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545193839 Resolution to Call for a Tarrant County Election Audit Sept 2021
Course: Accounting
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University: University of Manila
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WHEREAS: the Constitution of the United States, The “Right to Vote” wasn’t specifically addressed in
the Constitution until Amendments 12,14,15,17,19,20,25, and 26. Election laws are the responsibility of
each State.
WHEREAS: Article VI Section 2 of the Texas Constitution, The privilege of free suffrage shall be
protected by laws regulating elections and prohibiting under adequate penalties all undue influence in
elections from power, bribery, tumult, or other improper practice.
WHEREAS: Jonathan White, the Chief of the Election fraud section in the Texas Attorney General’s
Special Prosecution Division, testified on April 6, during a meeting of the Texas House Elections
Committee that the number of active election fraud cases is “higher than our historical average by a
long shot….We have 510 offenses pending against 43 defendants in court right now and the cases are
getting more complicated.”
WHEREAS: Representative Steve Toth (R-Spring) proposed HB 214 in the 2nd Legislative special session.
However, the Forensic Election Audit bill did not make it to the 3rd Special Legislative session’s agenda.
County Judge of Montgomery County Mark J. Keough said, “Representative Toth proposed bill is timely
and necessary with a view to exposing any instances of fraud during the 2020 election and reassuring
Texas voters that their votes were accurately counted. I fully support passage of this bill and look
forward to the results of the audit.”(2.)
BE IT RESOLVED: Texas Senate Bill 1 (SB1) was passed on 9/7/2021 to close the loopholes in the current
Election Laws in Texas. However, there are still loopholes that exist in the law. (See Table 7)
WHEREAS: the Election Board and Commission meeting on 2/1/2021. Heider Garcia reported several
irregularities in the November 2020 election. (See Table 1)
WHEREAS: former US military intelligence officer and statistical analyst Capt. Seth Keshel analyzed the
trends of voter registration vs. actual votes. “Put simply, massive Trump gains in San Antonio, Ft. Worth,
and Houston don’t agree historically with a corresponding massive Democrat jump in those counties.
Tarrant county reporting 75,000 excess votes.” (See Table 2)
WHEREAS: Retired Ft. Worth attorney Bill Fearer with a group of 50 professional citizens from Ft. Worth
requested Open Records data found several anomalies or irregularities in the May 1, 2021 Tarrant
County elections. After a brief overview of the 2021 municipal elections (May 1 and June 5), the group
found addresses of voters from vacant lots, commercial properties, post office boxes and addresses of
post offices and UPS stores, non-existent addresses, and voters voting from the Tarrant County
courthouse -- all illegal votes according to the registration requirements, and yet, those votes were
counted. He reported the Tarrant County elections on May 1 had a 125% increase in voters. This is an
extraordinarily high percentage increase. (See Chart H) There are a number of reasons why there would
be an increase but given the population growth, the increase in voters should be around 1.75% increase
per year, that is a major jump in numbers. Why would there be 19,000 new registered voters AFTER the
Nov. 2020 election?
“With vacant lots and ballot harvesting it stood to reason that computers could play a part. What
evidence would there be?” Dr. Douglas Frank (See Table 3)