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DAY 2 WEEK 4 Lesson 4 Equipment OF Basketball COPY OF Students

Equipments needed in Basketball

Rhythmic Activities (PE002)

31 Documents
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Academic year: 2022/2023
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Basketball is a simple game; it doesn’t require any equipment other

than a hoop, a ball and a flat court. Even two players can play and have fun

with basketball.

The only essential equipment in a basketball game is the ball and the

court: a flat, rectangular surface with baskets at opposite ends.


  1. Identify the equipment used in Basketball.
  2. Written Activities.


At the end of the week, the students are expected to:

  1. identify the equipment used in Basketball;
  2. classify each equipment used in Basketball; and
  3. appreciate the use of each equipment in Basketball.

Activity1: Jumble Letters

Directions: Arrange the jumbled letter to form the correct word. Write your

answer beside the number.

  1. L A B L 6. T E N

  2. E H S W I L T 7. S T O H K C L C O

  3. R C E S C O R B A O D 8. E O H S S

  4. LOROF 9. R O U C T

  5. O P O H 10. N I U M R O F

Activity 2: Point the Word

Directions: Using the information you got from the previous activity, try to

provide answers to the questions below.

  1. How does the equipment above associated to the game basketball?

Elaborate your answer in each item

Activity 3: Equipment Identification

Directions: Identify the picture below and explain the use of the equipment in playing Basketball.

Equipment Name Use 1.

Officials wear a uniform prescribed by their respective governing body. Usually, officials are dressed in white and black striped shirts, black pants and black shoes. NBA officials wear gray shirts, black pants and black shoes.  SCORE BOOK Score book is used by the scorekeeper who writes down scores and stats on it. Score book is something where you find summary of the whole game, names of the players, their positions and jersey numbers, details of each quarter and half etc.


The offense is allowed a maximum of 24 seconds to have a ball in hand before shooting. These 24 seconds are counted on the shot clock. If the offense fails to shoot a ball that hits the rim, they will lose the possession of the ball to the other team.

 WHISTLE The coach or referee uses a whistle to indicate the start or end of a game. S/he can even use the whistle to stop the play in the middle of a game. Whistle also helps to indicate fouls, timeout, or out of bound balls to the players. In order to get the attention of the players, many times coaches use the whistle to gather the players.



When one starts coaching a basketball team, the most important requirement for a team is to have a uniform. This helps one differentiate teams from one another. A uniform consists of a jersey (shirt), shorts, numbers on the front and back of the shirts for identification.

 SHOES One need specialized shoe when playing basketball. It should be able to give better support to the ankle as compared to running shoes. The basketball shoes should be high-tipped shoes and provide extra comfort during a game. These shoes are specially designed to maintain high traction on the basketball court.


Protective gears and accessories include goggles, face masks, mouth guards, knee pads or brace, headbands, arm sleeves, wristbands etc. Not all players wear necessarily all these things. They use them only when they required them.


google/search? q=basketball+equipment&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj2uoeeqeTuAhUaI6YKHY hADIgQ2- cCegQIABAA&oq=basketball+equipment&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIICAAQsQMQ gwEyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAA6BAgAEEM6B QgAELEDOgoIABCxAxCDARBDOgQIIxAnUP2xvQFYq9O9AWCJ1b0BaABwAHgA gAHFAogB6xiSAQgwLjE3LjIuMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclien t=img&ei=IXEmYLamMJrGmAWIgbHACA&bih=657&biw=1360&rlz=1C1GIGM _enPH850PH guide/basketball


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DAY 2 WEEK 4 Lesson 4 Equipment OF Basketball COPY OF Students

Course: Rhythmic Activities (PE002)

31 Documents
Students shared 31 documents in this course
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Basketball is a simple game; it doesn’t require any equipment other
than a hoop, a ball and a flat court. Even two players can play and have fun
with basketball.
The only essential equipment in a basketball game is the ball and the
court: a flat, rectangular surface with baskets at opposite ends.
1. Identify the equipment used in Basketball.
2. Written Activities.
At the end of the week, the students are expected to:
1. identify the equipment used in Basketball;
2. classify each equipment used in Basketball; and
3. appreciate the use of each equipment in Basketball.
Activity1: Jumble Letters
Directions: Arrange the jumbled letter to form the correct word. Write your
answer beside the number.
1. L A B L 6. T E N
2. E H S W I L T 7. S T O H K C L C O
3. R C E S C O R B A O D 8. E O H S S
4. LOROF 9. R O U C T
5. O P O H 10. N I U M R O F
Activity 2: Point the Word
Directions: Using the information you got from the previous activity, try to
provide answers to the questions below.
1. How does the equipment above associated to the game basketball?
Elaborate your answer in each item