did not) D. Di sc us si Look back from our first activity. In item no. 4, notice that each block or Yes, ma’ am.
n g n e w c o n ce pt s a n d pr ac ti ci n g n e w sk ill s # 1 square increases after the other, right? This type of sequence where every term after the first is obtained by adding a constant called the common difference is known as an Arithmetic Sequence. In the above example, the common difference is 1. How? Absolutely! In general, the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence with a 1 as the first term and "d ” as the common difference are. a 1 , a 1 + d, a 2 + d If a 1 and d are known, it is easy to find any term in an arithmetic sequence by using the rule Is everything going smooth and clear? Bec ause the succ eedi ng item is dete rmin ed by addi ng one fro m the prev ious ter m. Yes, Do you have any clarifications? Since there’s none, let us proceed with the examples. 1 the 7th term of the arithmetic sequence 3,9,15,21,27, ... Solution: Since the first term is known and the common difference is most likely to be 6(9 3 3 =6=15 3 9), then the substitution an=a 1 +(n− 1 )d a 7 = 3 + (7 – 1) 6 a 7 = 3 + (6) 6 a 7 = 3 + 36 a 7 = 39 2. What is the 100th term of the sequence 0,5,10, 15, ...? Solution: Obviously, the constant difference between the terms is 5, Given the first term and d. an=a 1 +(n− 1 )d ma’ am! No ma’ am! Yes, ma’ am. (Stu dent will
ac ti ci n g n e w sk ill s # 2 all the formulas that we tackle about, please memorize it. How about the sequence? What is the sequence again? Anyone? Very good! Thank you! In your thoughts or ideas about the topic that we tackle today which is the arithmetic sequence, what are the difference between geometric sequence and arithmetic sequence? Applause everybody! Excellent! You will be given five points. sub 1 plus the qua ntity of n min us 1 time s d. Ma’ am! A sequ ence refe rs to a set of obje cts that are arra nge d toge ther to for m a patt ern. An arit hme tic sequ ence is obta ined by addi ng a cons tant num ber to the prev ious ter m. Whil e the geo met ric sequ ence is foun
d by mul tiply ing by a cons tant calle d the com mon rati o, r. Tha nk you, ma’ am. F. D e v el o pi n g M as te ry (L e a ds Now, I want you to form a group of 10 people or members. Then you are going to choose or pick a problem or question to answer and present it to the class. Note: See attached quiz at the bottom of the lesson plan. The first group or team that can show or present their (The stud ents feel excit ed) Yes, Ma’ am to fo r m a ti v e as se ss m e nt ) answers in front will be exempted in our quiz later. So, is everyone ready? You only have 3 minutes to answer, and your timer starts now! Times up! Alright! Who wants to share first their answer? Anyone? Yes, please! Everyone, Give her/him a round of applause. Wow, they must have listened well in our discussion. Thank you and congratulations you are exempted to our quiz later! You may now take your seats! (Student will start answering their group activity) We’ re not finis h yet, Ma’ am! (Students hesitantly to go in front) Ma’ am. (Perfectly presenting their answer) Tha nk you, ma’ am, G. Fi n Great! It seems like you’re all into
Arit hme tic Seq uen ce (1,2, 3,4, 5) Arit hme tic Seq uen ce (Stu dent will rais e their han ds) Arit hme tic sequ ence is ever ywh ere. We may not tota lly noti ce it, but it exist
The first image is purely a sequence but do not clearly illustrate an arithmetic sequence. They can be other types of sequence since growth and development from one thing to another vary. The second image until the last one on the other hand are clear pictures and representations of an arithmetic sequence. An increasing or decreasing order s and are wid ely used arou nd us. It’s just so ama zing how we are livin g with sequ ence s and how do they mak e our envi ron men t fun, orga with a constant difference can be easily seen. These images are just some of the real-life applications of arithmetic sequence. Based on this activity, what can you say about arithmetic sequence in the real world? Your realizations and reflections? That was a heartwarming thought. Thank You! nize d and brea thta king . We sho uld appr ecia te it and use the m for a brig hter and bigg er caus e. H. M ak in g g e n er ali za Any clarification so far? If there’s none, let’s sum up what you’ve learned from this lesson. Again, what is arithmetic Non e, ma’ am. (Stu dent s
nth ter m of a sequ ence , use the gen eral rule: an = a 1 + ¿ d Ma’ am! 4. Man y real- life situ atio ns can be mod elle d usin g sequ ence and serie s, inclu ding but not limit ed to: patt erns mad e whe n tilin g floor s, sea ting peo ple arou nd a tabl e, the rate of cha nge of pop ulati on, the
spre ad of a virus and man y mor e. Ther e are lots of appl icati ons of sequ ence in real- life that peo ple don’ t usu ally noti ce. Ma’ am!
Arit hme tic sequ ence is a set of num bers in whic h eac h phra se diffe rs fro m the prev ious ter m by a fixe d amo unt, calle d com mon
- 295 is what term of the arithmetic sequence 10,25, 40...?
- Given 2,125,248,
- Find the "d ”.
- Find a 250 in the sequence 37,50,63,76, ...
- What should be the value of x so that x + 2, 7 + x, 12 will form an arithmetic sequence?
- There are 115 passengers in the first carriage of a train, 130 passengers in the second carriage and 145 in the third carriage and so on. How many passengers will there be in the 8th carriage?
- A racing car travels 750 meters in a minute. If the car begins racing at exactly 8:00 AM, what time will he reach the finish line if the distance covered by one lap is 10 kilometers and the car needs to complete 3 lapses? Yes ma’ am, Tha nk you! Non e Oh, I almost forgot. You will write it on a 1 whole sheet of paper, and you will submit it on next meeting since we don’t have enough time. Do you have any clarifications or questions, regarding to or topic today?
- A By the way, please research also other examples of applications of arithmetic sequence in real-life setting. Paste the examples in a piece of clean paper. Elaborately explain why such examples belongs specifically to an arithmetic sequence. You can also start studying in advance about arithmetic and geometric series. That’s all for today. Goodbye, class. Oka y ma’ am. Goo dby e Ma’ am. V. REMARKS
A. N
o. o f l e a r n e r s w h o e a r n e d 8 0 % i n t h e
e v a l u a t i o n B. N o. o f s t u d e n t s w h o r e q u i r e a d
DLP-Final-Demo - Lesson plan
Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English (BSED ENGLISH 3)
University: Southern Masbate Roosevelt College
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