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Sdlp-copy - Semi Detailed Lesson Plan
Course: Values Education (Val Ed101)
44 Documents
Students shared 44 documents in this course
University: St. Paul University Manila
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Lesson Parts Expected Teacher Behavior Expected Student Behavior
I. Objectives a. To improve reading
fluency and
b. To identify the
characters, incidents,
and setting of the short
c. To explain their own
prediction about the
d. Identify the noun in the
short simple story
e. Develop reading
comprehension about
different genres
f. Analyze and apply
reading strategies to
understand the text
II. Content Reading Comprehension
III. Learning Resources Videos, Power Point
Presentation, Pictures, Flash
Cards, Laptop, Internet
Connection and Google Meet
(Online Set-up)
Notebook, Pen, Tablet, Internet
Connection and Google Meet
(Online Set-up)
IV. Procedures
A. Introduction
B. Development
C. Engagement
D. Assimilation
A. Introduction
I. Greetings the class
- Good Morning
- Also greet your
classmate’s good
- Let us pray. (Asking
one (1) student to
stand in-front to
lead the prayer)
- In the name of the
father and of the
II. Checking of attendance
- Are there any
absents from the
- Very Good!
III. Energizer
- (The students will
be dancing. They
will be copying the
steps that is in the
video that I will be
- Good morning,
- Good morning
- No absent for today