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Demo making inferences 012319
Course: English Grammar (Eng101)
121 Documents
Students shared 121 documents in this course
University: University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos
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School: Culipapa National High School Grade Level: 7
Teacher: Rogelio B. Garinga Jr. Learning
A. Content
The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary
Philippine literature as a means of responding to the demands
of the global village; various extended text types; lexical and
contextual cues; appropriate and polite oral language, stance,
and behavior; and use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs, and
B. Performance
The learner transfers learning by: explaining the need to be
cooperative and responsible in today’s global village; using
appropriate strategies to comprehend extended text types;
using lexical and contextual clues to understand unfamiliar
words and expressions; using imperatives, prepositions, and
appropriate and polite oral language, stance and behavior in
various information-sharing formats.
C. Learning
Make simple inferences about thoughts and feelings expressed
in the text
I. CONTENT Making Inferences
II. REFERENCE www.risd.k12.nm.us
English for All Times 6. 1999. pp 61-63.
English Expressways II. 2007. pp 12, 98, 140.
a. Review What to remember in making predictions or predicting
Do we use our background knowledge?
b. Activity Activity A: Reading Drill
The teacher presents to the students a text to read. He
models how to say it as each student takes note of the
correct production of sounds and important points
signaled by and changes in volume. The teacher can use
the I Do, We Do, You Do strategy.
A newspaper is better than a magazine and on a
seashore is better than on a street. At first, it is better to
run than to walk. Also you may have to try several times.
It takes some skill but it is easy to learn. Even young
children can enjoy it. Once successful, complications are
minimal. Birds seldom get close. One needs lots of room.
Rain soaks in very fast. Too many people doing the same
thing can also cause problems. If there are no
complications, it can be very peaceful. A rock will serve
as an anchor. If things break loose from it, however, you
will not get a second chance.
Activity B: Discussion
The teacher discusses what is inference, and how to
make inference from the text listened or read.
Activity C: Activity Proper
The teacher divides the class in to 4 cooperating
teams. Each team reads and understands the reading
text, and makes conclusion or judgement about the
text read by answering the given question. Per team
is given 10 minutes to do the task. Afterwards, 10
minute is allotted for presentation.
SET A for Artist Group