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Architectural patterns for real-time software
Course: Software Engineering (CSPC 111)
140 Documents
Students shared 140 documents in this course
University: STI West Negros University
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Architectural patterns for real-time software
Architectural patterns are abstract, stylized descriptions of good design practice. They
capture knowledge about the organization of system architectures, when these
architectures should be used, and their advantages and disadvantages. You use an
architectural pattern to understand an architecture and as starting point for creating your
own, specific architectural design.
The difference between real-time and interactive software means that there are distinct
architectural patterns for real-time embedded systems. Real-time systems’ patterns are
process-oriented rather than object- or component-oriented. In this section, I discuss
three real-time architectural patterns that are commonly used:
1. Observe and React
This pattern is used when a set of sensors are routinely monitored and
displayed. When the sensors show that some event has occurred (e.g., an
incoming call on a cell phone), the system reacts by initiating a process to
handle that event.
2. Environmental Control
This pattern is used when a system includes sensors, which provide
information about the environment and actuators that can change the
environment. In response to environmental changes detected by the
sensor, control signals are sent to the system actuators.
3. Process Pipeline
This pattern is used when data has to be transformed from one
representation to another before it can be processed. The transformation
is implemented as a sequence of processing steps, which may be carried